by Robert Wilkinson
Uranus re-entered Taurus at 12:35 am PST March 6 where it will remain until July 2025. We had a dress rehearsal between May and November 2018, where we were introduced to these energies which will now be in play for a long time, awakening all things Taurus in the world and our lives.
We’ve now finished the 7 year era of Uranus in Aries, which awakened new ways of expressing our Aries energies. We became aware of needing to act on our own behalf in our own way and time, and gave ourselves permission to “be different” than who we were before 2010. This awakened an essential part of our Being which has learned to act independently on our own authority.
When Uranus changes signs, it brings forms of transpersonal rebirth wherever we have that new sign in our birth charts. As Taurus follows Aries, it stabilizes and anchors Aries energy in simple utilitarian concrete forms. We were introduced to Taurus energy last year when it occupied the first 3 degrees of Taurus between mid-May and early November when direct and retrograde in that span. That was the dress rehearsal mentioned earlier.
Uranus brings revolutionary conditions in the sectors it transits. We had our initial “direct revolution” involving the first three degrees of Taurus between mid-May and early August 2018, and a second “retrograde awakening” between early August and early November when it retrograded back over the first three degrees of Taurus. That was a period of initial and/or radical awakenings and spiritual transformations for those with planets or angles in early Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
As it will transit the first three degrees of Taurus through the end of April, it means we’re about to have a third revolution and/or awakening in the sector where we have early Taurus! It will go stationary retrograde at 7 Taurus in August, and then retrograde back to 3 Taurus where it will go direct in January 2020. That puts the first 7 degrees of Taurus (and all the fixed signs) in a revolutionary period which will last this year and next!
”You Say You Want A Revolution….”
Uranus individualizes us according to the Higher Law of our Being. It shows us our creative uniqueness, and can bring forth radical changes that move us into new directions we've never known, or bring forth specialized manifestations of individualizing patterns we've accepted. It is our genius, our specialized Self which sings its own unique song through space and time.
Our individuality has countless expressions to learn. It could be said that Uranus represents the “eternal revolution” of Spirit prodding matter to become unique. As it transits our houses, we individualize in our expression in those life areas, usually through “revolutionary developments” of the nature of the sign Uranus is in.
So though we can expect "revolutionary developments" of a Taurus nature over the next 7 years, it may help to understand these long wave spiritual transformational energies by taking a look back at the Aries types of "revolutionary developments" of 2010-2018, the Pisces types of "revolutionary developments" of 2003-2011, and the Aquarian "revolutionary developments" of 1995-2003. Each of these transits awakened those areas of our lives in some way perfect for our individuality. We're ALWAYS going through "revolutionary developments" on Earth, just of different natures affecting different parts of our reality.
What To Expect From Uranus in Taurus
While it certainly issues in the commencement of a new 7-year era, it also begins the second stage in the new 84-year era we began in 2010 when Uranus entered Aries, where many things will be confirmed and “made substantial.” I’ll note that it's not the first time nor the last time it's been in the determined, calm, steady, and durable “let’s enjoy life for all it’s worth” sign of Taurus.
We may find parallels by looking back at the last time Uranus was in Taurus between 1934-1942, when it substantiated the last Uranus in Aries pulse between 1927-1934. Seems then the “Roaring 20s” collapsed into the Great Depression and the “New Deal,” and was substantiated by the New Deal programs and the run up to WWII. We’ll discuss other past Uranus in Taurus epochs in a future article.
So what does Taurus represent? Taurus, the sign of the seed growing quickly from sprout to plant, absorbing life force and transmuting it through photosynthesis into the strength of the growing stalk, seeks to stabilize the life force of Aries by the natural force of steady growth. Taurus is definitely a calming and stabilizing influence, but also refuses all it cannot “own” and will dig in and fight without quarter those who would usurp its field of activity or power in that field.
Taurus is also a leadership type of energy, less impulsive and “do it alone” than Aries, intent on securing and stabilizing the initiatives set into motion by that sign. It tends the seeds in its field of activity, nurturing them and protecting them as they grow into large things that bear fruit in their own seasons. Aries spreads the 10,000 seeds that are being continually planted by Life itself, but doesn’t tend them. That’s the job of Taurus.
Please keep in mind that Uranus in Taurus will impact each of us differently, since we've each developed different ways of responding to natal, progressed, or transiting Taurus energy. Remember there are both "good" disruptions as well as "bad" ones. Often an abrupt creative turn to the new, even if a bit daunting, is better than staying where there is no more life electricity.
There's a lot being written about the very dramatic developments we should see coming fairly quickly from the re-entry of Uranus into Taurus. However, this is just one more step in the Eternal Dance of human evolution. As I pointed out earlier, there have been many such times in history!
While there will be periods these next 7 years (and beyond!) that seem very disruptive, there have always been such times. At some point a status quo must end, and anything that effects that revolution will be seen as disruptive.
The Eternal Evolution Proceeds!
As we move from the old era to the new, it will be helpful to remember that we are collectively birthing a new view of Life, Matter, Energy, Light, Magnetism, and Electricity. We've already made great strides since the end of the Kali Yuga over these past 300 years, and now are fully entering the Dwapara Yuga, said to be the Great Age of "Electromagnetic Remembrance."
As Uranus is "the Awakener," the Brahmanic Divine Force of the Law of Synthesis, we will see the emergence of the new Divine Seeds that were set when Pluto conjuncted the Galactic Center between 2006-2011. This is the emergent point in Cosmic Time, when new laws, new order, new structures, new governments, new disciplines, and a new sense of responsibility is coming upon the human race.
As we individually act, as we individually create, as we individually synthesize, a more efficient (and hopefully enjoyable and rewarding!) way of doing our Being will come forth. This is the time when many things that have seemed like “regular ways of doing business” will go through radical changes!
It may be that revolutionary new developments will occur in the world of money, commerce, resources, goods, and even the supply chains that distribute these to various areas of life. We could see disruptions in the money supply, the credit supply, the food supply, and much that we thought was previously stable. Still, it’s all teaching us to live free, adapt in the moment, keep our focus on the Eternal, and like the Fool in the Tarot, step off the precipice into a new individuality in the area Uranus is transiting in our chart.
Uranus is the Higher Law driving us toward individualization. The Seeker who danced on the edge of the threshold in the Summer of 2010 and has been on a new life adventure since then is now demanded to live a dynamic new phase of that adventure! A line from Lucille Clifton seems apropos here: "You might as well answer the door my child, the truth is furiously knocking!
In the next article, we'll explore some of the qualities and characteristics of Uranus in Taurus, and other important factors happening at this momentous point of shift in time!
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Looking forward to learning more about Uranus into Taurus Robert.
It would be so helpful, if you offered some general insights into this new transit, in each house.
Hey, I thought the Kali Yuga was the assumed cycle we are in NOW and that the Dwapara Yuga came before the Kali Yuga??
This has been my understanding via Yoga philosophy and general Hindu studies.
Thanks! JM
Posted by: JM | March 08, 2019 at 12:49 AM
Thank you for your presentation of astrology as possibility . "This is the emergent point in Cosmic Time, when new laws, new order, new structures, new governments, new disciplines, and a new sense of responsibility is coming upon the human race." Blessings
Posted by: Bonnie Orgren | March 10, 2019 at 08:04 AM
Looking at Algeria and Sudan! Just to say, in Arabic, a bull is "thawr" and revolution is "thawra". Definitely in tune.
Posted by: Julie | March 17, 2019 at 12:47 PM