by Robert Wilkinson
We set sail into June with all the inner planets making radical changes in the first 10 days! Because they primarily transit Gemini and Cancer this month, and those signs are opposed to heavyweights Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, a lot is going to bubble to the surface in the next few weeks, with continued polarization and splendid opportunities for expansive and profound realizations and expression of our Higher Self!
Mercury continues to occupy Gemini through June 4th, when it enters Cancer. It moves out of its home and into being ruled by whatever sign the Moon is in. Venus leaves its home sign of Taurus on June 8, and enters restless Gemini, now ruled by the Moon. So two inner planets, associated with our everyday lives and affairs, both “leave home” in the near future and enter a period of restless fluidity.
Of course these shifts will affect us wherever we have Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra in our charts. Specifically, wherever we have late Taurus through early Leo will be the focus of our Solar, Mercurial, and Venusian affairs in life. These June transits will give substance to things which began to be set into motion by Mars at the March 2019 Equinox.
Mars moves from 11 to 29 Cancer this month. As Mars moves slower than the inner planets, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all converging on conjunctions with Mars between now and early September. This compression of the planets inside Jupiter’s orb is sure to bring a lot of closure to areas in our past and refocus our lives toward the late Leo and early Virgo areas of our charts.
Mars brings major changes for those of us with planets in mid-to-late Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Especially if you have a Sun or Mercury in these signs, go slow when Mars conjuncts, squares, or opposes them, from the day before to the day after! This month favors efforts to establish the foundations of whatever new life we’ve been living since January.
We’ll see major events at several points this month. The oppositional tension begins to express when the Sun forms a mutable T-square with Neptune on its station and Jupiter on June 9/10, triggering the Jupiter square Neptune in play all month. It also semisquares Uranus, creating 4 points in a Great Octile.
This is the “Rhombus Diamond” configuration I write about every Lunation. If you have any planets or points near the Rhombus Diamond active spans in mid-mutable signs and early fixed signs, prepare for some “cutting, grinding, and polishing” in those parts of your life. This T-square will be replicated by Venus on June 23/24, so expect those two periods to be related in your personality integration experience of those times. Stick to the plan, pay attention to details, make sure everything’s checked off the list, and make practical adjustments.
Besides these two T-square in play, by June 8 we have Mercury making its approaching conjunction with Mars in Cancer. Along the way they make trines to Neptune, favoring concentration and hearing a “higher voice,” just before making oppositions to Saturn!
These Cancer-Capricorn lines of tensional awareness are triggered June 12 by Mars opposition Saturn in play for several days, and again June 14 when Mercury opposes Saturn just before the Christfest Full Moon on June 17. Things continue to converge quickly when Mercury conjuncts Mars on June 18 at 22 Cancer followed immediately by both Mercury and Mars oppose Pluto on June 19-20. Each of these periods will have “aftershocks” for several days after, so be prepared!
So we have an integrative Mutable T-square influencing the second and fourth weeks of June, and the Mercury conjunct Mars with both opposed Saturn and Pluto dominating June 12-24. By the time this crescendo is done, we move into the last 10 days of June featuring the Neptune Retrograde Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice with Mercury crashing into retrograde as it leaves Cancer and enters Leo on June 26 after the second Mutable T-square.
In terms of evolutionary astrological dynamics, the Cancer-Capricorn oppositions will give us “tensional awareness” relieved by the sextiles and trines to Neptune, generating very positive Virgo energies. These positive productive energies can be released through the Mutable T-square, also into the same area of Virgo. These should provide techniques of mastering some form of “education through activity.”
So keep your eyes on the prize, get clear about the roles you’re playing and find ways to play them with enthusiasm and a broad view of things, encourage friendly competition, even between parts of yourself, and when in doubt, move to a new location! There’s nothing wrong with going inward and reorienting if something isn’t right for you. And if you do, pay no attention to any judgments in the air. See it all as a practical exercise in reorienting your focus to something which works for you.
The mid-June oppositions will accelerate and intensify a lot of things! Rise to the occasion, allow new blood and new ideas to be introduced into established systems, and “join together with the band!” There are “seeds of rewards” to be claimed, and our interactions will build emotional capital which will yield newer more creative lives after August.
From here we go on.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for this, Robert. As a Cancer Sun & Mercury with Asc., Venus & Mars in Gemini, I found this article particularly interesting. I'm very well acquainted with "restless fluidity!"
Posted by: Diana | May 31, 2019 at 06:22 PM