by Robert Wilkinson
Because this is such a special Full Moon each year, holding the theme of the “Buddha Wisdom” for 2019 which is the “world teaching” for all of humanity, I figured I’d pull all the related articles together in a one stop shop!
Remember that the themes of the “Three High Moons” show us the life force for the year, the compassionate wisdom for the year, and the world teaching for the year. The first opens “the doors of life,” the second establishes “the wisdom theme,” and the coming third Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius is how the wisdom is spread into the world by the World Teacher. I’ll write more about the coming “Christfest Full Moon” in a few weeks.
Here they are in the order they were published. Each of these is unique and contains vital information about this extraordinarily important Full Moon and its various themes and qualities. There’s a lot of information, and by seeing the whole picture, you’ll understand how the wisdom will manifest in your lives throughout 2019 and beyond!
Spiritual Astrology In 2019 - The Three High Moons of the Northern Hemisphere Spring
The May 2019 Wesak Festival Full Moon of 28 Scorpio-Taurus Pt. 3 – Aspects, Configurations, and More
If you want to know more about the “life force” themes of this year, please revisit the articles related to the Full Moon in Aries-Libra which posted this time last month.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson