by Robert Wilkinson
We are navigating the eye of the storm I told you was coming last week and the week before. We now are moving through Moon conjunct Saturn and Pluto opposed Mercury and Mars in Cancer opposing Saturn and Pluto.
Even though Mercury and Mars are both done with opposing Saturn, the Moon collects that energy bringing those oppositions back to the front of the action! Today Mercury conjuncts Mars for the first of three conjunctions, this one’s in Cancer, the next one in early July will be in early Leo, and the third will be in September in mid-Virgo, so we have a LOT of Mercury conjunct Mars activity going on through mid-July and again in early September!
Oppositions are good for realization and transcending polarity by seeing the opposition within a larger context of something coming to surface. Oppositions to Pluto can bring out corrosive or dishonest actions in people, but they can also lead us to see deceptions and counter them.
Mars opposed Pluto is a volatile and often dangerous energy, and if there are tendencies to be heavy handed or ruthless in the use of force, this aspect will bring those qualities out. It challenges us to get behind inhibiting circumstances, and be wise in the economic use of force, in this instance using positive Cancer energy to express the best of Pluto in Capricorn.
Mercury opposed Pluto can bring out nasty speech and opinions, as well as lies and deliberate deceptions. Pay attention to the motive behind what you’re told at this time; is there coercion present, or manipulation? If someone goes to extreme points of view, then what they’re saying probably isn’t entirely true, regardless of the passion with which they state what they’re saying.
Aspects are usually most powerful immediately after they are exact, so be extremely careful in travel and what you agree to these next 72 hours! Given we also have Jupiter square Neptune going stationary retrograde at the Solstice, we’re in the midst of a maelstrom at a turning point of the year. Be reasonably cautious, and provoke nothing at this time since the pushback may be overwhelmingly negative.
Because of the convergence of so many powerful energies at this time, keep a steady hand, remember you’re leaving some things behind and have already reoriented toward the future, and now you’re building bridges to get from here, the heart of a storm you cannot take personally, to a new land and new life which will become evident by late July, and take shape in August and September.
We also have Venus making a mutable T-square over the next week! This will be a Venusian expression related to the Solar Mutable T-square of June 8-11, as it will be valued in a different light when Venus makes the same T-square June 22-25. As the releases and integration/reintegration of that evolutionary configuration creates a void in 19 Virgo, pay attention to details, since you’re learning some sort of “education in action” related to the value of friendly competition to maximize results as you prepare for a new “adventure in consciousness.”
As I told you a week ago, there seemed to be more confusion than normal during the time of the Solar T-square, with exaggerated impulses immediately redirected into a foggy state. I’ve experienced a remarkable amount of cross currents and unclear energy during this time of Jupiter square Neptune, as though things are constantly shifting and changing in ways that are confusing rather than clarifying. The Sun brought light to what roles we should and should not be playing, and should have helped us see clearly how to reorient to escape a harsh condition.
The oppositions between planets in Cancer and Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn began June 12, and will last through June 21. This is the week of extreme oppositional energies, as Mercury closing on its conjunction with Mars will keep the Mars opposition Saturn energies in full manifestation until the Christfest Full Moon on June 17. Mercury conjuncts Mars today, and both Mercury and Mars are opposed by the Moon occulting Pluto tomorrow, June 19!
As the energies of these conjunction/oppositions are intense and polarizing, these potential separations, oppositions, and people not seeing eye to eye will most impact those with planets around 18-24 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This is just the next turning point in their larger cycles, since Saturn and Pluto have been putting pressure on 19-24 Capricorn the entire time.
The week before the recent Full Moon gave us opportunities to learn how to navigate the oppositions using the Cancer trines to Neptune in Pisces, which is exactly sextiled by Saturn at this time. This generates productive and favorable energies around 17-21 Virgo and Scorpio, so recent events helped us intuit via Neptune exactly how to adjust, what to leave behind, and where to put our energies for maximum effectiveness.
This is a “fluid knowing” which helped us see which way the collective fogs and confusions are moving, and how we can reposition ourselves along the Virgo/Pisces harmonized understanding rather than get trapped in the Cancer/Capricorn opposition. As I told you then, sometimes it’s appropriate to “just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan, Stan, you don’t need to be coy Roy, just get yourself free, hop on the bus Gus, you don’t need to discuss much, just drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free.”
Still, as I offered a week ago, even as we’ve been navigating the fog using our “spiritual GPS” during this time of shifts, changes, oppositions and other face-offs, GO SLOW. Consciously slow everything down and redirect the energy away from contention, arguments, flareups, and other impulsive or aggressive-assertive tendencies. Are you caring for yourself, or getting touchy about things which you don’t need to be dealing with? Have you put yourself in a contentious situation in which you need to protect yourself?
Get the plan (Virgo) and be firm (Scorpio) in implementing it. Be like water, changing state if you need to, shrinking from no plunge, letting nothing affect your essential nature. These will be the same energies you can utilize effectively in the second and third weeks of July when the Sun and then Venus also make these oppositions to Saturn and Pluto and trines to Neptune.
So if things have been confused or a bit turned around, it’s not you, it’s the generic atmosphere. And if you’re feeling vulnerable, or tired of a line of activity or a social situation you’re unhappy with, redirect and do something to take care of yourself which takes you away from those frustrating situations and people. Once the oppositions are done in July, they give way to a lot of Leo activity in July and August, followed by VERY favorable Virgo trines to Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto in late August and September! That’s where the Virgo energy we’re learning to practice during the current oppositions and trines will become active skills in our lives helping us to greater effectiveness in the Virgo sector of our charts.
For more about the evolutionary dynamics of these interlocking configuration time periods, please revisit Astrology in June 2019 – Restlessness, Adaptation, Adjustment, and Integration
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, thanks for the incredibly helpful heads up advice.
Among other things, this post helps me understand how voids created earlier are refilled with new forms of energy.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | June 19, 2019 at 03:05 PM
Great post, makes a lot of sense to me!
Posted by: Cathy | June 19, 2019 at 07:24 PM