by Robert Wilkinson
Across the years I have heard a universal human question countless times. Are the members of our family of origin necessarily part of our "Soul Group," and how can we forgive family members who abused us across the year? We can expand this question to include various friends and “Spiritual Brothers and Sisters” we meet along the way who treat us poorly. Do we actually invite the abuse through "karmic choice?"
I last gave this to you almost 5 years ago. This series bears re-posting from time to time, given the quantity of willful and/or destructive behaviors, feelings, and thoughts that pervade the collective atmosphere. Today we’ll revisit the subject of Soul groups, and who may or may not be members of that, both in the short or long term. As usual, I’ve rewritten large parts of it to flesh out some concepts.
Part 2 focuses more on the subject of abuse by family members, and how that is related to our Soul. Of course, we always have the power (and spiritual duty!) to refuse to participate in abusive behaviors, turning away from being a target with compassion, courage, and strength. And yes, it does take strength to say no to abuse when it’s coming down from a family member or someone you thought was your friend. Today for your consideration, here's Part 1.
Is Abuse A Karmic Necessity, and Do We Cause It By Our Past Lives?
I have been asked this question countless times by those who have suffered physical and/or psychological abuse by a family member when they were younger. It seems at some point, many of us have read or heard from alleged “experts” that family members are supposedly part of our “Soul group,” which brings the question how an abusive person could be part of our Soul group.
Do we "invite" abuse from family members to learn spiritual lessons? Is our karma to suffer more abuse in future lifetimes? Is tolerating willful, ignorant and destructive behavior necessary to find forgiveness? Since many grapple with these problematic questions (and certainly not only with family members!), here are a few ideas on these and other related subjects.
Are All the People in our Family in our Soul Group?
While it is true that our Eternal Consciousness "travels in groups with kindred souls," that's not to say we always travel with exactly the same Beings. There are groups and there are Groups, if you know what I mean. And not all beings in a larger group share the same lessons, or level of awareness.
Even within a narrow Soul cluster, different Beings are there to teach each other through their own specialties. Some are more dispassionate, some less. Some are more discriminating, some less. Some are more courageous, some less. Some are more aware of subtleties, some less. Each evolves according to their individual inclinations.
It can also be assumed that since evolution is eternal, we also have much to learn from those who are not part of our immediate Soul cluster, Soul Group, or particular groups. When learning to play a piano, we must master several musical keys, and not stay limited to playing in only one key. While we may be inclined to like one or more keys and melodies, to become a Master on the piano requires that we learn from what is familiar and what is unfamiliar, from what is agreeable and what is disagreeable.
Using a different frame of reference, since all of us are a combination of many different Rays, we learn from two great groups. We learn from and with those in our larger Ray group, and we also from those in different Ray groups. To note, while all the Ray types exist in their own integrity within “All-That-Is,” different Ray types have different means and ends to their perfect fulfillment.
As we dance with Life, sometimes we interact with those with whom we have relatively little in common, while at other times we have experiences with those who may feel more kindred. In the Cosmic Choir, we learn to sing our Song though all kinds of interactions, by unisons, harmonies, silences, and "All Together Now" (thanks, Sir Paul). We also learn from dissonance, if only to know when we're in the wrong place with the wrong people.
Awareness arises from experience. Because we are a Whole Consciousness, any experience we have affects both our inner and outer life. These experiences were precipitated by our prior view, and will precipitate views that will shape our future responses. These views shape who we meet along the path of Life.
By the choices we make we shape our experience. Throughout our lives we find ourselves with a wide range of people, some who feel like they are kindred, while others feel very strange. They also are choosing their behaviors, which have brought them into our sphere. And as others choose and behave as they will, sometimes those choices and behaviors are not what we need or like.
Then we are confronted with how we will react to their behavior. How we choose to act, going with or against the flow, moves us in directions of pleasure or pain. And sometimes what is good for them is not good for us, and what is good for us is not good for them.
Different Strokes for Different Folks
While we all are responding to all the Rays all the time, we are a combination of certain Rays that have their own qualities that they share with some Rays and do not share with other Rays. Again, different musical keys may share a few of the same notes, but other notes within those keys are extraordinarily discordant.
The different Ray groups, as part of their evolution, have totally different methods, means, and lessons for externalizing their truth of Being. A destroyer has a different function than a preserver, or a creator. Each of these has its own potential, and different beings work out each of those functions in our own ways, based on our level of awareness.
Here we must remember that different beings are on different evolutionary levels. Not all destroyers work for good. Some creators are devils. Some preservers prop up forms that shouldn't be indulged in at all, much less perpetuated. Much can be related to intention.
While all Souls are "good" (whatever that means) it can also be said that some personalities are so dysfunctional that it makes their Soul obscured because of unfortunate desires and ideas. When a being indulges very destructive behavior arising from lower motives and desires, it always leads to negative results, regardless of what Ray or cluster or whatever.
There are beings who are extremely willful and do as they please without regard to its effect on others. These people have an extremely unhealthy separateness from their Soul. While there may be some magnetism and karma at work in our meetings with such beings, we should not feel that these beings are part of our Soul group merely because we have magnetism and karma to work through.
So What Is Our Soul Group?
Our Soul, and other beings' Souls, are eternally connected in overlapping radiant Love-Wisdom. No Soul connected to another Soul within a true Soul group, however close or distant, small or large, would ever want anything which would result in suffering or any other negative result.
There are many types of and levels of closeness and distance in these things called "Soul Groups." From one point of view, all Sentient Beings are part of our global "Soul group." We are collectively a great Wave of Light/Life/Love. That is humanity’s unifying Path to Realization and its destiny of shattering forever “the heresy of separateness.”
On another level, those who have truly loved us and we have truly loved, those who took us to a greater, unconditional Love, are our "Soul Group." Everyone who ever encouraged the highest aspirations in each of us, those who opened our hearts and minds to the possibility of leaving behind fear and ego, are part of our “Soul Group.” Again, because we are speaking on the level of the Eternal Self, these people can present a wide range of behaviors and attitude across times and lifetimes. We have many relationships on many levels of existence, and there are many ways for us to get beyond fear, involving both pleasure and pain, construction and destruction.
When we see that all Beings teach us how to learn discernment to overcome the bad and further the good, then we can understand how we feel more spiritually connected with some than others. While we all may be related in some way within the larger Lifewave, that doesn’t mean those in our nuclear family or some of the friends we travel with along the way are necessarily part of our particular Soul group. Certainly, while some in our nuclear family obviously are in our Soul group in some way when we are young, it is just as true that simply because a being is directly related to us genetically, it does not mean they are part of our Soul group.
This is why families have some very disparate Beings, some closer, some not close at all. It's also why a step-parent, step-grandparent, and ancient friends could be more family, more a part of our Soul group, than others we may be related to by blood. Genetics are strong, but Consciousness is everything.
Our parents have a unique relationship to us, as do our grandparents. But it doesn't necessarily mean they are one of the few in our closest Soul cluster. Again, there are levels of connectedness even within a Soul Group. Whether in the body or out, there are varying degrees of intimacy and harmony between Eternals.
For example, there are adoptees who never know their blood parents, but are unconditionally loved by those who adopt them. Those who are raised by blood parents and grandparents in one life may in fact be related to those beings in their Soul group, but even that is subject to change. The number of people we've been related to on Earth is countless. Not all have always been with us on our eternal journey.
The mere fact that someone is related to us by blood does not mean they are part of our Sangha, or Spiritual Fellowship. Our Sangha is composed of those who love us, and inspire the best in us. However, even there, sometimes the lesser love is challenged by a greater Love, and then we find ourselves diverging.
Our Soul connections that we will bring forward from this life are greatly determined by how helpful or hurtful others are toward us this lifetime. Someone who abuses us, even if they are related on some level of "Soul," is jeopardizing the very Soul connection that brought our magnetism together this life. If they indulge abusive actions, feelings, and thoughts it may result in them being part of a much different Soul group and we may never meet them again, in this life or another.
Tomorrow we'll explore the concept of abuse, and how much choice a Being has not to participate in abusive behavior. As always, this topic may bring up some intense feelings, so be gentle and kind with yourselves as you move through very deep and ancient waters.
Also, as I stated in the original articles, please be careful what you post in the comment stream, as it will find its way to google. This is a sensitive subject for many, and so some degree of discretion may be in order.
Copyright © 2019 Robert Wilkinson