by Robert Wilkinson
This initiating, transformational, liberating Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs at 2:38 pm PDT, 10:38 BST pm on July 16, and falls at the 25th degree of Cancer and Capricorn. As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus to see how to anchor those themes in expression. This is the Light of the Mother expressed in taking responsibility joyously with an eye to a “liberated service.”
The last 3 months were the “Three High Moons” of the Northern Hemispheric Spring. We have now launched into a new life, a new Wisdom, and a new World Teaching. We now have ALL launched into some way of serving a greater good. We get a new recalibrated “Life Force” at the Full Moon of Aries-Libra which is expressed as a form of “compassionate Buddha Wisdom” at the Wesak Festival, the Full Moon of Taurus-Scorpio. The Wisdom is offered unique expression through the World Teacher at the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius.
The Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn is how we take the elements of the Wisdom we’re sensitive to and integrate it, reorienting so we can express it in a new sense of responsibility within an organized group setup. The past 90 days has awakened our mind in significant ways which will lead us to wider truths and clarity of purpose arising from our Light.
Today’s Full Moon Eclipse post will be an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In parts 2 and 3 we’ll cover the Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
An Overview
We’re all being pulled to some path to greater spiritual service, with a new life being awakened this Summer. This is a time to dedicate or re-dedicate ourselves to a greater truth and future, and prepare to live a new life beginning in November 2019. The Wisdom and Vision of recent weeks will continue to unfold with this Lunar Eclipse, which like Solar Eclipses, is also a “Cosmic Recycler” come to haul away what we no longer need in our Cancer and Capricorn houses.
Eclipses help us make room for new things by removing everything no longer resonant in our energy field. A Solar Eclipse removes parts of our life so that we may grow into a newer, more evolved Light/Life. A Lunar Eclipse removes parts of our life so that we may find new habits, new expression, new ways of experiencing Life, and new ways to reclaim our primal innocence. The signs Eclipses fall in show us where things are ending, creating a vacuum which will attract new life material.
This Eclipse will help us remove emotional inhibitions so we may find a transcendent security in relatively nice settings. Because Mercury is retrograde, we may experience returns or flashbacks to things removed long ago so we may see how we grew into another direction with the same energies, but evolved. This will show us a) how we were transfigured by past losses into a new heart expression, b) how we need to accept something to fulfill a newer uninhibited heart expression, or c) how shedding old inhibitions in the past opened us to a transfigured life which created who we are today. All of these involve leaving something behind, whether past, present, or future.
Because the Penumbral phase is 5 hours 34 minutes, and the Umbral phase is 2 hours 58 minutes, we’ll be moving into the Eclipse effects for about 5 weeks, experience the full intensity of the Eclipse effects for the following 3 months, and move out of the Eclipse effects for about 5 weeks after that. So the most intense period will be from late August through late November. That makes sense, since November is when our collective experience moves forward into a Grand Compression leading us to radical new developments beginning January 2020!
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
There are two patterns; one is when the Full Moon Sun is the same sign as the previous New Moon Sun, and the other is when the Full Moon Sun is in the next sign from the Sun in the previous New Moon. This is the fourth Full Moon since late July 2017 where the Full Moon Sun falls in the same sign as the Sun in the previous New Moon.
We last had the Sun in the same sign in both the New Moon and Full Moon, the so-called “natural” order, between June 2016 and the late July 2017 New Moon in Leo, when the Full Moon Sun fell in the same sign as the Sun of the previous New Moon. We finished the period of the “natural” order of Lunation Suns at the August 2017 Solar Eclipse in late Leo and began the most recent period where the Full Moon Sun was in the sign following the New Moon Sun.
We were in this “reversed pattern” of the Sun of the Full Moon occupying the sign after the New Moon Sun for 20 months, and now are back to the “natural order” of the Sun in the New Moon being the same as the Sun in the next Full Moon. Last month the New Moon Sun was at 13 Gemini, with the following Full Moon Sun at 26 Gemini. Our recent Solar Eclipse New Moon was at 11 Cancer, and this Lunar Eclipse has a Full Moon Sun at 25 Cancer.
Since the New Moon offers us seeds in the first half of the month’s lunar cycle, and fulfillment in the second half, we now are in a sequence with the “Seed Light” of Cancer coming to a Full Moon illumination through the current Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn. You can learn more about the recent Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11 Cancer by going to The July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11 Cancer – What’s Happening in July 2019 (and through Spring 2024!) and The July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11 Cancer – Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What it All Means.
Planetary Distribution
In this Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Venus at 17 Cancer through Mars at 10 Leo spans 23+ degrees. This span will be the focus of specific activity in our charts. When we add the nearest planet (Uranus), it expands the active span to 5 planets in 93+ degrees. Now that the inner planets plus Mars are outside the outer planet span, our occupied planetary spread extends through 6 signs. We hit maximum compression in March 2018, with all planets between Jupiter at 24 Scorpio and Uranus at 27 Aries, making a very powerful triseptile between the bookends.
At this time we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 6 signs, in an uneven widespread distribution. Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Jupiter in mid Sag, then moves through Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in early Taurus, with the inner planets now occupying Cancer and Leo. In this chart the Moon in Capricorn is inside the occupied span, and with Jupiter and Mars as bookends, it creates an almost perfect Locomotive Bucket Jones pattern.
We’ve now moved into a time period of shifting Jones pattern. The patterns change mainly due to the position of the Moon, and at this Full Moon, the spread also has elements of a Seesaw pattern, since it has 3 oppositions with gaps of 70 degrees on the one side and 126 degrees on the other. However, I believe the open trine is the strongest factor, making it a Locomotive pattern.
So What is a “Locomotive Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets occupying 2/3 of the signs with an empty third, creates an imbalance that leads to power if we can find the compensatory “weight” to make things move forward smoothly rather than rock side to side creating friction. Target what is needed, and provide compensatory energies accordingly.
As Marc Jones put it, “this type of horoscope reveals a balance of this sort in the life. A third part of things… consisting of a free span in experience, is set against a two-thirds part, embracing a related but limited span in experience…. The basis of the dynamic is found in the native’s resulting strong sense of a lack or a need, of a problem to be solved, a task to be achieved in the social and intellectual world around him.”
Dr. Jones states “The temperament reveals a self-driving individuality, an executive eccentricity that is not … unbalance but rather is power. It exhibits a dynamic and exceptionally practical capacity which is neither the broad universality of the Splash pattern, nor the special obsession with some particularly narrowed aspect of experience characteristic of the Bundle people.
He goes on to state “The Locomotive classification is … moved more by external factors in the environment than by aspects of its own character. The point of application for the powers of the self is shown … by the “leading planet,” or the one of the two in the empty trine which forms its aspect clockwise in the zodiac, irrespective of any distinction as “applying” or “separating.”
Jupiter is the leading planet and Mars is the closing planet in the Locomotive. Find appropriate social-spiritual Sagittarian ways to initiate experience as an adventure of discovering new truths, new understanding, and the freedom to “break on through to the other side.” When in doubt whether to play it safe or go for the new, innovative, and unusual, let your Fires burn bright and move forward with inspired confidence!
Allow Jupiterian wisdom, humor, vision, understanding, and the ability to dance with life to bring you to a Mars in Leo joy, enthusiasm, and heart strength, regardless of what must be left behind. Remember the adventure of a Spiritual Adult is not the imaginings of a child, and as we grow in awareness, we are offered opportunities to express our Higher Self.
Because both the leading planet and the closing planet of the Locomotive are in Fire, open through inspiration, move through the experience, and at the end come out with a greater love, nobility, and a natural and enthusiastic heart expression. Any time the planets which open and close a Locomotive are both in Fire signs, keep opening your hearts to the joyous song of life! Be light, see light, live light, express light!
As the Locomotive keeps things out of balance, Jupiter in Sag is now the front end to finding the way of initiating activity that must be accompanied by a compensatory “weight” to keep things moving forward rather than sideways. The more we work with the imbalances by elevating our view to get a broader perspective and frames of reference, the easier it will be to navigate the imbalances in this pattern and come to a different way of acting on our needs. With Sag leading, show enthusiasm as you reorient; with Leo closing, look at your life as a series of adventures where each thing that ended left you transfigured and able to move into a better future.
The Rhombus
As Uranus is still semisquare Neptune, anchoring the off-again, on-again friction Rhombus Diamond configuration, we’ll have to continue to deal with this “cutting, grinding, and polishing” quality each time the Moon moves through the middle of the mutable signs and the end of the cardinal and beginning of the fixed signs. In this chart it’s not activated, since the recent triggering of the Rhombus by Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter is over since they’re now all out of orb.
The perfect Rhombus Diamond is made every September when a planet is in mid-Virgo opposing Neptune at the same time another planet is opposed Uranus, with double semisquares and sesquisquares created between those planets. This creates a massive Octile frictional configuration, which was most recently activated during the late 2018 Full Moons when Venus opposed to Uranus. This year it will be activated when the Moon is in early Scorpio.
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?
First, what it is. The Grand Irrationality is a phenomenon we’ve been living within since 1993. Since then, we’ve been in an extraordinarily irrational period which continues to this day. To refresh you, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave configuration set into motion every time a planet makes a conjunction, septile, biseptile, or triseptile to Neptune and/or Pluto. Septile series aspects show us points in time when our future destiny is precipitated by critical choices made in the present.
Because this configuration involved Neptune and Pluto, two powerhouse Transpersonal planetary representatives of Spirit, they have symbolized the long wave planetary crisis the entire human race has been going through since 1993. From then to now, at one point or another, everyone on Earth has experienced a nonstop energy of having to choose, at the bottom of our beings, the path to evolution or devolution, progress or regress, love or fear, joy or control. It’s why things have been so weird, irrational, and hard-edged.
The Grand Irrationality V.1 was the period when Neptune was septile Pluto. It began in 1993, was very strong and in constant movement the last 5 years of the 20th century and the first 15 years of this century. This phase has now waned, since Neptune no longer makes a forming or partile separating septile to Pluto and won’t again for many centuries.
However, we have now moved into a new phase of The Grand Irrationality! It’s not the configuration as we’ve known it since the 90s, since the Neptune part of the equation has faded into a “pulse” that is triggered after the main configuration is set into play. I explain more downstream.
Uranus began to biseptile Pluto in the Summer of 2017, briefly setting the new configuration into play. That began the current “never-ending revolution” since Uranus, the Cosmic Awakener, is dancing off and on at its “fork in the road of destiny” with Pluto, the Lord of Transformation. I term this phase The Grand Irrationality V.2!
This particular larger period in time is even stranger than it was during the Grand Irrationality V.1, since this period combines Uranus’ semisquare to Neptune with Uranus biseptile Pluto. So along with the hard edge of the Grand Irrationality involving Uranus and Pluto in a 7th harmonic aspects, we also have Uranus in an 8th harmonic frictional aspect to Neptune, another of the Transpersonal Spiritual planets!
In this chart the configuration isn’t triggered, but it will be once the planets begin to transit the zone around 17-21 Leo. I give you all the active zones a few paragraphs down, and if you have a planet or point in one of those zones, the Wisdom Forms coming forth for you in 2019 and early 2020 will find you've navigated a fork in the road of your greater destiny, leaving you ready for a greater adventure and group work in 2020 and beyond!
Saturn’s Dance With Uranus
Saturn made the first of its long wave biseptile with Uranus between January and May 2019, bringing the configuration into mass consciousness, triggering major life changes and realignment of responsibilities! Over the past few weeks, Saturn made a very favorable tredecile with Uranus, while Pluto retrograde and Uranus direct has again brought them into the next phase of their long term biseptile.
So what Saturn structured earlier this year is now going to be part of the larger irrational shifts in destiny indicated by the transpersonal transformational energies again in play. Saturn is giving structure to the Plutonic seeds of the zones it occupied the past few years.
The first Saturn biseptile was active in February and March, and activated a second time between late April and the end of May. These were our dress rehearsal for the third and final one happening in December. We also had a tremendous number of 7th harmonic aspects in play involving 6 planets in the Christfest Full Moon indicating this year’s World Teaching, indicating that humanity in general, and we individuals specifically, will be making major choices related to shaping our destiny this year. The biseptiles from Capricorn to late Aries and early Taurus will dominate the landscape this year, and will be triggered each time a planet moves through any of the 7 active zones!
More on Uranus Biseptile Pluto
We are now moving through the second major phase of radical choices and changes associated with these two planets in a 7th harmonic aspect. As I offered in May 2018 when Uranus first entered Taurus, “.... they will soon make a biseptile, guaranteed to be a very unstable and irrational time!” That prophesy has certainly played out in the news with trumpets blaring, thanks to other transits triggering these 7th harmonic non-rational energies.
We first encountered these very briefly in August 2017, and it went into nonstop pulses beginning at the end of June 2018 with Uranus again 101+ degrees from Pluto. This lasted through October when the orb became too wide. We experienced the return to the trielftile between December 2018 and April 2019 with the biseptile now exact between May and July. Then it will come roaring back again October 2019 through December 2019.
This is the first biseptile in the larger Uranus/Pluto cycle that began at their conjunctions in the mid-1960s. The waxing septile occurred 1989-1991, so this is the next point in that larger “Pulse of Destiny.” The hot zones, measured from the current Uranus biseptile Pluto, are around 21-25 Capricorn, 13-17 Pisces, 5-8 Taurus, 26-30 Gemini, 17-21 Leo, 8-12 Libra, and 29 Scorpio-3 Sag. If you have anything near these zones, your life has had some abrupt transformational experiences since last Summer, especially in early November when Jupiter activated both Uranus and Pluto!
As I’ve offered many times during this era of the Grand Irrationality, if things don’t make sense, they don’t have to. The only thing that matters is to know how to focus and not get distracted by the craziness in the atmosphere. Sometimes, when we keep our heads when all around us are losing theirs, we come out on the other side looking and feeling good!
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn, it is the final dispositor of all planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius from now through 2023. That makes it a dominant force in this Eclipse, since it rules the Moon and the Moon rules the Sun, which rules both Mercury and Mars. Remember that while Saturn can feel heavy, it is also our ability to take command of our lives and destiny by using Saturn’s virtues in the right way and time.
Though Saturn is no longer biseptile Uranus, we’ve begun to shape our lives through our choices since then. Saturn has been preparing us for a “role of destiny” later this year and next. We’re still rehearsing new roles for the future as part of the Saturn-Uranus “dance of individualization” in our lives and this month release our inhibitions and embrace “a new quality of being which renders the old patterns obsolete.”
I explain how these two awaken us to our Higher Powers to take conscious command of our destiny in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization, and in Capricorn, teaches us how to construct an “organized personal structure” to the Uranian energies making our spiritual life come alive.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why you had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped your life in profound ways.
Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution. You will understand how to throw off all the attitudes and memories which have held you back from finding and living the life and purpose. Through your journey of self-discovery, you can find ways to live your life on your own terms, and fulfill your purpose for being alive as an Eternal having human experiences!
If you’ve haven’t already gotten your copy, you can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. It’s also available on Amazon and as an ebook on Kindle, so if that’s more to your liking, go for it! If you would, whether you’ve gotten the ebook or the paperback, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the more of a boost they give it.
On A Final Note
See you in the near future with parts two and three on this Partial Lunar Eclipse which will remove many inner and outer blockages to our ability to act decisively in some larger group work or responsibility. Jupiter shows our need to be alertly ready to act while not getting stressed at not knowing what’s ahead. We can see old losses as spiritual victories, and use inconveniences to play, to grow, to practice, and to get a new understanding of how to interact in more enjoyable ways with others.
In this Eclipse, we take the Light we’ve seen since the last New Moon Solar Eclipse, and use it to light up the truth as we know it. As the Solar Eclipse was on a degree of humor, use this Full Moon to see the humor in things, people, and circumstances, and allow the truth to become evident.
We’ve begun our training in the use of power in group circumstances, and now must accept the responsibilities offered to us with joyous enthusiasm, since we are in a period of rapid growth. We now have core knowledge of some of the “basic forms of existence” which we have been using to push the limits of what we think we can do.
With Neptune still on its stationary degree, continue to listen to the inner voice to hear your Spiritual Master, and embrace the new role, the new archetypes, the new understanding of inner and outer nature, and a new life adventure, identifying with a larger life and purpose. This continues our rehearsal to use power in new ways down the road, preparing for a form of group activity which will come forth this year and next.
While things may get weird, most of the friction is generated by the Cancer/Capricorn oppositions, which are resolved via Venus trine Neptune. As with last month, avoid conflict and oppositional-defiant or active or passive-aggressive people and situations. You can find out more about navigating these oppositions in the article Astrology in Mid-June 2019 – Navigating the Storm, Aware of Coming Headwind Oppositions With A Favorable Tack Toward Neptune.
And even though it’s separating, Jupiter square Neptune will still be a factor in the larger atmosphere for months to come, so you may want to revisit the article Jupiter square Neptune. It will continue to put pressure on planets or points in the middle degrees of the Mutable sectors and first degrees of the Fixed sectors in our charts. When it comes to using friction productively, remember that it takes pressure to turn carbon into diamonds. And the more skillful we become in dealing with life’s aggravations, annoyances, disruptions, and unexpected diversions, the less these are a problem in the future, and the more we are able to keep our cool in the midst of the generic atmospheric conflict. That way we can fulfill our destiny and enjoy the journey!
Again, our entry to experience during these weeks and months is the very expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius. In this Eclipse it’s on a degree of taking a pause to catch our breath, getting ready to act decisively when we need to. Open to your Sagittarius dance with life, love, humor and freedom. Keep laughter in your heart as you move into the future, and claim your power to live a more effective life!
I’ll see you soon when we’ll discuss Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important chart factors.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
...Let the TRUTH and all its wisdom be served on every plate
Said the Mothers Earth and Nature over tea and cake
Joined by all the Angels in cosmic debate...
How to help humanity from their suicidal fate
While millions of murdered munchkins in GOD's lap left to wait ...for the TRUTH and all its wisdom be served on every plate
Posted by: sue | July 12, 2019 at 09:35 AM