by Robert Wilkinson
On August 11, Jupiter goes stationary direct at 15 Sagittarius and resumes its direct motion lasting through the end of the year. What does this mean?
First, it means that the Jupiter review we’ve been doing since March is now over. We’ve all been in training as per its retrograde station at 25 Sagittarius, and have been reviewing the degree span it first traversed between late January 2019 and early April 2019. Having reviewed those lessons, potentials, protections, blessings, opportunities, and newer, more expansive ways of seeing and expressing our heart, or creativity, or sense of a greater truth, we now move forward.
From Here We Move Forward
This should bring a sense of confidence and well-being for those who have reviewed, loosened up, and taken a broad view their vision, truths, and dance with life, and we now stand ready to live with a new inspired adventure we’ve glimpsed during the past few months of Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius. This should yield new adventures as we now take a third look at the span of 15-25 Sagittarius over the next 13 weeks after which we move across the last 5 degrees of Sagittarius before launching into the Jupiter in Capricorn year at 10:20 am PST, 6:20 pm GMT on December 2.
I believe it’s important to take a look back at our lives between February through May 2016, late October 2016 through early February 2017, and late May through early November 2017 when Saturn traversed 15-25 Sagittarius to see the foundation to some of what Jupiter has been teaching us from January 2019 to now. We can now use those structures and disciplines to expand into whatever we’re doing these next few months.
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's Direct Degree
Jupiter’s stationary direct degree is 15 Sagittarius, and the Sabian Symbol for the 15th degree of Sagittarius is “The ground hog looking for its shadow.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class published in The Astrology of Personality,, this degree is one of “Revelation of basic life purposes and cycles through omens,” “universal patterning of life relationship,” and “Keen divination.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he says this degree involves “The value in anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects.” He offers that this is a degree of planning “with an eye on probable future developments” based in past cycles and trends.
He also states this symbol can indicate a need to be aware of larger “social or planetary rhythms” in using a broader awareness, which he terms “prospective.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Receptiveness, Act of Group Integration, and Scene of Abstraction at the culmination of the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones offers this degree symbolizes “the creative interest” on which we depend in the drift of events. He says this symbols indicates our “direct rehearsal of experience through an anticipation of eventualities, or an unhesitating and thoroughly practical trial and error.” He continues that this is “a consistent sensitivity to straws in the wind, and a willingness to make any amount of self-adjustment in order to capitalize on the situation of the moment.”
He offers us the keyword REASSURANCE. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is a natural talent for determining the proper course of action or reaction in any given issue.”
So this Jupiter station on the culminating degree of individual-mental abstraction shows us the shapes of things to come through extrapolating what has been and how it led us to here and now. This shows that the platform for the larger Jupiter energies for the rest of the year involve a “creative capitalization on the moment” as a result of how we’ve rehearsed for the life experiences we’re going through.
The Immediate Future
As Jupiter goes direct Mercury makes a sesquisquare and Mars makes a tredecile to Jupiter, and Jupiter makes a square to Neptune and decile to Pluto. This creates a combination of friction and specialization. We’ve lived with Jupiter square Neptune for many months, testing our ability to stay on track and not get needlessly detached from everyday life. The decile and tredecile are aspects offering partially developed gifts and interactive blessings.
Those most affected have planets or points around 1-5 Libra-Aries, 7-11 Scorpio-Taurus, 13-17 Sag-Gemini, 19-23 Capricorn-Cancer, and 25-29 Aquarius-Leo. Whatever is in these zones will refine a gift, or find blessings perfect for their circumstances. Especially when the inner planets transit the zones in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius between now and January, expect many unique events to occur. By preparing now, you’ll be ready for what’s coming late this year and early next year, and may wind up experiencing serendipity wherever you have planets triggered by the specializing aspect configuration set up at this direct station.
Jupiter in direct motion now resumes its approach to Capricorn. The last major conjunction in Sagittarius will occur in late November when Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius, the same degree where Mercury went stationary direct in January 2017. That implies the Venus-Jupiter cycle which begins in late November and lasts through February 2021 will bring these planetary qualities to however “the Guide of Souls” began to help us “get in shape” the first few months of 2017.
Many things will culminate over the next few weeks, since the inner planet transits through Virgo and Libra will form waning aspects to Jupiter. Venus makes its conjunction at the end of Sagittarius, while the Sun makes its conjunction at 6 Capricorn in late December and Mercury makes its conjunction at 8 Capricorn in early January. Mars takes longer to conjunct Jupiter, which happens in March 2020 at 23 Capricorn, the same degree as the Sun and Mercury conjunct Pluto in January. Rewards are coming for those who have shown courage!
If you want a greater understanding of what this Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius period has been about, here’s an article for your perusal: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde in April 2019 at 25 Sagittarius – Looking Back at our Life Adventure and Anticipating Powers Yet To Come
Here’s what I wrote last November on Jupiter’s entry into Sagittarius: Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018-2019 – A Year of Using Imagination to Expand Into Greater Truths, Visions, and Futures
Here’s something I wrote in June during Jupiter’s 2nd square to Neptune. It will help you understand the nature of the energies involved and may offer hints about how to navigate the fogs and illusions this aspect produces.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is Square Neptune in Pisces!
On a related note, since Jupiter's doing direct on the same day Uranus is going retrograde, Spiritual Astrology in the Summer of 2019 – Uranus Stationary Retrograde, Jupiter Stationary Direct
Copyright © 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert, this is a new adventure in terms of energy and transmission for me since the death of an old wise man in January 2019 during the Sun Pluto conjunction, good fellow who has inspired me an architectural project (I would have never thought of this design by myself before); with my natal uranus jupiter south node in house 2 Libra 1°-2° and north node chiron moon in Aries 1°-3° House 8, I'm in with the compass in hand!
Posted by: Geraldine | August 12, 2019 at 02:36 AM