by Robert Wilkinson
On August 11, Jupiter will go stationary direct at 15 Sagittarius, and later that evening, Uranus goes stationary retrograde at 7 Taurus. Both of these events would be huge if taken separately; taken together it indicates we are on the threshold of a rapid expansion of an adventure we began in late 2018, combined with a review of recent awakenings which have led us to “a new quality of being rendering the old patterns obsolete.”
Uranus represents our eternal ability in the NOW to individualize our lives and consciousness. It is the Divine Revolutionizer within us that is directly connected with Spirit. It shows us how to live in a truly free way, not reacting to the world’s inertia, but instead moving into the eternal unknown adventure where we are forever free to explore, discover, and revolutionize our lives and consciousness.
Jupiter, on the other hand, symbolizes the universal expansive force in Nature, the planet of “openings and closings” which give us a promise of ever greater experience, knowledge, and wisdom, while also mercifully allowing us to bless, forgive, and let things flow down the time stream. Jupiter shows us how we “dance with Life,” and our route to an abundant view of the possibilities in the moment as each moment extends into an infinite future.
Uranus is the Higher Law, Jupiter is the guide out of old ways into greater futures. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents as our “Ring Pass Not.” Jupiter helps us expand to the limit of our imaginations. In one esoteric system, Saturn is Divine Mercy, whereas Uranus is Divine Wisdom. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus all serve each other in the Great Work each of us is here to do. I discuss the dance Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus do in our lives to bring us to spiritual adulthood fully living our individuality and higher purpose in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend where you can find more about this process.
What Has Uranus Awakened in 2018-2019?
Uranus now begins to re-trace ground it’s covered since it last went direct in January 2019 at 29 Aries. Since then, we’ve explored how to individualize in the span of experience from 29 Aries through 7 Taurus. Now that it’s retrograde, we will take a new look at what Uranus awakened in us the first time in the Summer of 2018 when it went SRX at 3 Taurus.
2018 and 2019 are a transitional period, as Uranus danced between the end of Aries and the beginning of Taurus during this time. In 2017, we began to awaken to our part to play in “the Cosmic Choir.” It was activated in April 2018 when Uranus again transited 29 Aries, went SRX at 3 Taurus, and retrograded back to the degree of “the Cosmic Choir,” where it went direct in January 2019, providing us a platform from which we can sing our part in the larger harmony.
From this retrograde station at 7 Taurus, it will retrograde back through its “shadow zone,” giving us another retrograde look at the Uranian developments set into motion in April. This will last through January 2020, when it goes SD, again hitting a station at 3 Taurus, launching the third transit through its 2019 shadow zone until it begins to transit 8 Taurus in May 2020.
Since last December, we’ve finished learning our part in the “Cosmic Choir,” and now know how to sing unisons, harmonies, solos, or just keep quiet. By learning to listen to the inner voice we’ve caught glimpses of our individuality in the Infinity and Eternity of Life itself. The possibility of a form of "At-One-Ment" opened to us all, as well as "an understanding of the harmonics of the greater Life order and meaning" presenting itself.
Once it moved into Taurus in early March, we picked up a new type of individualization which had been awakened May 2018, and since then (notably June, late September, and early October 2018 and again late March and April 2019), many were moved by a Divine Demonstration of power. Things developed naturally in April, and we were introduced to “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” in May as a preparation for burying the past in some way in June.
Uranus occupies its stationary degree throughout most of July, August, and September. After that it retrogrades back through early Taurus lessons through January, when it goes stationary direct.
Uranus is now at 7 Taurus, retrograde and on the way to its review the span of degrees between 7 back to 3 Taurus. 6 and 7 Taurus is about the social and emotional face of that sign, whereas 3, 4 and 5 Taurus are about the actional and physical face of that sign. So we can expect from August through January to be a time when social, emotional, and material activities will help us awaken and focus our potential in ways that revolutionize our lives, liberate us, and get us ready for relaxing into a new quality of life which will predominate the rest of 2018 through April 2020 and beyond.
The Sabian Symbol for the Uranus Retrograde Station
The symbol for the 7th degree of Taurus is “A woman of Samaria.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols, Rudhyar says this degree is one of “the gaining of perspective by a return to ancient sources of being,” and an “introspective approach to collective unconscious.”
In The Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “the meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future.” He relates it to the story of the woman who met Christ at an ancestral well, and received a revelation from Him telling her in no uncertain terms that He was/is the World Teacher.
Here’s one translation:
Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
(At this point I probably need to point out that the Gospel of John came much later than the other synoptic Gospels, and was written in Greek, unlike the other three Gospels which were written in Aramaic. It is generally considered among scholars that this Book was less literal than the others, and focused more on describing the God-nature of St. Issa the man. It is more highly symbolized than the others, and contains passages that are not in the others. It’s really more about proclaiming the Deity in St. Issa the Nazar rather than telling his life story as the others relate the narrative.)
Anyway, to sum up what Rudhyar offers us in the Mandala, this symbol is about the inability of those attached to any old life order to recognize when a new era is upon them. Those who are attached to seeing the past perpetuated are not open to the signs and signals of a greater life based in a greater Love.
He states “The highest meets the lowest when this lowest is free from traditional bonds and open to love. The creative future descends first to that which has become chaos. An old order is never open to a new Revelation until it has accepted disorder in the name of that Power which subsumes all forms of order, i.e. Love.”
He offers that this is a “meeting which introduces into the collective situation a totally new factor which transcends it. A new quality of being is revealed which renders the old patterns obsolete.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Realization, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Substantiation on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the unimpeachable divinity which characterizes (human) nature at root,” symbolized by our instinct for higher things as we move through the depths of each experience and “welcome life almost indiscriminately into the uttermost inner reaches of (our) being.” Here is “an indomitability of striving for real and gratifying self-fulfillments.”
He offers us the keyword AWAKENING. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is absolute and wholly impersonal self-giving in the hope of an honest self-realization.”
From this symbol we see the theme of this Uranus threshold state involves the meeting of “the ancestral past” with the revelation of a greater Way, Truth, and Light in the eternal NOW. Here we find a revelation of the future, an entirely new way to live, and a genuine knowledge of our responsibility to BE the revelation we seek and give what we can to serve a greater future.
In the next part in this series we’ll discuss Jupiter’s going stationary direct and how it will impact the rest of the year in our countdown to the major conjunctions occurring between January and March 2020.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Great information, thanks Robert,
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 09, 2019 at 09:42 AM
This is a good day to have found your article. (My natal Venus is at 7th degree Taurus and my husband's natal sun is at 13th degree Sagittarius.) Thank you, Robert!
Posted by: Ruby | August 11, 2019 at 09:48 AM