by Robert Wilkinson
As the editor of the Arizona Society of Astrologers newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at primary factors for November.
This year the month of November is dominated by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, giving us a new look at October events but also bringing echoes of lessons from 2012-2015 when Saturn was in Scorpio which became an expanded part of our lives when Jupiter was in Scorpio between October 2017 and November 2018. As it begins its RX conjunct Venus, it could mean reconnections with people from the past, or strong memories of those who have passed, or even a new look at why someone had to leave your life so you could go deeper into your own power.
Mercury retrograde is good for many things, as long as you build in a delay and are willing to take a different point of view. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will be good for seeing that sometimes losses are actually a blessing in disguise, since they create the space for better things to come into our lives! When in doubt, go inward, go deeper, and reconnect with the magnetic force of the Earth and the Sun.
The Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is a “fusion of life and inward turned mind,” and this month falls at 19 Scorpio. This is a degree of a technique to receive information, and given Mercury’s favorable aspects to both Saturn and Pluto during this retrograde, many things can be restructured or re-thought to make them more economical or attractive. When it goes direct we will all called to be more “ambassadorial” wherever we have 12 Scorpio in our charts.
We’ll also be able to take a deeper look back on what we “recalibrated” in October from a different angle of approach. Remember we’re in a “mini-era” conditioned by September’s conjunctions in Virgo trine Saturn in a T-square with Jupiter and Neptune. These are yielding an efficient reorganization of our affairs as we prepare for the compressed activity of the multiple conjunctions in late Capricorn in January and March 2020. This fusion of multiple energies in Capricorn sets the stage for the closing phase of a long cycle which is the prelude to the Grand Mutation of 2020, ushering in a new 200 year period!
The retrograde period combines favorable Scorpio energies working productively with the powerful Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn helping us all get beyond fear, getting focused in our social interactions and eliminating all we do not need. When Mercury goes direct and Venus conjuncts Jupiter, our social future should begin to expand anew. This month returns Jupiter to center stage, since it is the ruler of all the inner planets through November 19, when Mars becomes the fourth “final dispositor” in the sky.
This year November features Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius energies as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all occupy those signs. Mars continues to activate much that we conceived of in Libra, while Venus becomes the first inner planet this year to conjunct one of the social-spiritual outer planets. Venus gives us the last conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius on November 24 bringing blessings and benefits to the area in our chart where we have late Sagittarius.
Over the past year and a half Pluto has brought us apparent defeats which were actually spiritual victories. This month Pluto brings echoes of that, and remembrances of things past and gone. Neptune brings us spiritual renewal, and Uranus shows us “pots of gold at the end of the rainbow” as a result of our ability to bury the past in some way. Saturn moves us into active group action, and Jupiter brings us the promise that the visions and truths of the past will take shape once it enters Capricorn in early December.
On a final note, the last decan of Libra is where “dues are paid,” and things are reconstructed and/or repaired. This November will truly bring us “ghosts of actions past,” where we see how we did what we had to do to make something fair, just, or balanced, even if it involved storms, whether weather or psychic. Adjust as needed in early November, take the lead and dream of what adventures you want to have in 2020, since forces will be set into motion showing us “the power of all sustained desire.”
Of course, if you’re ever in the Phoenix metro area on the third Saturday of the month, please come on over to Glendale to the Astrology Store, since there’s always good fellowship, a free astrology class, and a great presentation by our outstanding guest speaker. We have a Solstice party coming up in December, so please consider joining us! If you want more info or want to be on our newsletter list, let me know.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson