by Robert Wilkinson
In the swirl of Thanksgiving and a ton of great musical offerings, these gems slipped downstream quickly. Today I have assembled 8 articles in a one stop shop for events happening right now which are important for December and 2020 through 2047!
First, remember we’re in a once in twelve year event! Jupiter is conjunct the Galactic Center, bringing expansion to the Galactic structure created when Saturn crossed the GC between late January and mid-June 2017 and again in November and December 2017. Those Galactic structures shaped earlier GC conjunctions by Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus which planted seeds of Galactic energy which spread into countless potential forms in collective consciousness. These articles explain more.
Jupiter Conjunct the Galactic Center in November-December 2019
Galactic Center Conjunctions by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
Then there’s Mars in Scorpio. This affects each sign differently.
Astrology in late November 2019 Through early January 2020 – Mars In Scorpio
Mercury went direct in motion a little over a week ago. This affects the next 2 months and impacts all our relationships. Show up in your best style, and you’ll be esteemed socially.
We also just had a New Moon 4 days ago. These themes are in the air until the Christmas/Boxing Day Solar Eclipse at 5 Capricorn. We’re finding wisdom in seeing “with night vision” things others don’t see!
The November 2019 New Moon at 5 Sagittarius Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in December
The November 2019 New Moon at 5 Sagittarius Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means
Most recently, we have had the yearly sea change in collective consciousness as Neptune went direct in motion!
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson