by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury is now going direct and will be in its shadow zone through December 7, after which it enters its next phase of moving through "unknown zones" where the themes of this retrograde will be played out in forward motion. So for the next 2+ weeks, expect some very productive intersections of past and future, giving us a chance to show how connected we are with ourselves and Source, with opportunities to raise our game in our human relationships.
Themes related to the span between 12 and 28 Scorpio will continue to be prominent, with consequences set into motion when Mars transits this span between December 5 and 30. We began this “quest for connectedness” last December, when Mercury went SD at 28 Scorpio. The recent retrograde gave us a look back to see how those themes were developed this past year.
This Mercury direct station falls at 12 Scorpio. It is said that the middle third (decan) of any sign deals with the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life, and as this falls in the second decan of Scorpio, it has a sub-influence of Pisces with a Solar influence prominent. Because Mercury in Scorpio is ruled by Mars which has been in Libra, this retrograde was about paying dues and making some things right. As Mercury will be in Scorpio for a few weeks, once Mars leaves Libra and enters Scorpio that sign’s influence will become paramount in all things!
Aspects in the Shadow Zone
Mercury will transit its “shadow” span, i.e., the span it’s been in since it went retrograde at 28 Scorpio, through December 7. Of course there will be residual echoes for the next 13 weeks as well. Mercury going direct will re-activate many of the aspects it's made over the past few weeks, which overall have been very favorable for getting reorganized and making things operate more efficiently.
As Mercury moves forward, it won’t make many aspects, and after the initial friction will make very harmonious aspects! It will semisquare Jupiter and then Venus, after which it trines Neptune and sextiles Saturn at the end of November. In December it sextiles Pluto, after which it leaves its shadow zone.
The weeks ahead show a grand compression of Venus, the Sun, Mercury, and Mars all headed for conjunctions with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto between now and March. The early Capricorn conjunctions will trine Uranus and either quintile or sextile Neptune as they close in on their conjunction with Saturn. Once the inner planets conjunct Pluto, they will all biseptile Uranus, triggering the Grand Irrationality. You can find more about this dynamic “destiny producing” evolutionary configuration operating now and in the future in the Lunation articles.
The Moon at this Station
The Moon at the station is a Third Quarter Moon, and is very favorably aspected. This is a future oriented focus, and assists group work and building things which will be useful in the future. The Moon at the station is at 11 Virgo, a degree of combining imagination and engineering to make a dream manifest.
As Mercury rules the Moon, that boosts Mercury’s influence in the forms which will come forth in the next weeks. The Moon is septile Mars and biseptile Venus, showing relationships at a huge “fork in the road of destiny,” with great good fortune for those who open to a higher way of relating to others. The Moon sextile Mercury makes for maximum productivity, especially in those things we set into motion during the multiple conjunctions in early Virgo in early September.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
So from here Mercury moves forward! We can now take what we reviewed, got a new understanding of, or found new information about that helped us remember and/or reevaluate some things and move forward with a larger view and contemplation of what has been and what will be, especially in the houses where we have Gemini and Virgo, since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
As it was retrograde between 12 and 28 Scorpio, those house(s) in our charts have been the areas where our review, reflections, returns, reconsiderations, and/or rehearsals have taken place. I gave you some of the possible effects of Mercury in the houses in the article Mercury Retrograde in in Scorpio in November 2019 - What It Means For Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Since it is now direct, if there have been misunderstandings or delays these past 3 weeks, it's all moving forward from here! We can begin to get a lot more accomplished, after a period of slow downs, turnarounds, review, reflection, reworking, undoing, and re-planning. We’ve been offered a chance to rethink many things, and experienced the intensity of inner and outer connections, seen a higher way to relate to others, and now move forward knowing we’re traversing familiar ground before we leap into the future in December.
So things should start moving forward anew fairly quickly. Right now, it’s a good time to use the different information, views, and approaches we’ve been examining through the retrograde lens these past several weeks to find a new understanding of what needed remagnetizing in our inner and outer world.
Now that we've done our rehearsals, reviews, revisions, and/or research on those inner and outer connections, we can weave all we know into a different way to coordinate part of our life. Here we face the future, knowing a different sense of connection and a different way to be. Though there may be a sense of not knowing what direction you’re going, since we are standing on the threshold of a new Galactic Center signal via Jupiter, in the immortal words of George Harrison, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”
From Here We Move On
Things related to Mercury will speed up considerably for the next three months, so flow with the new YOU you’re experiencing! Meditate on the symbol "An embassy ball,” since that’s the foundation for Mercury to move forward. As I gave you in part 1, this requires we meet other people “at the highest possible level of cultural interplay… rather than with an everyday type of consciousness and behavior.”
Other signs and signals of 12 Scorpio could involve some “effective corrective” to get ourselves on track, where we examine our loyalties to see if they are bringing us “the self-fulfillment to which (we) aspire.” Examine your social matrix as something helping or frustrating your “personal potential,” and if you have a deep inner connection with a group, you can find “an absolute stability of self as a contribution to group integrity.”
This degree give us a platform to move forward in stronger faith, magnetism, deeper connectedness, spiritual sensitivity, universality, and sustaining ideals. All of this means the theme of the coming weeks involves figuring out whether our loyalties need adjusting or not based in the level of our interactions, and not be too stiff nor casual in certain social situations when a certain type of classy “formality” is the best way to be.
The Sun indicates the Light is found by the compassionate interventions of 29 Scorpio. This is a technique of radical intersession by soul forces to blunt or negate the harsh effects of the law, both worldly and spiritually. I suspect over the next few weeks, many will “see the light” of being able to help others by offering something more compassionate in the moment, or perhaps someone will intervene on our behalf in a compassionate way. As this forward stationary degree is ruled by Mars in its home sign of Scorpio, we all will be opening to deeper, more intense and authentic ways of relating in social situation.
We now move into a “seed period” before the new beginnings of January 2020. Heal through humor leading you to objectivity, and know that some inhibitions are now gone forever. There is uniqueness and extraordinary gifts are promised for those who can respond to the very favorable aspects in play. Moon sextile Mercury and trine Saturn, Mars quintile Saturn, and Venus conjunct Jupiter all offer us a great time ahead, if we know how to use those aspects at our best!
At this time of deep feelings merging past, present, and future, keep it focused and organized as you “raise your game” in your social expression. We’ve learned deeper, more authentic way of relating to others, with the greatest sense of personal power flowing to those who are using this time to eliminate whatever they need to in order to re-integrate their body, feelings, and mind so it all works together for our greatest good.
We now move into a very fortunate period of linking the beauty and functionality of past and present, with a practical future oriented focus. We enter a new way to live our freedom as a result of what we’ve become aware of, or what we’ve let go of in recent weeks. Flow through the transformational process as you begin to demonstrate powers we’ve prepared for all year.
When you see, know, or understand a new vision or idea, then do what you have to do so you can feel what you need to feel about the experience. go deep to feel whatever you need to feel to anchor the inspiration in a concrete and practical way. Let your mind lead you to a deeper experience, feeling whatever you need to in order to act with precision and focus in the NOW to come to a new way of experiencing life.
A New Look at Mercury Retrograde
In a final plug as Mercury moves forward in its shadow zone, for those who want to know more about the qualities of Mercury retrograde in all the signs and houses, please consult your copy of the expanded 2nd edition of A New Look At Mercury Retrograde, available on Amazon. It's a handy reference text for everything you could want to know about Mercury retrograde people and Mercury retrograde in the various signs and houses. It explores how Mercury retrograde people think and work through things, and possible ways parents of Mercury retrograde children can facilitate the roundabout interpretive and communication styles in their child’s development. Here's the link to where you can order your paperback copy of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. The ebook is available on Kindle and Nook.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you for these two great post on Mercury.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | November 21, 2019 at 09:55 AM