by Robert Wilkinson
There are 7 energies that describe who we are, who we’re not, what Path we’re on, our Spiritual Community, and the means of knowing a direct experience of Higher Awareness. They are called the 7 Rays.
This cannot be a comprehensive exploration of the seven Rays, since that would be many thousands of pages of material. In fact, if you’re interested, there are at least that many pages written about them already. What we'll do today is explore some of the primary qualities, and how they interrelate.
The First Ray is Power. The Second Ray is Love-Wisdom. The Third Ray is Intelligence-in-action. These are called Primary Rays, or Rays of Aspect because they describe the 3 primary aspects of what we call “God,” or The Force.
The First Ray corresponds to the natural law we call Economy of Energy. The Second Ray corresponds to the natural law we call Magnetic Attraction. The Third Ray corresponds to what we call Synthesis. The First Ray is "God the Father." The Third Ray is "God the Mother." The Second Ray is "God as Creative Offspring."
The Ray of Power moves and interacts with the energies of the Third Ray, a.k.a Maya, or the Divine Mother-Holy Spirit Matrix from which all forms come and to which all forms return. Power interacts with Intelligence in Action to create whatever is magnetized into existence as an expression of Love-Wisdom.
These infinite interactions result in "the 10,000 things" which find expression in our world. All life is expressed through the Ray of Magnetic Attraction that is Love-Wisdom. God Force expresses through the ever-changing medium of the substance of all form so that which is magnetically attracted through inherent harmony comes into expression.
The First Ray is Omnipotence, which forever interacts with Omnipresence (3rd Ray) to create Omniscience (2nd Ray). An example of this in the scientific world is the process of Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis, or Action, Reaction, and Result. In the art world, the primal triad are the three primary colors which when mixed express all colors. There are an infinite number of ways a Primal Triad of energy, selection via attraction and repulsion, and then synthesis can manifest.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Rays are the Rays of Aspect, or the primary triad of Divine Energy that is the basis for all other energies. The other 4 Rays are said to be the Rays of Attribute, as they are the attributions of the interactions of the Primal Triad.
The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Rays are the expression of the First, Second, and Third Rays interacting to bring forth these 7 forms of energy. These Four “Rays of Attribute” are the means by which we come to experience the Divine Triad, both directly and indirectly.
Number theory gives us a convenient way to approach it. In number theory, A, B, and C can interact in 7 ways. A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, and ABC. In these expressions we find clues to how things interact in our inner and outer self and the world at large.
The Fourth Ray is Harmony Through Friction. The Fifth Ray is Concrete Knowledge. The Sixth Ray is Devotion. The Seventh Ray is Ordered Activity. The Fourth Ray is said to "govern" Art. The Fifth Ray is said to "govern" Science. The Sixth Ray is said to "govern" religion, as well as all devotional exercises, such as the armed services in all nations. The Seventh Ray is the foundation of all disciplines, all ordering, all rituals and all forms of "karma yoga."
The ritualist seeks order. The devotee seeks the object of devotion. The scientist seeks knowledge. The artist seeks to bring harmony, or beauty, out of friction, or the intensity of feelings that infuse all genuine art. That's also why art, science, and devotion can all lead to transcendence, if an ordered discipline is practiced.
As an aside, there is another system of correspondence whereby the Divine First finds expression in the worldly Seventh, the Divine Second finds expression in the worldly Sixth, and the Divine Third finds expression in the worldly Fifth, with the Fourth as the bridge between the Above and below in our existence. This also finds correspondence in the Upper Triad of our Spiritual Body and the Lower Triad of our Earthly vehicle as these create our energetic Hologram. As we learn effective ways to respond to the higher energies and ground them in concrete forms, we become Masters of that Wisdom in our own way.
In part 3 of this series, we’ll explore how the Rays impact our bodies, feelings, and minds. We’ll take a look at which Rays are subject to change, as well as those that are not. Our various Rays show us how we relate to self and others, our Paths to Truth and Community, and which School of the Wisdom we’re in. Knowing that helps us attune with specific Love-Wisdom-Intelligence energies grounded by specific Ascended Masters via the Community in forms of practical service.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson