by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury is rapidly slowing, preparing to go retrograde soon! Lots of Aquarius and Pisces action ahead!
The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Mercury goes retrograde at 13 Pisces on February 16. It will retrograde back to 29 Aquarius, where it goes stationary direct on March 9.
That puts the shadow zone between 29 Aquarius and 13 Pisces, and around 10 pm PST February 1 crosses into the degree where it’ll go SD in mid-March. I’ll be writing quite a few articles about the coming retrograde which will post as it comes closer.
We’ll have returns of people or echoes of memories of perceptions from the past, and many will pick up on the complex feelings of the larger human condition with its sorrows and confusions. This can bring intuitive flashes, empathic sensations, and an ability to “tune in at a distance” to far away emotional states, whether of individuals or groups. This will be good as “one last look back” before we achieve closure on the past, and can bless things to pass down the time stream.
Many things will be understood from a different and larger angle of view by early March, leading us to “graduate into a new realm of Being,” transfiguring our lives wherever this falls in our charts. What we learn during this retrograde will give us a sense of a much larger timeless experience, and many will synthesize the fragmented understanding they currently have into a greater understanding of a greater good.
Because Pisces helps us achieve closure on old ghosts and sorrows, as well as offering harvests for our courage and focus, let go of old fears, ghosts, and echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories and let the old stuck feelings flow down the timestream of the movie of your life.
This Mercury retrograde period will bring up some things in the past, since it falls very close to the Jupiter SRX station at 28 Aquarius in the Summer of 2009. We will get a look back on how events since then prepared us for what we’re going to experience now and into the next several years. This retrograde will help us take a look back as we stand on the threshold of a new Era!
Time To Adjust to A Different Pace
The Mercurial data you notice over the next 3+ weeks will be clarified after the Sun crosses the Mercury SRX degree around March 2. During early February, adapt to the slowing pace of things, get all your papers in order, finish what you can in the next 3 weeks, and prepare to put some things on hold for a little while.
Take a look at what's been set into motion with an eye to building in delays, rehearsals, or more research before things again begin to move forward in mid-March. The time before Mercury goes retrograde is good for doing what must be done so that other related things can be done later, as well as reconnecting with people and activities from the past that are somehow related to the future.
With Mercury’s retrograde station at 13 Pisces, get ready to go inward and surrender your ego ambivalence. Be courageous as your focus your will power, remembering that you are an agent for Spirit to act through you. The coming review will show you different angles on how you’re feeling the collective unconscious, and how empathic you are. I’ll give you more about this degree around the time Mercury goes SRX in mid-February.
if you want to know more about Mercury retrograde and how it may operate in Pisces and Aquarius, affecting your chart, please consider getting your copy of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde where you can find out all you need about this retrograde, as well as past and future retrogrades. Here's the Amazon link to where you can order the paperback 2nd edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde, and if you want an Kindle ebook copy you can get it there as well, or if you prefer, go to B&N's site and get their copy in Nook.
The End of Aquarius is the Beginning of the New Age
Mercury is the second inner planet to enter the last two degrees of Aquarius in 2020. This zone is one of transfiguration and entrance into a greater realm of Light/Life, where we can catch glimpses of the Age to come, as well as what’s up for the years between 2050 and 2190.
So at 10 pm PST February 1, Mercury enters the 29th degree of Aquarius, occupying the last two degrees of Aquarius until 3:37 am PST when it enters Pisces. This year the Sun will be the next to transit this span between 10:55 pm PST February 16 and 8:57 pm February 18 when it too enters Pisces.
Due to our global precession from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, we leave Pisces at the beginning of the first degree of that sign, and enter the Age of Aquarius via the last degree of that sign. By my calculations, at this point between Ages we are still at the first degree of Pisces and will enter the Age of Aquarius sometime in the third quarter of this century.
Since a Great Age is about 2160 years, mas o menos, it means each degree of a great Age equals about 72 years. Thus the transition between Ages runs around 210-360 years. We’re directly in the heart of that transitional era.
The New Age began to “pre-form” some of its bridging structures when Saturn occupied 29 and 30 Aquarius and 1 Pisces between mid-April and early August 1993 and January 1994. Jupiter expanded our growth in those late Aquarian themes in late January and early February 1998 and again in January 2010. After 2010, Mars activated these “cusp of the Age” themes in late February 2011, late January and early February 2013, January 2015, December 2016, and November 2018. It will activate them again in early May 2020.
After that, these late Aquarian themes will begin to be expressed in new long terms forms which will bridge the current Age and the coming Age when Jupiter again transits the last 2 degrees of Aquarius and first degree of Pisces between late April and mid-August 2021 and late December 2021. Mars will activate those expanded and renewed themes of 29 and 30 Aquarius in April 2022, with Saturn crystallizing the Mars-activated Jupiter pulses when it transits the last 2 degrees of Aquarius in February and March 2023.
Those will be set into motion by subsequent Mars transits, and expanded in newer forms at the next Jupiter transit in 2033. Pluto eventually transits this span of degrees in 2041-2044, which will initiate the seeds of the Age of Aquarius sprouting in widespread forms.
Anyway, on February 1 and 2 Mercury transits the last two degrees of Aquarius, giving us Mercurial signs and signals about the 140+ era to come in the last half of this century and the beginning of the next. The last two degrees of Aquarius are “Butterfly emerging from chrysalis” and “The field of Ardath in bloom.” I’m not going to go extensively into these portentous degrees today, but will note that the former is a degree of transfiguration and “graduation into a new realm of being,” and the latter is one where “everyone may count on the inherent friendliness of the universe” and find the fruits of their more positive labors as "we all shine on, like the Moon and the Stars and the Sun, and we all shine on, on and on and on and on...."
In these degrees we find our ability to emanate our Light through our lives, find “an uncompromising faith in the promise of existence itself and in the wonders of a continuing creation,” as well as “self-illumination through exceptional service to others.” Here we transform the implications of our Light/Life through our new ability to self-transcend, and can experience ourselves as Lights within a greater field of Light, with infinite particles within waves showing the vaster unified field of existence.
Imagine this is the future of humanity. This is the Mercurial signal of this Cosmic Moment in Time.
You can find out more about this larger transitional Era between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius by revisiting these two recent articles:
Are We In The Age of Pisces Or Have We Begun The Age of Aquarius?
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Ty Robert.
This article gave me a feeling of hopefulness and peace.
It connected areas of my life which seemed otherwise random and isolated.
My ascendant is 29 Aquarius Rx, so maybe this explains my little lift from this reading.
Posted by: Sherry Katz | February 02, 2020 at 05:48 PM
My Saturn is at 29 Auqarius! It’s in my 7th house and very close to my dc which is at 23d!
Posted by: Micheline | February 02, 2020 at 11:24 PM