by Robert Wilkinson
Today finishes the first cluster of conjunctions in late Capricorn I have termed the Grand Compression. This cluster has been getting tighter by the week, culminating in the past few days when we’ve had the Superior Conjunction and Lunar Eclipse at 20 Capricorn, Mercury conjunct Saturn conjunct Pluto, Uranus stationary direct, and now the Sun conjunct Saturn conjunct Pluto. This re-sets many cycles for the future.
As you know, each year both Mercury and the Sun conjunct both Saturn and Pluto. What makes this special is that Saturn only conjuncts Pluto every 33-37 years, and it all came down in a 72 hour span! Given that an aspect is most powerful when it is still within a degree and a half separating, we are certainly in the heart of an extraordinarily important period which is re-shaping our world for decades to come.
While the Superior Conjunction has its own meaning and influence lasting a few weeks, the Lunar Eclipse indicates many things will be shut down in our Cancer-Capricorn sectors these next few months, with new life attitudes and experiences replacing them. The Lunar Eclipse will shut down any old “hidden rehearsals” we’ve been doing, and bring us out on the stage of life by April.
Also remember this is the first of two major clusters in Capricorn in a short time! The next one is coming in March, when Mars and Jupiter will also conjunct Pluto, setting more long wave cycles into motion. All of this action in late Capricorn promises great rewards for those who have been courageous, or “discharged their duty” under abnormal conditions.
March will be particularly important, as the Mercury-Saturn-Pluto conjunctions set several long wave cycles into motion which are now being powered up by the Sun conjunct Saturn and Pluto today. These will continue to roll out over the next few weeks, with great expansions promised when Jupiter moves through 20-23 Capricorn. As the trigger planet activating cycles and astrological hot spots by its transits, Mars will set specific activity into motion related to these cycles when it moves through 20-23 Capricorn in March.
As I offered in the recent article on this Grand Compression, the current conjunction of Saturn with Pluto ends a cycle we began in November 1982, and begins a new one which will last through 2053. Saturn now begins a new building and structuring work related to the Cosmic Purifier and Transformer in the sign of personal power expressed in group work, in an area of enlightened social reform. By mid-century, all societies and all governments will have been restructured and reformed in some way.
Short term, the Lunar Eclipse will certainly take down some obsolete structures and “leaders” who are heavy handed and/or aren’t doing the job they need to do. While some fear the rise of a new level of authoritarianism with these conjunctions, I believe they will prove to be a sobering influence for those who don’t take their duties seriously. If anything could mobilize millions to work toward their “enlightened self-interest,” it’s these conjunctions in Capricorn.
While there is a heavy pessimism in the air due to the quantity of disasters unfolding globally, I believe this initial Capricorn pessimism will give way to new unified group work for a greater good once Mars conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius on March 31. Saturn in the first 2 degrees of Aquarius between April and June will be a mobilizing energy which will galvanize millions to act on their larger ideal, and prime the pump for the major changes to come after November 2020.
I gave you a sense of what this Great Compression is all about, and the timelines on various cycles, in the recent article The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn. If you have Capricorn Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, this compression will reshape major parts of your life, with new duties and responsibilities on the way. If the compression is conjuncting a planet in your chart, you can bet that part of you is purifying and maturing in ways you couldn’t have suspected before now. As for the harmonious and frictional aspects this compression may be making to your natal planets, remember even a square can be turned to good effect while trines help us stabilize the energies, creating a synthetic harmony in the unoccupied void created by the trine.
So we’ve now launched into a new era, with themes of 28 Libra being replaced with themes of 23 Capricorn over the next 30+ years. This promises old gloomy states being replaced with rewards for valor, with isolating pessimism destroyed by acknowledgements of work well done. Old negative theoretical attitudes will be replaced by cooperative responsible function now that we’ve all “paid our dues” since 1982 and “expiated the karma” of the era preceding then. This is a VERY hopeful development, even if it will take many years to see the fruits of the labor.
Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn and Pluto “brought us the news.” The Sun’s conjunction will allow us to “see the Light” of the meaning and purpose of this conjunction over the next year. Jupiter will expand the initial promise of this long wave restructuring in March, and Mars will activate it at that time, modifying the pulse from late Capricorn to early Aquarius energies at the end of March. If we are in fact “birthing a new world,” then I’d say we’re in the Cosmic Moment when the water’s broken and the contractions are about to begin!
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Encouraging, Robert. And exciting!
Posted by: jo garceau | January 13, 2020 at 01:52 PM