by Robert Wilkinson
Today we take a look at important Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important factors in play the next three weeks as Mercury is retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius.
This Mercury retrograde begins at 4:54 pm PST on February 16, 12:54 am GMY on February 17. The retrograde moves from 13 Pisces back to 29 Aquarius, with the Inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurring at 7 Pisces on February 25. As this retrograde begins in the second decan of Pisces, it deals with the emotional and social levels of life, and has a sub-influence of Cancer with an added dose of Jupiter.
Mercury going SRX on the same degree as Neptune’s retrograde station in June 2016, in the span it transited several times between then and early 2018, indicates we’ll get a look back to see how we’ve been courageous and focused in our relationship to the collective consciousness since then. We’ll certainly get a different look at how we have dealt with ghosts from the past, or karmic events requiring us to do “closure rituals” these past 3+ years. Many will get a new understanding of their lives wherever they have Pisces in their charts, with a need to take a vast compassionate or empathetic view of what is to be left behind as we prepare for our “graduation into a new realm of being.”
Mercury retrograde in Pisces is extremely empathic, so be alert to passing vague or confused feeling states, since you may be picking up on something in the atmosphere which needs cleaning up and/or closure. Once we “emerge from our chrysalis” in early March, we’ll be in the heart of another Great Compression creating more Capricorn structures preparing us to initiate the Grand Mutation when Mars conjuncts Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31.
The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s Stationary Retrograde Degree
The Sabian Symbol for the 13th degree of Pisces is “A sword in a museum.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols Dane Rudhyar published in The Astrology of Personality, he states this degree is about “Courage and fearlessness needed in the quest for spirit and real understanding,” “real faith in self; or emptiness of dread.”
In his masterwork The Astrological Mandala,, Rudhyar offers this degree symbolizes the principle that “through the effectual use of the will, a consecrated being can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in their footsteps.” He says this is a degree of “will power,” where we learn to be an agent for the Divine Will, whether of God, the Masters of the Wisdom, or simply to embody the focus for the collective. He states that this symbol falls in the Span of Innocence, the Act of Group Integration, and is the synthesizing degree of the Individual-Mental level of the Scene of Federation.
The focusing of Spiritual Will is THE most powerful tool anyone can have against forces of glamor, illusion, and darkness. Spiritual Will is the means by which our Spiritual Warrior is supreme over all worldly challenges. The degree of effectiveness of this power depends entirely on whether the “agent” of that will is operating on lower or higher levels of awareness.
According to Dr. Jones, this degree is about setting some kind of example, where a promise is made manifest “at each point of crisis in human affairs.” This degree is where “wisdom … becomes reincarnate in the new leadership … always available to counter any counsel of confusion arising from a moment’s uncertainty.” He offers “the dramatization of prior achievement is the greatest of all possible present encouragement.”
He offers us the keyword EXAMPLE. He states when this degree is operating in a positive manner, we find “personal power in living common ideals.”
So the theme of this retrograde station involves a quest for “real understanding,” where we must have faith as an antidote to “the emptiness of dread.” Look back on the times when you had to show courage in focusing your Higher Self, as well as those times when Spirit used you as a vehicle so you could turn fear into courage. Remember how you felt back in late 2016, 2017, and early 2018, since the next 3 weeks will bring “echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of …..”
This retrograde will slow things down so we can take a new look at recent developments. This can help us find new approaches to recent issues related to Pisces and Aquarius experiences. As with all Mercury retrogrades, some projects may have to be postponed, or a new way found to make something be more relevant to our current life. This can give us insights into why we need to get a new angle of seeing things, going inward rather than keep going in unfulfilling directions. All of us will get glimpses of how our past experiences and choices since the last Mercury retrograde have led us to a new view of Scorpio related things in our past.
Short Term Future Triggers
During this Mercury retrograde period, pay attention to the roundabout signs and signals you’re receiving about past and present times you need(ed) to turn your concentration and focus inward. These lessons will be illuminated when the Sun crosses this degree between 7:40 pm PST March 1 through 7:30 pm PST March 2. The themes of 13 Pisces will remain in in focus through the time Mercury re-crosses this degree on March 29, when it finishes its 2nd forward motion shadow transit. These themes will get activated in a big way when Mars transits this degree on May 30, 31, and June 1.
It should be a great time to see things we didn’t understand before, or perhaps reclaim something from the past. Here we take a look back and reconsider or renew a willingness to be a vehicle for a higher power, allowing ourselves to be the agents to ground Spirit and “the Corrective Force of Nature Herself.” As with all Mercury retrogrades, we can find a new angle of perspective on what we need to coordinate our lives to express our Soul, and revise and/or renew some things from the past. I gave you a lot about the themes of this retrograde period in prior articles in this series, so please check them out when you’re done here. Links at the bottom of this post.
As with all Mercury retrogrades, we can use this time to take a look back at whatever in the past has recently begun. This one in Pisces and Aquarius helps us re-shape our way of expressing Pisces and Aquarius energies in the house(s) where those signs are active in our chart.
Behind the Scenes in this Scorpio Retrograde
While in Pisces, Mercury is ruled by Jupiter. While in Aquarius, Mercury is ruled by Saturn. As Jupiter is in Capricorn and ruled by Saturn, it again makes Saturn in Capricorn the dominant backdrop to the retrograde. This brings structure to Pisces, and discipline to Aquarius. As Saturn is one a degree of “climbing a spiritual mountain,” clearly our need to focus Spiritual Will is part of our search for an enlightened view.
As we go deeper into our review of what has been let go, what needs to be let go, and how it all relates to the generic human condition, remember to be gentle in your compassion and forgiveness, as well as firm in your conviction of where you want to put your energies in the future. Remember how you’ve built your courage through surrendering to a higher will, and say goodbye to all which would hinder your enthusiastic embrace of the new vision to come in March, April, May, and June.
We’re looking back at endings at the threshold of radical transfigurations, with new beginnings on the way like an express train! We’ll all be transforming our daily lives in very important ways beginning just a few days from now as we again experience the Sun moving through the last two degrees of Aquarius and the first degree of Pisces, illuminating the cusp of the Great Ages we’re currently transitioning through.
Aspects and the Sun and Moon
As this retrograde is taking place only hours after Mars enters Capricorn, it makes a very favorable quintile with that planet, as well as waxing semisquares to both Saturn and Pluto. This offers high specialization and development of personal gifts for those willing to take responsibility and claim their power. It also indicates an emergent inner crisis related to larger Capricorn forces beyond our control.
Many are seeking a “transcendent security” by withdrawing from the world, but the need is to engage the world while knowing when to draw back for a while, preparing for the next engagement with the world. This retrograde brings the theme of using foresight to prepare for expectable future conditions, and Nature’s “rich contribution” to those who are intelligent, prepared, and have “calm yet potent faith in Providence.”
Because the Sun is on the degree where Jupiter went stationary retrograde in June 2009, no doubt our “looking back” will help us “see the light” of how we began to prepare then for developments after that time. Because the Moon is on a degree of launching a great vision, we are “urged to bring our nobles ideals to actual life through the power of the spiritual will.” This dovetails with the theme of the retrograde degree, so it would seem the overarching theme involves the use of our Spiritual Will.
Primary aspects in play involve the Moon square Mercury, trine Venus, quintile the Sun, decile Jupiter, semisquare Saturn, and square Neptune. Uniqueness, gifts, and specialized conditions will be claimed during this retrograde. It may be the return of these, or it could be that forces we set into motion will bring these to us once Mars transits Pisces.
Other primary forming and partile separating planetary aspects include Mercury septile Uranus; Venus semisquare Sun, biseptile Mars, square Jupiter, quintile Saturn, and quindecile Neptune; the Sun is novile Jupiter and bielftile Uranus; Mars is quindecile Saturn and Pluto, trine Uranus, and quintile Neptune; Jupiiter is conjunct Saturn and Pluto, tredecile Uranus, and sextile Neptune; Saturn is septile Neptune; and Uranus is semisquare Neptune.
With Mercury septile Uranus, it’s a major fork in the road regarding our pursuit of our “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow;” with Venus biseptile Mars, this is an emergent point for a new law of life, a new worldly order, or some other Venusian promise of things to come. As Saturn is septile Neptune, it’s a huge fork in the road of destiny for all of humanity. These three all open 7 distinct zones of influence where we confront crucial choices and changes which will determine our future life trajectory.
Remember, because of the RX quality, it may a) take a roundabout way to get there, b) require a delay before we understand what these things are about, or c) we’ll see how we’ve begun parts of our Pisces and Aquarius training and preparation, and now have to connect the dots or renew something we neglected.
Tomorrow I’ll give you how this retrograde will impact every sign and birthday. For now, please review what I’ve written so far, since it’s rich with material which can help you navigate the next three weeks and come out more integrated in your own magnetic power.
A New Look At Mercury Retrograde
If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, as well as all the other signs and houses, if you haven't already gotten your copy, please consider getting my award-winning 2nd edition of A New Look At Mercury Retrograde.
The first major work on Mercury retrograde ever written, it offers in-depth information about Mercury retrograde people, Mercury retrograde in the various signs and houses, and what the entire Mercury Retrograde phenomenon is about. If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in any sign or house position, it’s all in there.
Here's the Amazon link to the page where you can purchase a paperback edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. You can also get a Kindle ebook at that site, or go to Barnes and Noble for a copy on Nook.
Previous articles in this series:
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius in February and March 2020 - An Overview
It’s Mercury Retrograde in February 2020 – Time for a New Look at the Guide of Souls
The Guide of Souls in February 2020 - Mercury Slowing Down, Preparing to go Retrograde at 13 Pisces
Copyright © 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Amazing quality and quantity of information. Thanks Robert.
Ready for tomorrows post!
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | February 13, 2020 at 10:45 AM