by Robert Wilkinson
On May 14 Jupiter goes stationary retrograde at 28 Capricorn and will remain retrograde until mid-September when it will go direct at 18 Capricorn. What does this mean?
First, it means that the Jupiter in Capricorn adventure we’ve been doing since last December has now hit a high water mark, and we will begin to review all the Jupiter related things that have come up since mid-February, when Jupiter went into its shadow zone for the first time. Since then we’ve gotten a look at the span between 18 and 28 Capricorn, and now get another look at that same span of experience, but from a retrograde angle instead of a direct angle.
This span involves all three levels of the Scene of Group Performance. That means we get a review of the individual, mental, and spiritual, the emotional and social, and the actional, material, and physical levels of this part of the zodiac. When Saturn was in this span from February through July 2019 and November 2019 through February 2020, we had solid patterns set in our lives wherever we have that span in Capricorn.
So we now review the potentials, protections, blessings, opportunities, and newer, more expansive ways of seeing and expressing ourselves and our relationship to power, influence, group work, and our willingness to take responsibility. We now review the future we’ve glimpsed so we may come to understand our higher destiny.
Jupiter in Libra taught us ways of being balanced as we move through our world, and new perspectives in our life interests. Jupiter in Scorpio taught us about desire, loss, and magnetism, and our need to eliminate all that would block us from living our higher values. Jupiter in Sag took us beyond forms, beyond binding forces, and gave us a greater adventure wherever it falls in our chart. Jupiter in Capricorn will show us the value of using power in disciplined ways.
This should bring a sense of confidence and well-being for those who have embraced the inner relationship adventure Jupiter in Capricorn has offered us. We now can take a new look at what has opened for us, with the theme of 28 Capricorn paramount for what we are to learn from now through December 2020.
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s Stationary Retrograde Degree
The symbol for the 28th degree of Capricorn is “A large aviary." In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this degree is one of “enhancement of personality by familiarity with spiritual values” and “Joying in the significance of things; or mental confusion.”
In his Astrological Mandala, he offers that this degree is one of “the enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implication.” He states that birds symbolize spiritual forces which bring “joy and harmony to the consciousness,” and here there is “a picture of familiarity with inspiring experiences,” which may lack spontaneity.
He goes on to say this is a “complex state of inspiration,” which can bring confusion due to too many voices talking at the same time. He states this is a symbol of “clairvoyance” and the ability to tune into the inner voice. Rudhyar says it falls in the Span of Dependence, and is the synthesizing degree in the Individual-Mental level of the Scene of Group Performance in the Act of Capitalization.
Dr. Jones says this degree symbolizes a "differentiation of interests” and our gift for bringing any line of effort to serve any other effort we may be doing. Here our “wide spread of aspiration is encompassed in the over-all realization” of how we have organized our life, and our breadth of resources can solve our “everyday problems.” He states how we administer our potential socially is our “self-fulfillment.”
He offers us the keyword COMMUNITY. We are told that when positive, the degree is "exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare.”
So we enter a 4 month period of learning to see opportunity, truth, and group work using spiritual energies we’re familiar with that “enhance our personality.” If there is any mental confusion, it should be a spur to reorganize our lives and solve our problems using the spiritual values we have at our disposal to care for the “common welfare.”
This helps us attune to a greater truth and future in any group work we do, so keep integrating your vision, your commitment, and your self-discipline to “pre-form” the structures which will open you to a greater truth, vision, and timeless labor later this year. Keep moving through the world living the highest truths you can, allowing your Soul to express through your Higher Self using your mind, feelings, and bodies as a perfectly attuned vehicle to demonstrate your spiritual truths.
Summing Up
As Jupiter now moves back toward its conjunction with Pluto, we again confront “the expansion of the Lord of the Underworld.” As Jupiter is the teacher of what is possible and what it not, it’s time to go deeper, and purify all which needs purifying in our lives and affairs. Take a new look at the disciplines of Self-realization you’ve experienced the past few months with an eye to going to the core of your Being to find the “transcendent security” you seek.
Just remember to enjoy the ride, and try not to get too freaked out while you’re making the passage through the underworld, since from time to time we all must go to the bottom to make sure of our integrity. If there’s something which needs cleaning up or cleaning out, do your duty diligently and count your blessings, since sometimes the labor is its own reward.
Integrate your body, feelings, and mind into the larger benevolent consciousness that you ARE behind the masque of personality. This offers us a period of “reflections and revisions in our vision of group work” where we must learn the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency, and trust our ability to see the structural strengths and flaws in any system, argument, plan, or person.
During the coming months, Jupiter will again form a productive sextile to Neptune. During Jupiter’s retrograde, we will again see our spiritual companions in a new light, have yet another period of connecting with the World Soul, and learn the value of enjoying the search for security while displaying diligence and persistence. We’re all being stripped down to the core, and can see things as they truly are.
Use this time of reorganization well. There is a lot of work to be done despite the extreme conditions, and the New Era approaches! There will be a lot of chaos and turmoil during this Jupiter retrograde due to the numerous squares and oppositions coming in a few weeks, but these give us the chance to apply our spiritual truths and practices in “real time” conditions. This is an excellent time to test your spiritual strength and resolve with patience, organization, maturity, and determination.
Because Jupiter is retrograde, expect reviews and returns of a Jupiterian nature wherever you have the last half of Capricorn. So whether you’re looking back at how you came to the responsibilities you have, or how your journey brought you to this spiritual understanding, you are now glimpsing a future which will manifest in a huge way in 2020 and 2021. Jupiter in Capricorn counsels us to allow that which was expanded to a greater field of activity and understanding during Jupiter in Sagittarius to be crafted into effective forms of group work.
You entered the Mystery in 2018, and allowed your life to be transfigured by previous inspired truths and teachings. 2019 offered wide open spaces of spiritual expansion as prelude to major shifts coming at the Grand Mutation of 2020 at 1 Aquarius, ushering in the pre-initiatives of a new great Age. Review how you got here, and practice skills which will make you a Master of your future Destiny. You’ve gone deep – now it’s time to see how widely your life has expanded since January!
Copyright © 2020 Robert Wilkinson
I have gone deeper than deep. I will remain disciplined and rely on my spiritual practice to keep me grounded. Thanks for the article
Posted by: Leia | May 14, 2020 at 09:29 AM
Thanks Robert for a brilliant post.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | May 14, 2020 at 11:40 AM
With my natal Mars@23 Cap, my ACS@1 Cap, & a Moon/Saturn conjunct @13 Cancer, I feel like I've been put through such fire most would not believe. I've been repeatedly stripped of so much & yet, I smile & have an enjoyment & appreciation for what I've learned, about my Self & others. I look forward to Jupiter gracing & retracing this span of Capricorn.
I like these hopeful & insightful words a lot. Thank you, Robert.
Posted by: ThanQ | May 16, 2020 at 01:00 AM