by Robert Wilkinson
Saturn re-enters its home sign of Capricorn at 4:37 pm PDT July 1 where it will remain until it re-enters Aquarius in mid-December en route to the Grand Mutation ushering in a 20 year Aquarius sub-era and a 200 year Air era. So what can we expect in this reprise of Saturn in Capricorn?
All retrogrades are a re-tracing and review of sections of the zodiac we already experience once before. In this case, Saturn was 29 and 30 Capricorn in March, and will occupy the same span retrograde in July. In August, Saturn will be at 28 and 27 Capricorn, giving us a second look at the lessons Saturn first gave us in the last 3 weeks of March, and in September, Saturn will occupy 26 Capricorn where it will go stationary direct at the end of the month, remaining on that degree until the end of October. It moves across the span from 27 to 30 Capricorn in November and the first half of December before re-entering Aquarius.
So Saturn will be in the individual, mental, and spiritual part of the Group Performance sector of Capricorn for the rest of this year. This retrograde will give us a second look at our group work, and bring us information about what needs to be done before that group work can move forward in September. Think of this as a deja vu experience, since we've already been down this road before, and now get to "go back" and finish our Capricorn lessons before entering the 20 year Aquarian sub-era.
Because of Jupiter and Pluto, it is impossible to separate out Saturn’s influence from these other two spiritual powerhouses. That means we again have THREE major planets all within a few degrees of each other in the sign of discipline, maturity, structure, and organized approaches to duty and responsibility. Wherever we have late Capricorn is again a very crowded house!
This can bring us “flashes of wisdom” from the past, and certainly is laying the structure for the radical changes and transformations promised by Pluto when it too occupies the very end of Capricorn in 2021-2023 and again briefly in the Autumn of 2024, after which it remains in Aquarius for many years and sprouts the seeds of the coming New Age as well as whatever pulses are set into motion at the Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn.
This shift of signs also means that wherever we have Capricorn and Aquarius in our charts now has a more Capricorn emphasis instead of the early Aquarius influence of April, May, and June. Obviously it will bring added pressure to any planets or points we may have in late Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as the middle degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo.
This will prove a very productive time for those with planets or points in late Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. There is tremendous awareness potential for those with planets or points in late Cancer, and it’s the end of the end for those with a planet or Ascendant in late Capricorn. I speak extensively of Saturn’s influence on the Ascendant , as well as its conjunctions, squares, and oppositions to other points in our charts in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Those sections explain the nature of the “hard choices and lessons” Saturn can bring during conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, showing us how we have the power to shape our future destiny by how we respond to our challenges, refusing to be the victim of external forces by mobilizing our Divine Understanding to serve the fulfillment of our purpose for being on Earth.
So let’s all welcome Saturn’s re-entry into its home sign of Capricorn! If you have a planet in Capricorn, even at the end of the sign, you’ll begin to vibrate to the different Saturn energy visiting that planet which will help you claim your mastery over that part of yourself by exercising Saturn’s virtues. Saturn in Capricorn will finish our lessons involving those sign qualities, continuing our growth in understanding how the structures we’re building this year will serve our Aquarian expansion next year.
As I told you a year and a half ago when Saturn first entered Capricorn, face the future (in a retrograde way this time!) and use your experience to continue to learn how to claim authorship of your view, your philosophy, and your ongoing transformational potential. This is a "back to the future" period, where we re-enter Capricorn at the end of the sign rather than the beginning of the sign.
Take responsibility, but remember we're in a great realignment, of individuals, groups, and nations. Many things are ending for us all. Those who have a mature spiritual view will find many opportunities to manifest control of their larger destiny, while others will break free of old binding spiritual attitudes and find a greater dance in a greater reality.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson