by Robert Wilkinson
This Solar Eclipse marks a powerful change in direction, change in allegiances, change in priorities, and puts us all on the cutting edge of destiny. Productivity is up, intensity is up, the need for self-discipline is up, with Venus swirling forward and Mercury swirling backwards! All eclipses shut something down, taking away elements of our lives no longer true for us. Over the next 5+ years we will go through endings while finding more appropriate ways to do our Being in the Cancer arena of life. This Eclipse offers us a turning point as we see the necessity of doing our thing in our own way.
Cancer is the sign representing our ability to act in our “enlightened self-interest” based in our instinctual understanding of experience. Like Capricorn, it is the Wisdom of our ancient primal Innocence, where we instinctively know how to care for the roots which will flower in the future, and how to understand the Wisdom needed in each moment to nurture what we care for and find security in our “shell of personality.”
A Solar Eclipse in Cancer takes away old habits, self-indulgences, and insecurities, creating space to adopt better habits and a greater sense of security; old needs give way to new things we care about; old insecurities give way to new ways of being a caring individual in our world; old things we once clutched at or got defensive about give way to a new sense of giving and receiving in an open faith that all are being nourished appropriately; old personality structures are replaced with new emotional connectedness with personal power and expertise.
So What’s Happening Where?
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. The Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on Earth. In eclipse lore, where the Eclipse is visible will be where the greatest effects can be expected, lasting the number of years that the eclipse is long in hours.
The coming Annular Solar Eclipse happens at 11:41 pm PDT on June 20, 7:41 am BST on June 21. Because this Eclipse lasts 5 hours and 48 minutes from start to finish of the penumbral phase, it’s of fairly long duration, so will have an impact of 5 years and 9+ months. As I told you yesterday, the umbral phase, where the eclipse will be most intense, lasts 3 hours 45 minutes, showing the heart of the eclipse effects lasting 3 years and 9 months.
As the magnitude is fairly strong it’s powerful, and it will be most felt where it’s visible in Asia, the Middle East, southeastern Europe, and northeast Africa. specifically a path involving Ethiopia, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, Kashmir, Tibet, the heart of China., and Taiwan. I’ve been using information from the NASA Solar Eclipse site for many years. In the past, they included a bunch of information about each eclipse, but now they’ve changed their site and it has much less scientific data about eclipses.
Because an Eclipse conjuncts the Moon’s Nodal axis, the nodes are very important guides showing the line of greatest development and showing what we know. The NN shows the line of development, and because it’s in Gemini, the challenge is to grow into a greater quest for knowledge, higher standards of expression, and how to give and receive information in ways that don’t create dualities or power struggles.
Open to a greater quest for knowledge which can give you wealth or influence in the future. Embrace the search for many ways to view things, but beware of getting lost in the abstract. This North Node will further growth in all Gemini areas as it promotes growth to fill the voids left by previous Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius. Grow toward a quest to find higher values, and accept the blessing if offered new Truths and futures.
SN in Sagittarius helps us eliminate old truths, old philosophies, and old visions of the future. It can also give us opportunities to express the growing understanding of Gemini energy of the NN through forms of demonstrating our willingness to “raise the bar.” Whatever is cleared out via the Sagittarius SN will over time attract new forms of Gemini expression and activities.
Look to the house where this Lunation falls to see what area of your life will be impacted, just as the houses where past Solar Eclipses fell have already been shutting down obsolete patterns since then. I gave you the positions and links to past eclipses in the previous eclipse article. And remember that whatever is taken away will create an attraction for something more appropriate to who you are now, and who you are becoming.
More On the Influence of Eclipses
Besides the factor of where the shadow falls, in Astrology Eclipses are said to be most powerful when they conjunct the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven of a birth chart. When this happens it always brings endings related to the planets and sectors involved, but these can be of great benefit in clearing away old life factors which have no place in our future. As you know if you’ve been here for any time at all, I believe that "something's lost and something's gained in living every day..."
Of course, besides these past echoes and the usual general effects, the Eclipse will also bring losses and endings where it falls in our individual birth charts. In an example I offered in the article explaining Solar Eclipses in general of how a loss can work to great benefit, if it conjuncts the Saturn in a birth chart, it can indicate the ending of old, lesser responsibilities, limitations, or fears, and open the being to a greater sense of purpose. If it conjuncts Jupiter, then it could show the ending of an old philosophy or belief system and open the gates to something far greater.
Given a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon, then like all Lunations that work their influence over time, it triggers events related to previous celestial events, and is triggered by subsequent transits to those points. For example, because of where the North Node is, we can assume this Eclipse at 1 Cancer will have similar evolutionary energies as were present in October 2001, the last time the NN was in this part of Gemini.
Summing Up
This Eclipse, having only two relatively minor frictional aspects, will move us through major “forks in the road of destiny” due to the quantity of 7th harmonic aspects involving Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto on the one hand, and Saturn and Neptune in an entirely different life area. There are also several spiritual aspects in the 10th, 11th, and 15th harmonic series which I’ll discuss later.
With such a strong Saturn influence due to the quincunx, it seems that we have many hard adjustments and sacrifices in life areas where we have 1 Cancer and 1 Aquarius. These will help clear a path to the greater future which opens up at the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius in December when Saturn is joined by Jupiter at 1 Aquarius, ushering in a 20 year Aquarian period AND a 200 year Air era!
As this Eclipse falls on the Solstice, you can bet many things will be shut down quick and fast, given the strong Cardinal sign emphasis. This will be an “actional spiritual” Eclipse, marking the end of old familiarities and significant voids created in our personal life wherever we have 1 Cancer. Though we have the quincunx and the semisquare from Mars to Uranus, remember that some endings are more a blessing than a problem. This Eclipse ushers in an extremely intense and compressed period when we have spiritual powerhouses Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all within a 6+ degree span!
This marks the entry into the second Jupiter conjunct Pluto, indicating another “expansion of Pluto” in the world. No doubt the virus will accelerate, the cry for a better world will continue, and the spotlight will force movement which will serve the structures we’ll need in the future. This Eclipse will remove many old assumptions, habits, and ways of living our everyday lives so we may accept a greater role in our world based in whatever vision was launched in our lives in late March or April. As Mercury is retrograde, expect returns, reviews, renewals, and reconsiderations focused on how to make our spiritual life “more real.”
Because Eclipses mark endings, finish up what you need to while preparing to move in a different direction because of what will be taken away. Look at the house where this Eclipse falls to see where the “Cosmic Recyclers” are coming to take away what you no longer need in that life area.
While the North Node is in Gemini, regard these eclipses as productive for shutting down old Gemini/Sagittarius things and attitudes you no longer need. Whatever is taken away will yield a void opening new standards of excellence, new levels of self-demonstration, and new ideals to emulate and value. We demonstrate these through the house where we have late Sagittarius.
Since the 2018 Cancer Eclipse, we’ve all expressed a dream offered to us since then, and should be finding ourselves at the end of the quest, one way or another. Keep accepting recognition for the excellence of your “performance,” but also understand that when it’s time to leave the stage and the lights come up, there’s nothing to do but get in the bus and move on to the next performance.
The January 2019 Eclipse at 16 Capricorn began to take away many old Capricorn parts of our life, giving us the chance to exercise different energies within group situations. The July 2019 Cancer Eclipse has taken away many old habits and ways of life, helping us see the humor or irony in situations. We’ve all run into those who take themselves too seriously, and we will continue to “puncture ego pomposities” in the future to follow the growth path set out by the NN during those Eclipses.
The Christmas 2019 Eclipse at 5 Capricorn mobilized us, setting us into forceful motion to act as we must within a larger group effort. It accelerated the removal of old Capricorn patterns while opening countless doors of an expanded perception. Those perceptions are part of the structure we’re building this year that will be the basis of the 20 year Aquarian ideal set into motion in December.
In the next part of the series, we'll explore how this Eclipse will manifest and its astrological components, including Sabian Symbols, which signs will be most affected, and more on the mixed energies at work in this Annular Solar Eclipse. This one will show us it’s time to “lower one flag and raise a new one,” moving into new relationships, new ways of life, new concerns, and new ways of taking care of ourselves and others.
This puts the world on the threshold of nonstop intense friction and open conflict for many months. Some will abandon old allegiances; others will see they need a new direction to stabilize their lives. We’re still spinning in the midst of the groundswell which at the end of the storm will yield a new life for everyone in 2021. This gives us a new look at what we care about and the habits we need to reconsider as we search for new knowledge.
So we stand at a turning point in the destiny of the world and humanity, when much is irrational and new consecrations are offered to us all. Go your own way, value each individual’s response to life within a greater compassion for the human condition, don’t allow self-indulgent or presumptuous people to move you, and keep your eye on the “Great Work” you and others are beginning to build.
See you soon with the next article on this Solar Eclipse!
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, how many degrees from a sun, moon, ascent or midheaven would be considered a conjunction? Thanks!
Posted by: Heather | June 19, 2020 at 01:51 PM
Thank you Robert, New Moon and Solstice blessings
Posted by: Bonnie Orgren | June 19, 2020 at 02:16 PM
Hi Heather - Usually when it comes to a New Moon, we give it maximum orbs for conjunctions and oppositions. It is modified to some degree by the position, i.e., it is a stronger conjunction between 1 Cancer and 10 Cancer than it is between 1 Cancer and 22 Gemini. Same with the Ascendant. This is in the first if you have Gemini rising, so it's a powerful but different type of energy. However, if you have late Cancer rising, this Eclipse falls in the 12th and isn't really conjunct the Asc. Everything depends on the specific conditions. Falling in the 9th means one thing; falling in the 10th means an entirely different thing.
The other aspects of course don't have as wide an orb as the conjunction or opposition.
Hi Bonnie - Greetings and blessings to us all!
Posted by: Robert | June 19, 2020 at 02:45 PM
So if My Venus is 1 degree cancer and Jupiter in 6 pisces 12hs should I get My Will on track:):):) Happy Father's Day to a man who has been Father who also has The Mother in Him to get us through these dark days!!!! xxooxo cf
Posted by: chickie farella | June 19, 2020 at 04:10 PM
Hi Robert. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. My ascendant is 26d 23' Gemini, and my Saturn 29d 20' Cap. Second Saturn return!!!! And my progressed New Moon at 22d Gem, making lots of significant aspects, next March. I do feel at the threshold of a new life.
Blessings to you and all!
Posted by: Kate | June 20, 2020 at 10:55 AM