by Robert Wilkinson
This distributive, inspired, and freeing “Christfest” Full Moon distributing a new form of Wisdom Teaching to the world occurs at 12:12 pm PDT, 8:12 pm BST on June 5, and falls at the 16th degree of Gemini and Sagittarius. It is the third of the “Three High Moons” of the Northern Hemispheric Spring. As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus to see how to anchor those themes in expression. This is the Light of Mind expressed in widespread forms of Truth and vision that opens a wisdom adventure in each of us, so let your enthusiasm loose!
The Full Moon of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio is the Wesak Festival, where the “Eternal Buddha Wisdom” pours out a new form of compassionate wisdom for the world as a path to greater spiritual service which will be spread across all nations at the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius. The importance of the Christ Fest Full Moon is explained in greater detail in the article Spiritual Astrology – the Three High Moons of the Northern Hemisphere Spring.
Briefly, the Life Force of Earth re-emerges at the Full Moon of Aries-Libra, and this Life Force is expressed as a form of “Buddha Wisdom” of some compassionate form that helps us all to end suffering. This Wisdom is then shaped into a form of expression by the World Teacher at this Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius, and expressed the “world teaching” for the next year.
Since the Christfest distributes the “Buddha Wisdom” of the previous Full Moon in some compassionate form helping us all to end suffering, the next two weeks can help us glimpse wider truths and futures. We have seen a form of worth or value, we’ve seen what has to be examined which creates discontent, and since the New Moon, have an awakened mind. This Full Moon will put these in a wider perspective, with great truths to be externalized over the rest of this year through clarity of purpose arising from our Light.
As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus to see how to anchor those themes in expression. This is the Light of “Divine Mind” coming to surface as a great idea to be embraced and/or spread to others which will entail confronting unexamined parts of our lives and caged up inner primal power.
Continuing the theme that proceeds at each Full Moon as they move through each polarity, this one gives us the ability to use the sense of purpose we’ve been dealing with since the New Moon, and having begun to formalize our ideals in concrete forms, can take the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” which resulted in a transfigured sense of self before now and find a greater truth and vision in future action.
Today’s Full Moon post will be an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In parts 2 and 3 we’ll cover the Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
An Overview
This Christ Fest Full Moon in Sagittarius-Gemini will distribute a global wisdom and greater ways of seeing the essence of things, as well. This one will help us Find a cause or mission we believe in, expressed as a cosmic “moment of pause which presages change.” This accelerates our growth in major ways, so be “alertly ready to act” and don’t “fall into distress at not knowing what’s ahead.”
As the Moon in Sagittarius is front and center, this Full Moon opens us to a new life adventure, a new way of dancing through time and space, with enthusiasm and humor. As the third of the “Three High Moons” of the Northern Hemispheric Spring, the Wisdom coming our way will help us embrace our individuality in a broader context of service.
This Full Moon is expansive, and will elevate our view if we don’t cling to old 3D forms of perception. It is preparatory, rewarding, and accelerating. There are major squares to be navigated with intuition and adaptability, indicating the Wisdom forms we’ll glimpse will blow some doors of perception wide open!
This month Mercury is out front in mid-Cancer, quickly slowing down to begin its coming retrograde. Pluto’s retrograde, and Venus, Jupiter and Saturn also went retrograde in mid-May. This marks a major “sea change” where we’ve begun to take a new look at the ground we’ve traversed since the beginning of the year.
Our elemental distribution is all over the map during these months! At the Pisces Full Moon, all the planets were in Earth or Water signs except Mercury on its stationary direct transfiguration degree. At the Aries Full Moon the emphasis moved to Air in ways we haven’t seen in years, as we had FOUR planets in Air signs, and the past Wesak Full Moon had Earth and Air as dominant influences.
This Full Moon brings us back to a balance between Air, Earth, and Water, with three planets in each. The Water element will continue to dominate for the next few weeks as Mercury and Mars remain in Water to be joined by the Sun in 2 weeks. After the Water weeks to come, then we’ll have major fire beginning in August and continuing for some time, creating friction and releases as we approach the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius. As you know from other articles, this is the last year of a 200 year Earth era, with Air power building throughout the year which is priming the pump for the 200 year Air era breaking big this December!
As Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all have Capricorn ground to re-trace in coming months, it indicates the organized structures we’ve already begun to build as we move into the Grant Mutation and a new 200 year era for humanity may need to be revisited, revised, or reworked. As Gemini is so strong in this chart, see the friction of the recent past and present as showing you how you’re “a large diamond in the cutting process.”
The early March Mercury direct station began a period of radical transfiguration, with the launch in early May. We’ve all had openings which offered us chances to shake off what binds us. We’ve all been “butterflies emerging from a chrysalis,” taking flight in early May. It would seem humanity is breaking out of its comfortable cocoon. Which reminds me of the movie, and how we are truly young forever!
This is the seventh Full Moon with Jupiter in Capricorn, which at this time is helping us hear the inner voice with clarity despite the white noise of the world. We’ve begun to see the group work which must be done, and who we’re going to do it with. We’ve touched the World Soul, and have seen our fellow travelers on the Path to the mountaintop, with the view promising a new world of activity by the end of this year. We now get a new look at our Path up the mountain.
Between January and March, we began new Mars/Jupiter, Mars/Pluto, and Mars/Saturn cycles. We are also launched into a year of serious Saturn/Pluto energies, given the January conjunctions setting a new 33 year era into motion. As I said, we transfigured in 2018 and 2019, and now can find wisdom in the ongoing process of transfiguration as a verb rather than a noun.
This is the first step into the coming Aquarian era. While this is not “The Age of Aquarius,” this is the final intensification of those energies which will sprout seeds in the second quarter of the century which will take us across the threshold of the Great Age soon after 2050.
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
There are two patterns; one is when the Full Moon Sun is the same sign as the previous New Moon Sun, and the other is when the Full Moon Sun is in the next sign from the Sun in the previous New Moon. We are now in a period when the Full Moon Sun falls in the same sign as the Sun in the previous New Moon.
We last had the Sun in the same sign in both the New Moon and Full Moon, the so-called “natural” order, between June 2016 and the late July 2017 New Moon in Leo, when the Full Moon Sun fell in the same sign as the Sun of the previous New Moon. We finished the period of the “natural” order of Lunation Suns at the August 2017 Solar Eclipse in late Leo and began the last period where the Full Moon Sun was in the sign following the New Moon Sun.
We were in this “reversed pattern” of the Sun of the Full Moon occupying the sign after the New Moon Sun for 20 months, and now have been back to the “natural order” of the Sun in the New Moon being the same as the Sun in the next Full Moon. Our recent New Moon Sun was at 3 Gemini, and this Full Moon has a Sun at 16 Gemini.
Since the New Moon offers us seeds in the first half of the month’s lunar cycle, and fulfillment in the second half, we now are in a sequence with the “Seed Light” of Gemini coming to a Full Moon illumination through the current Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius. You can learn more about the recent New Moon at 3 Gemini by checking out those two articles posted 2 weeks ago.
Planetary Distribution
In this Full Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Venus at 13 Gemini and Mercury at 10 Cancer) is 26+ degrees. When we add the nearest planet Uranus, the span is 60+ degrees, and occupied by 4 planets. The first span will be the primary focus of specific activity in our charts. However, because we have four planets between the middle of Sagittarius and the beginning of Aquarius, we have a second concentrated span of activity.
The second span is 45+ degrees wide, with the Moon in Sag leading the span followed immediately by Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and close by Saturn in early Aquarius. As the inner planets are now approaching their oppositions to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, we’re in a wider span of activity than we’ve had for months.
Over the next few months the inner planets will oppose and thus bring to surface all which began at the Great Compressions in Capricorn in January and March 2020. This will create a tremendously powerful “Axis of Awareness” involving Cancer and Capricorn over the next weeks. After the Scorpio oppositions to Uranus late in the year, we’ll again approach another Great Compression, this one in Aquarius.
We had two Great Compressions in Capricorn; one in February 2019, and one which hit maximum compression in March 2020. These brought us “Bundle” Jones patterns, with everything bundled in a very narrow span this year, creating a crowded house wherever we have Capricorn through Taurus. This has been and will be the prevailing Jones Pattern between January and mid-March 2021.
Because of the occupied span, it means the Moon is the primary determiner of the Jones Pattern when it is between early Cancer and late Scorpio, since it creates several different energy patterns along the way as the closing planet, nozzle, and opening planet for the rest of the planetary energies. For now, it’s about to disappear into the zones occupied by all the other planets for the next few weeks.
At this time we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 7 signs, in a widespread balanced distribution. Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Pluto and Jupiter in late Capricorn, then moves through Saturn in Aquarius, Mars and Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in early Taurus, with the inner planets now occupying Gemini and Cancer. In this chart the Moon in Sagittarius has become the entry planet to the occupied span.
The Jones patterns in the sky now change mainly due to the position of the Moon. With this Full Moon in Sagittarius we begin a time of shifting patterns due to the retrogrades. This World Teacher Full Moon Lunar Eclipse returns us to a Bowl pattern.
So What is a “Bowl Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets occupying approximately half of the signs with an empty half opposite the occupies half, creates a “special type of conscious selfhood,” which Dr. Jones says “marks the Bowl type of temperament. He goes on to state “Fundamentally it is an extreme self-containment,” which “holds things, and a Bowl individual is one who always has something to bear.”
He goes on to state that with the Bowl, “the whole dynamic of man, his total power of achievement, arises in his instinctive realization that he is set off against a definite part of the world, that there is a complete segment of experience from which he is excluded in some subtle fashion. The Bowl not only holds something, but also places whatever it holds into relationship with a larger consideration.”
Dr. Jones continues that “the occupied segment of the Bowl horoscope reveals the activity and organization of the self, since planets are significant according to their place by sign and house, and the unoccupied segment becomes a challenge to existence, or the need and emptiness to which the native must direct his attention. The outstanding characteristic of the Bowl temperament is its marked sense of what is self-contained in contrast with what the self cannot hold, and this take an everyday form in an advocacy of some cause, the furtherance of a mission, an introspective concern over the purpose of experience.”
He concludes his explanation of how the pattern works with “The Bowl native always has something to give to his fellows, whether literally or psychologically, whether constructively or vindictively, because his orientation to the world arises from division; that is, frustration and uncertainty. The leading planets, determined in exactly the same way as for the Locomotive pattern, give a point of application, and shows where and how the native seeks to carry out his mission or gain his everyday justification for existence.”
He brings up another important point of analysis, as he states “the leading planet is of secondary importance in the Bowl pattern, unless it is found in a strong opposition or cosmic cross. The fundamental attack on the problems of life by the Bowl individual is indicated more significantly by the tilt or house-position of the Bowl-segment.”
He concludes this section by stating “the Bowl character is definitely more self-expending, or self-seeking, and more practically interested in what things mean and what they are. It continually throws the emphasis from the signs into the houses. It a general way the Bowl tends to ‘scoop up’ things and initiate experience when the position of the leading planet ranges from the fourth cusp, up and over the ascendant, to the midheaven cusp, and then inclines to “capture” things or consummate various phases of life when the leading planet is placed similarly from the tenth angle down over the descendant to the nadir.”
At this Full Moon, the hemispheric emphasis shows us the Moon is the opening planet and Mercury the closing planet in the occupied span. Be aware of greater possibilities, truths, and glimpses of the future to initiate experience, and when it’s time to act, seize the moment! With Mercury closing, see everything you’re going through as “cutting and polishing the Diamond Self” to a greater perfection. This period leads with actional-physical “abstraction” and closes with social-emotional “decision.”
Because the Moon is the focus of the “Cosmic Recycling” associated with an Eclipse, and it’s the World Teacher Full Moon, clearly the World Teacher plans to shut down something involving Sagittarius and Gemini energy this year. We enter experience feeling the Distributive Fire of “a moment which presages change, and close it by our “feeling-knowing.”
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?
Because this section is so long, I decided to create an article which explains what it is, how long it’s been in effect, and which zones of the zodiac have been most impacted and when. You can find all you need to know about this configuration associated with widespread irrationality and hard-edged “forks in the road of destiny” we’ve all confronted at various times by going to The Grand Irrationality.
In this chart, we are back in the jagged edges of the Second Grand Irrationality (2017-2022) as Uranus is again biseptile Jupiter and Pluto. This is the “awakening to a fork in the road of destiny” for humanity, and is why things are so irrational at this time. This will awaken “knowledge and skill” to “meet the demands of a stage yet to come.”
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn is in its home sign of Aquarius, it is the final dispositor of all planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius from now through 2023. That makes it a dominant force through April 2022. And because Jupiter is in Capricorn, Saturn has also been center stage during the transits of Sagittarius and Pisces. That means Saturn will loom large over personal and global events each Winter for a while!
Remember that while Saturn can feel heavy, it is also our ability to take command of our lives and destiny by using Saturn’s virtues in the right way and time. Our ability to steer our “ship of personality” into its rightful “current of destiny” is in front of us, based in how we have prepared for our “role of destiny” heading at us like an express train! In 2019 we rehearsed and perfected roles and skills we’ll need in 2020 and beyond as part of the Saturn-Uranus “dance of individualization” in our lives. We’ve begun to crystallize present and future rewards, as well as new group work and roles opening new chapters in our “hero’s journey” into our new quality of Being awakened by Uranus.
I explain how Saturn and Uranus awaken us to our Higher Powers to take conscious command of our destiny in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization, and in Aquarius, teaches us how to make a greater contribution to our civilization and come together with others in a great effort “ensouled by a great vision.” This will allow our “new quality of Being” promised by Uranus to come alive as expressions of our unfolding Higher Consciousness.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why you had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped your life in profound ways.
Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to throw off all the attitudes and memories which hold you back from finding and living the life and purpose. If you’ve haven’t already gotten your copy, you can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. It’s also available on Amazon and as an ebook on Kindle, so if that’s more to your liking, go for it! If you would, whether you’ve gotten the ebook or the paperback, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the more of a boost they give it.
On A Final Note
See you in the near future with parts two and three on this World Teacher Full Moon Eclipse which will show us the future and mobilize us toward a more passionate expression of our sense of what matters. Old performances will bring new rewards, and new performances will affect others on subconscious levels. While much will be taken away, it merely cleans out psychic and physical spaces so newer, more appropriate life substance can come to us.
As this Eclipse is in the axis of the Questing, wandering Magician-engineer, expect old ideas to give way to new ideas, and old futures to give way to new futures. We continue our “swirling expansion,” with Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn now retrograde giving us a new look at ground we covered between January and March. If you want to know more about the recent compression, there are links at the bottom of this article.
New roles, new power, new influence, and new responsibilities are coming in 2020 for those who have trained, and will lead to new social effectiveness in 2021 and 2022. We saw broader truths and futures during 2019 when Jupiter was in Sagittarius, and now can take those great principles we glimpsed and practice them in forms of personal power. We’ve now begun several very important long wave cycles this year, so get used to playing this for the long haul.
The more skillful we become in dealing with life’s aggravations, annoyances, disruptions, and unexpected diversions, the more we are able to keep our cool in the midst of the generic atmospheric conflict and irrationality. That way we can fulfill our destiny and enjoy the journey!
We’re in a period where we’re having various types of “cosmic visitations” which is “galvanizing us into action to become free of adverse conditions.” We’ve gotten a front end look at the sources of future conflicts which will boil over next January. Since the Summer of 2019, we’ve all been “tearing ourselves away from the known and familiar, gambling all on a great dream.” However, the same revolutionary pulse is showing as others reacting in confrontational ways, promising a period of polarization and tension between the old and the new. Just beware of the old masquerading as the new, and beware of people being oppositional-defiant for no good reason.
Our lives have been transfigured since 2018 as we embraced the journey into the unknown. The Wisdom of this Wesak being spread to the world by the World Teacher puts the spotlight on that transfiguration, both as actuality and potentiality. We have received the promise of rewards to come for doing our part in the Cosmic Choir. During this extreme period, we are offered chances to let go of fear, egocentricity, and feelings of fatigue or inadequacy. We are still finding healing through seeing how we’re not bound to an old identity, and learning to use our freedom to mentor ourselves in new social-emotional expression.
We’ve been offered many higher, more diplomatic and dignified ways of interacting with others these past few months, with this shift opening doors to even more evolved relationships. Even if you don’t understand now, you will by later this year when Mercury goes SRX at 12 Scorpio.
As we approach the Grand Mutation of 2020, the next few weeks shuffle the deck, increase the centrifugal spin, and continue to give giving us a look back at the developments of the cycles with an eye to details of the plan. If necessary, confront something which is locking up the power in the situation. See the beauty and usefulness of things.
Be innovative in bringing happiness to the world when things are bleak. Go inward for inspiration, and generate hope and faith. Even as things spin in multiple directions, see it all as an exercise in education. Open to new ideas and a broader understanding, and remember we cannot put new wine into old wineskins. We’ve stabilized the Capricorn promise of 2018 and 2019 as changes accelerate the coming conflict which precedes the coming 20 year Aquarian sub-era which will change us and our world for decades to come!
I’ll see you soon when we’ll discuss Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important chart factors.
This article explains past, present, and future compressions, where they fall, and who they affect. The Great Compressions of early 2020, 2021, and 2022
This one explains the recent compression and the multiple conjunctions setting themes for decades! The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn
Along with the article on the Three High Moons linked earlier, if you want to know more about the “Compassionate Buddha Wisdom” generated at the Wesak which is distributed at this Full Moon, please take a new look at Spiritual Astrology in May 2020 - A Happy Buddha Birthday Is Coming at the Full Moon of Taurus-Scorpio, a.k.a. The Wesak Festival! Then refresh your knowledge by revisiting the Full Moon articles from a month ago.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson