by Robert Wilkinson
I know this theme is a frequent one these days, but it’s always good to stay awake and aware when things are getting extremely intense! We have a lot of very intense aspects coming down over the next few days.
First, there’s a major Cardinal T-square on Saturday made by Moon in Libra opposed Mars in Aries and square Mercury in Cancer, throwing the void into mid-Capricorn. That is immediately followed Sunday by Moon in Libra square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn, throwing the voids into late Cancer and late Aries, which is the “storm zone” about to be occupied by Mercury and Mars!
Maintain self-discipline, be organized and thoughtful in how you express what you have to, and take charge of things if required. Beware of manipulators and disingenuous people who seem reasonable but aren’t. A lot of how we learn to handle this weekend will give us guidelines for what we’ll have to demonstrate in September when Mercury makes its T-square with Mars and the Capricorn stellium, and again in October when the Sun makes the same T-square. Be proactive, and if things seem extreme, point out other possibilities which aren’t so extreme!
On Monday and Tuesday, Venus in late Gemini makes a quincunx to Jupiter and square to Neptune just as Mercury perfects its square with Mars. Remember the bigger picture, don’t get confused, beware of gaslighting and misrepresentations, and keep in mind it’s a time for adjustment, adjustment, adjustment! And slow down!
The quincunx is both eliminative and regenerative, potentially creative with the possibility of spontaneous releases of heart energy, and the first of the set of three, given Venus quincunxes Pluto on Thursday. And by now you know pretty much all you need to know about Mercury square Mars. Just remember it’ll still be in full force for at least a week, so move cautiously into the dynamic Fire trines of August (which will also quincunx the stellium in Capricorn!)
Along with these aspects, Mercury opposes Jupiter on Thursday as Venus quincunxes Pluto, and then Mercury opposes Pluto on Saturday just before the Sun squares Uranus! When in doubt, “bite through the wrappings” of misrepresentations, hesitancy, fear, and confusion. Be wholehearted in pursuing the goals that are meaningful to you, cultivate humanitarian patterns, and if necessary, take a break from the world to receive a new inspiration.
So we have a bit of rough weather this next week, with adjustments, eliminations, creativity, and a hard edge as we come to major realizations about how the Capricorn energies are in play in our lives. Enjoy the ride….
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson