by Robert Wilkinson
July 13, 14, and 15 is a remarkable snapshot in time! We are not only at two crucial turning points as Mars conjuncts Chiron, but the two oppositions made by the Sun to Jupiter and then Pluto will involve two distinctly different and extraordinarily favorable evolutionary configurations!
First, today we have Sun biseptile the exact Mars conjunct Chiron! This marks an “exteriorization” of that combination of energy in a “destiny influencing” form. That means July 11-15 is a powerful time of choice and change for those with a planet or point near 7-11 Aries, 28 Taurus-2 Gemini, 19-23 Cancer, 11-15 Virgo, 3-7 Scorpio, 24-28 Sagittarius, and 15-19 Aquarius. If you have something in one of these zones, the past 2 days and next 2 days are a turning point wherever your planet is activated by the Sun, Mars, and Chiron!
For the next 72 hours we also move through the exact oppositions between the Sun and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Oppositions bring awareness through polarization or externalization. What was below the horizon breaks the surface at the opposition. I believe the opposition is the best aspect in our tool box, since it compels a greater awareness of the whole of the situation or cycle.
These oppositions indicate the Great Light is shining on Jupiter, Pluto, as well as their combined influence. The Sun opposed Jupiter offers us opportunities to re-evaluate our “loyalties to our obligation” in the Light of the impending “Light up the core” Sun opposition to Pluto. This brings the illumination of the Capricorn energies set into motion at the conjunctions in January and March.
An opposition can bring something to the surface on its “run to the top” at the upper square, but an opposition can also counter the energies of the planet(s) being opposed. In this case, the Sun can shine its Great Light on the manipulations or structures indicated by Jupiter and Pluto, bringing the Light of Cancerian self-interest to oppose the calculated self-interest of Capricorn. In any case, we will all be more aware of something related to the late Cancer-late Capricorn axis in our charts.
Because Jupiter and Pluto occupy consecutive degrees, the awareness will involve a dual “pulse.” It opposes Jupiter at 23 Cancer, and opposes Pluto at 24. The opposition to Jupiter brings something related to the “rewards for discharging our duty under abnormal conditions,” as per the conjunction points in January. Again, 23 Capricorn will be highly active all this year due to the numerous conjunctions on that degree.
These oppositions fall at the synthesizing and technical degrees in the emotional and social level of consolidation. We can see the Light of new approaches to solving common factors in emotional or social problems, and new ways to articulate our sense of how to solve things. That will be followed by seeing “the Light of the core” in terms of complex social relationships and how we can integrate with others, or integrate something of value in our society. This is seeing the interdependence in things, and between things.
Now for the evolutionary configurations! In what looks to be a divine trick, the Moon will be in Taurus during these oppositions, making a quintile to the Sun and tredecile to Jupiter the day their opposition happens, and then making a sextile to the Sun and trine to Pluto the next day! This will generate an enormous amount of specialized Jupiter energy and then productive Pluto energy in Scorpio, wherever we have that in our chart.
The Moon quintile-tredecile the Sun opposed Jupiter opens serendipity and gifts along the 10-12 Taurus/Scorpio and 22-24 Cancer/Capricorn axes. The Moon sextile-trine the Sun opposed Pluto opens productive understanding along the 11-13 Taurus/Scorpio and 23-25 Cancer/Capricorn axes. As you can see, they operate both independently AND together as a unified field of specialized productive energies wherever these happen in our chart.
Other zones activated by the Moon-Sun-Jupiter configuration involve 4-6 Aries/Libra, 16-18 Gemini/Sagittarius, and 28-30 Leo/Aquarius. If you have anything in these zones, or the ones named in the Sun-Jupiter opposition, high specialization, gifts, and unique events are yours during those hours the Moon is making the configuration.
Anyway, it’s a very interesting and potentially VERY good few days ahead, so make the most of them!
To remind you, Mars is conjunct Chiron at 10 Aries, creating a new long wave Aries "healing pulse" wherever we have 10 Aries in our chart.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson