by Robert Wilkinson
This article came from a conversation I was having in a spiritual FB group dedicated to studying the works of the Tibetan Master DK as He gave us instruction via Alice A Bailey. In the Esoteric world, there is a concept known as “Initiation,” or entrance into a “permanent” greater awareness and effectiveness in the world which doesn’t die with the body. While there are specific qualities and tests and realizations in each Initiation into the higher realms, today we’ll examine a tiny part of the process.
The question was asked, “What does the influence of the planet Saturn connote?” An answer was offered from Esoteric Astrology, pp. 549-550, that “Saturn applies the tests associated with initiation.” The next question was “What is the nature of an initiatory test?”
An answer was posted from the book The Rays and the Initiations pp. 432-433 which stated
One of the tests of the initiatory process is a hitherto totally unexpected one. Tests which are expected and for which preparation has been made do not constitute true tests in the real sense of the word, esoterically understood. It is a test—imposed with increasing rigidity as initiation after initiation is taken—to see just how far the initiate is capable of retaining or preserving in his brain consciousness the registered facts of several worlds or planes of consciousness...until the point is reached where a straight continuity of consciousness can be registered and held which comes directly from the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World to Those Masters Who are functioning in a physical body and must therefore use a physical brain. In every single case the test (in order to be passed correctly) must involve the brain consciousness; the facts, registered upon the subtler planes, must be correctly registered, recognised and interpreted simultaneously upon the physical plane.
At that point I jumped in and offered that I actually address some of these concepts in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn traditionally represents the "lessons which must be learned." No short cuts, as with Jupiter. Jupiter’s lessons are pretty much “easy come easy go,” even if some of them are not easy and we don’t want something or someone to leave who has been a Jupiter influence in our life. Saturn shows us the lessons we MUST master, since they don’t go away just because our imagination wants to run wild in new pastures of truth and potential.
Saturn is the yoke (Yoga) we accept joyfully as it is the path to mastering the personality so it becomes an adequate vehicle for the Higher Self to be made manifest. As we exercise "disciplines of Self-realization" and train the lower triad, our "brain consciousness" becomes more receptive to our Higher Mind, which is the point of contact between the lower triad and the Higher Triad. Each time we reference the Higher Mind with the lower mind, we strengthen the connection between the Soul and the personality so that it becomes easier over time to “live in the Eternal” and not get distracted by the unexpected tests life throws at us.
Saturn provides the framework so we know how to reference the unexpected challenge forcing us to apply the teaching we have mastered along whatever Rays we're training. Saturn gives us the patience to observe all which presents itself to our 5 senses and our mind as grist for the mill of Soul. Saturn allows us the persistence, maturity, and Spiritual Understanding to become the facet of the Ageless Wisdom we ARE, whether we know it or not.
The concept of Spiritual Initiation is found in many spiritual disciplines and schools of study. It is found in the Tarot and Kabbalah, as well as the Rosicrucian tradition. It is found in Buddhism, the Vedas, and other venerable schools of “Self-realization.” Regardless of which school we are in, the testing to become a probationer and then an Initiate is fixed, as there are fetters which must be overcome at each step of the way. Eventually the chela masters the requirements of each step of the Path as they encounter it, and over time become Arhats and Paramahamsas, living wells of Truth, Wisdom, and Understanding which all who follow draw on.
Our ability to live the Teachings cannot be random occurrences, but so much a part of our Being as to be unshakeable regardless of the unexpectedness of the lesson. That's one reason I love the Agni Yoga material, as Morya addresses the value of unexpectedness. The true test of “showing what we know” doesn’t come when we are comfortable with the tests and how they come; the true test of living our higher awareness 24/7 comes through those unexpected tests which show us whether we are truly on our equilibrium or not, whether we automatically reference our Higher Self or not, and whether we greet unexpected tests with a robust attitude or fear.
Our ability to BE our highest Self cannot be random occurrences, but rather so much who we ARE that any other response is impossible. The disciple on the Path cannot waver in their reliance on the Truth they have found. They can only apply those Truths, and learn greater ones.
I discuss the nature of Saturn and what it represents in our charts in the book. I also devote a lot of time to the subject of Saturn representing our “Ring-Pass-Not” which gives us a "bounded field of practice" until we are able to ride our bicycle without training wheels. Only through Saturn, our "spiritual Master and spiritual Friend" can we accept the ultimate value of "The Great Work" which completes at the World card, symbolizing Saturn.
To that end, Saturn helps us with the various disciplines to heal our 3 bodies (physical, emotional, and mental). Saturn gives us the determination to modify our diet, eliminate our toxins, and do what we have to in the way of physical exercise and disciplines to get our body into equilibrium. We must see what moves our emotions into unhealthy states; stop eating refined sugars, transfats, too much starch, etc. as these all affect our emotional swings.
Saturn gives us the self-discipline to meditate, so we may talk to our body and hear what it has to say instead of having our emotions obscure our body's signals. Saturn also helps us practice concentration and have good organizational and planning skills to give ourselves a consistent care plan which works for us. Saturn helps us master the changes of our body and emotions so we can get a firm grip on what is necessary in any moment so we may see what is valuable and what is transitory.
It is said from antiquity that there are four sources of suffering, all of which arise from an untrained mind. These four are attachment, avoidance, illusions and delusions, and the mind suffering over its own suffering. While a thorough discussion of each of these would make for very long books, I’ll note here that “the mind suffering over its own suffering” results from the dualistic mind’s inherent negativity, because regardless of how long and thoroughly it searches any subject, it can never truly “know” anything.
Regardless of the mind’s searching and acquisition of endless facts and figures, its endless “compare and contrast” operation in countless forms of sequence and selection never results in any true “knowing.” Why? Because only the heart “knows.” The mind thinks it knows; the heart actually knows. It takes Saturn’s gentle discipline over time to know the difference between the mind’s “knowing” and the heart’s knowing.
We have the power to generate positive intention for ourselves in any moment. The generation of altruistic thoughts overrides the pessimism of the mind, but it must be practiced. As we bring our mind under the wise understanding of Saturn, it becomes a great tool to use as we observe and respond to the various attachments, aversions, illusions and delusions, and pessimism of others and the circumstances in which we encounter them.
If you want to know more about your inner Saturn, if you don’t already have a copy, considering getting Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. It will help you understand why the most important things happened when they did, and offer insights about how to master the unexpected curve balls life throws at us from time to time. As we realize and practice the power we have to maintain equilibrium even in the most unexpected and challenging events, over time it becomes easy to know when and how to act or not act based in a vast understanding and wisdom beyond the five senses and the mind.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, just a note to say thank you for this post. With Saturn squaring Mars between now and the new year, this is a timely article from which we all can learn. Your definition of initiation as challenge proved a helpful new way of evaluation of one's point on the spiritual journey. Many blessings, jo
Posted by: Jo Garceau | July 21, 2020 at 07:04 PM