by Robert Wilkinson
Today is the birthday of Mātā Amṛtānandamayī, known to hundreds of millions around the world as Ammachi, “the hugging saint.”
Mātā Amṛtānandamayī (born Sudhamani Idamannel; 27 September 1953) is one of the most remarkable people on Earth. I’ve had the privilege of being hugged by her more than a few times, and it’s a transcendent experience. Her eyes offer a view of limitless galactic deep space, such as I never have seen in any other person. During the years I went to see her in Northern California, she never slept, never ate, and gave Darshan for many hours each day with no breaks, sometimes for over 12 hours at a stretch.
I’ve seen people genuinely healed of lifetime physical problems, some very severe. She is the stuff of legend, and stories of this transcendent Being remind us that some things we’ve never dreamed of are possible. Her origins as an illiterate and impoverished child in south India and journey to living Avatarship is both fantastic and offers hope to all of us who strive to achieve a living divinity however we define that.
Her gatherings at her ashrams are a joyous thing to take part in, with hundreds singing, talking, praying, meditating, and being One with Her incredible Spiritual energy. The events are both similar and different to those of HH Dalai Lama, but the one thing that seems common is the overwhelming vibe of Oneness, Peace, Harmony, and Devotion in the room. It’s like we’re all aware on some very subtle and high levels that there is no separation between pure Consciousness and matter, and we’re all One in a giant celebration of Love and Wisdom.
As usual, there have been a few reports of controversies, but after investigation all were proven false and malicious. This woman Saint and Avatar is the real deal. Nothing to buy, nothing to join, nothing to follow, nothing to believe in, except the power of pure Love to heal the wounds of many lifetimes.
If you want to know more about this remarkable woman for the ages, here’s her Wikipedia entry. Mata Amritanandamayi - Ammachi Her published "official" biography is a great read of her story, and how she became the living Saint that she is. Definitely worth your time.
As all who come to this site know, I do not encourage anyone to join any group, or believe any thing, or doctrine, or teaching other than those you find true in your own experience. And anything that contradicts what we have found to be true should also be investigated in a spirit of open inquiry, since in becoming aware on the higher levels of consciousness, many things must be experienced so we know what is inherently real, what is conditionally real, what is apparently real, and what is inherently unreal. We are all learning to come to a balanced experience of life, and many roads lead us home.
That said, I have sat at her feet many times, been hugged many times, saw deepest space in her eyes many times, and never had one unpleasant experience when I went to see her. While I didn’t go for physical healing, many do, and are healed. If you ever have the chance to experience the energy of this remarkable Avatar, by all means treat yourself to an immersion in pure Bhakti (6th Ray energy). Even though I’m not a 6th Ray type, it’s still quite an experience!
She does charitable works all over the world, and is definitely one of the highest truly spiritual Beings of our times. To learn more about this amazing Saint, here's her website:
Aum Shanti.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson