by Robert Wilkinson
We now move into the final scene in our months’ long journey through the very intense friction of 2020!
I’ve given you several articles about the swirl of events just past which I’ll link below. For now, today’s New Moon at 24 Libra comes just after the Moon squares Jupiter, opposes Mars, and squares Pluto! This is an intense day to begin with, and the New Moon square Saturn promises a hard end to many things in the near future.
Saturday sees Moon in Scorpio conjunct Mercury retrograde opposed Uranus, bringing the focus on that particular line of tensional awareness. While that yields favorable quintiles and sextiles to the Capricorn stellium, remember that Sunday brings us Sun square Saturn and Mars square Jupiter! As both aspects will be in full force Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, keep it as steady as possible.
Sun waning square Saturn offers a lot of potential, but also the need to conform to certain accepted standards. Mars waxing square Jupiter is very expansive, and Mars retrograde is still slow. This aspect offers us the chance to focus on timeless wisdom and enjoy the ride, as long as we don’t overdo it.
We also have the second Mercury opposition to Uranus on Monday. This is helping us review our larger purpose, and strengthen inner ties with others. As the Sun is finished opposing Mars and Mercury is very favorable in Scorpio at this time, it’s really good for the beginning of a new “group personality.” Feel who you’re connected with spiritually, and relax into the deeper bond.
Articles related to this storm:
Astrology Storm Zones in October 2020 - Cardinal Oppositions, Squares, and Multiple Retrogrades
Sun Opposition Mars in October 2020 – Slowing Down to Examine Subconscious Material
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and Libra 2020 – Be A Diplomat and Master Soft and Hard Power
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson