by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury goes retrograde at 12 Scorpio on October 13/14. Today we take a look at some primary factors in the coming retrograde.
An Overview of the Retrograde
The coming retrograde will show us a new look at recent signals and information that we sent or received, and we’ll have opportunities to take a new look at ways to be guided to our Soul. This one will give us multiple angles of understanding about how our past created our present, or how our present will create our future.
As with all Mercury retrograde periods, this will give us a new look at recent signals and information that we sent or received, and things from the past will be reviewed, re-examined, reevaluated, or understood differently. We can get a new look at our ideas, ways we’re communicating and understanding what others are communicating to us, and get new insights into all things related to Scorpio and Libra energy from now through early November.
We will all get “one last look back” so we may find a different perspective on recent developments, as well as how our feelings affect our reason and how being aware of others’ feelings can help us understand things about their subconscious mind. This one will help us to a new understanding of ghosts of our past, what we do and don’t care about, how accurately we’re reading the emotional signals others are sending (whether they know it or not), with the end result being our past feeding our future.
The next 3 weeks will give us a new take on emergent developments, and what must be reviewed and released, or researched and rehearsed to prepare us to move forward in early November. Because of the “back to the future” quality of Mercury retrograde, we may also get glimpses of how the last 3 months have given us a new look at how our past has fed our future since our “graduation into a new realm of Being” in May.
So we enter a time of review, reflection, rehearsal, and new angles of focus on our personal life and habits, preparing to fulfill our Scorpio and Libra functions in some important ways. We will all have opportunities to take a new look at what has pre-occupied us since July, and how we’ve elevated our social interactions over the past 11 months. Mercury retrograde is always a time to reconnect with past feelings and people which once profoundly affected our lives.
Mercury Retrograde Is In the Middle of Shifting Element Emphasis
Though I touched on this yesterday, this explains more about the importance of the element of the sign Mercury transits when retrograde. We now are in a period of alternating retrograde elements, since the March 2019 retrograde began and ended in Water, the July 2019 retrograde began in Fire and ended in Water, and the November one was entirely in Water. The Feb-March 2020 retrograde began in Water and ended in Air, beginning a new transitional pattern. The June-July retrograde was the last one which began in Water and ended in Water, while this this October-November retrograde will begin in Water and end in Air, ending the transition between elements.
2018 was entirely in Fire signs until the last one, which paralleled 2012. As 2019 featured two Water to Water retrogrades, it paralleled 2013. So in 2019 we moved from feeling to feeling in March, from inspiration to feeling in July, and feeling to feeling in Oct-Nov. This year we moved from Water to Air in the Feb-March retrograde, from Water to Water in June-July, and Water to Air with this one, paralleling 2014, except then all 3 retrogrades began in Water and went back to Air.
A Bit More
In the next 3 weeks, we can see what life has prepared for us since the last Mercury retrograde in June-July 2020. Besides the more recent past, this retrograde period will give us a new perspective on what we’ve learned related to 12 Scorpio since Mercury went stationary direct on that exact degree in November 2019, as it will go stationary retrograde on that exact degree this October.
The next 3 weeks are a good time to review recent emotional communications, or any insights or experiences we had around attracting or repelling people and things in our lives. This is a look back to see why recent losses were necessary, and consider how we want to fill those voids. We’re about to review our relationships in terms of power, shared values, joint resources, and the ability to see the larger symbolism in recent developments which will lead us to an understanding of why sometimes we use hard power, and other times soft power, to achieve our goals.
This is the time to communicate in a more evolved or “ambassadorial” way, knowing there may be a delay before we get feedback or insights, if ever. As Mercury retrogrades often bring returns, take a new look at how you turned old losses into gains, and defeats into victories. This should give good insights about the depth motives and desires we had in the past, or how these were behind struggles with others in the past. Consider this a pause and a review of what we need to integrate or re-integrate into our lives in November.
This Mercury retrograde will give us a front end look at the oppositions to come when the Sun and Venus oppose Uranus in November. The Inferior Conjunction happens on October 25 at 3 Scorpio. That “fusion of life and mind” will give us interesting insights into a) how we’re called to cooperative building work, and/or b) how we did that in the past so we can build something of value to our community. We’ll all get glimpses of how we’ve been through “the constructive sharing of experience which builds social values,” as well forms of cooperation as each does what they do best.”
So welcome to many things being reviewed or coming back up from your subconscious mind or your connection to the collective these next three weeks thanks to the retrograde. This one allows us to review and get a new look at how we’re using Scorpio and Libra energy in our lives, and review how we’ve moved forward since July. The retrograde is a great time for new insights into how we’ve been guided to our Souls, as prelude to clearer guidance from early November forward.
Summing It Up
For all of us, during the next several weeks the future that's already rolling backwards thanks to Mars retrograde will be seen in a different light so we can get a new look at crucial elements of the process we cannot afford to ignore. All of us will have a new understanding of how what we do and do not want in our lives by the end of this retrograde. We are again reviewing our past so we may get a new perspective on old interactive dynamics, our need to let go of the past, stop our internal or external power struggles, and demonstrate maturity in “diplomatic interactions.”
By the time the Feb-March retrograde was over, we all stood on the threshold of a metamorphosis while in the heart of the Great Compression. By the time the June-July retrograde was over, we saw we needed to “materialize the spiritual” by letting our past “feed our future.” By the time this one’s over, we’ll all feel a sense of relief that things are finally speeding up and back on track, even if there will be a lot of tension about all that is left unsettled by the past squares
Renewals, returns, reconnections, reunions, and a sense of completion with glimpses of a new life are promised by this retrograde. And of course, more on this Mercury retrograde period will come over the next few days, including Sabian Symbols, Jones Pattern, aspects and more!
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn is now in its home signs of Aquarius and Capricorn and will be through 2023, it is the final dispositor of all planets transiting those signs until then. That means it was a major influence in the numerous conjunctions during the Great Compression in January and March 2020, thus affecting us for decades to come, maintaining its years-long power behind events. Between now and 2023 and beyond, it will continue to play a big part in worldly affairs during this period of the Grand Mutation, ending a 200-year Earth dominated era and ushering in a 200-year Air dominated era in December 2020.
In order to use your inner Saturn power to shape your destiny by being aware of what to do and why, if you haven’t already, please consider getting a copy of my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization, and in Capricorn and Aquarius, is giving us an “organized personal structure” so we may expand into a more ideal vision and group effort in the future.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will help you understand why some things happened when they did. Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution. You will understand how to throw off all the attitudes which have held you back from finding and living your life and purpose, and fulfill your destiny as an Eternal having human experiences!
Please order your copy today! You can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. The ebook is available through Kindle and Nook. And if you would, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the bigger the boost on their site.
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson