by Robert Wilkinson
It’s said that retrogrades are good for getting at things we don’t ordinarily think about or deal with when the planets ruling those departments of life are in direct motion. And we know oppositions are good for bringing things to the surface of life to get a comprehensive view of how they fit into our larger cycles of existence. So what can we do with this opposition from the Sun at 22 Libra to Mars retrograde at 22 Aries?
Remember that this opposition has been building for several weeks. What has shifted in your focus? What are you aware of now that you weren’t even just a few weeks ago? Are you in touch with frustration, whether at the pace of something, the lack of momentum in an effort, or even the inability to get something done because of an inner blockage? This opposition marks a point of healing.
The opposition brings a T-square with Pluto into exact focus. That puts 22-23 Cancer as the exact void, showing us what we need to make manifest, or deal with. What is the larger life adventure you need to feel? Are you taking care of yourself, and if not, why not? We’re confronting “the power of sustained desire and the dreaming of dreams,” as well as exchanging ideas to participate in building a larger group energy. What is the fellowship you long for, or what is the fellowship you’re being offered?
When Sun opposes Mars, we can see how we’re manifesting our Mars, as well as an entirely new way to express our Light coming to surface. This is about seeing a longer view of the dance of interactivity and a “fresh grasp of the Soul’s needs,” and allowing it to be expressed through an optimistic cooperation. Many will understand that the gates to “the Garden of Earthly Delights” has opened, but it just hasn’t been time to enter into the Garden. That will be in November, once Mars goes direct.
Because of the T-square courtesy of Pluto, we can eliminate a lot at this time that blocks us from our higher spiritual expression. This is the time to focus, concentrate, cooperate, see everything in its symbolic context, and prepare for a quickening of the pace beginning about 3 weeks from now. Keep figuring out alternate approaches and plans, since you may need to implement them in the future as the effects of this retrograde continue to play out over time.
The good thing about the Plutonic T-square is that it also pulls in the “expansive discipline” and “imaginative building” represented by Jupiter and Saturn both very close to it in late Capricorn. That stellium continues to dominate the landscape as the T-squares from Libra help us conserve and protect what needs care in this time of massive conflict and cross currents. So this opposition is dislodging and helping us eliminate or integrate a lot of old Cancer and Capricorn material within the structures we’ve been building all year. I’m finding an active showing of care and concern is of great value right now.
Of major importance will be the time after Mars goes direct that it transits this opposition point in the third week of December, followed immediately by the third square to Pluto at the time of the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius! This makes it clear that late December will be of incredible importance in moving our lives forward into our optimism and ability “to birth the baby” of a new era.
Anyway, from here Mars begins to speed up! Take heart and stay alert since Mars will still square Pluto through the next 2+ months, and Jupiter and Saturn in January. As things will gradually speed up but Mercury is now retrograde, get focused on how you want to do what you want to do after Mercury goes direct. Get ready, since destiny is on the move!
Here's more on the Solar T-square and everything else happening right now! Astrology Storm Zones in October 2020 - Cardinal Oppositions, Squares, and Multiple Retrogrades
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for the insights and what appears to be good news for the coming weeks ahead. Much needed and of course, timely.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | October 13, 2020 at 11:17 AM