by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, sewer workers just found a bust from 300 BC buried in a wall. As Hermes is Mercury, and Mercury’s in Scorpio, that got me to thinking.
The AP gave us the news on November 15, 2020, under the title “Ancient Greek god’s bust found during Athens sewage work,” reporting that “the head, one of many that served as street markers in ancient Athens, was found Friday (Nov 13)... After serving as a street marker, the head, at some point, had been built into the wall of a drainage duct, the ministry said.”
Mercury was still in its “shadow zone” at 3 Scorpio the day it was discovered in good condition. Scorpio is the sign of the discoverer of that which is hidden. It is also the sign ruling sewage and sewer workers. Hermes in the sign of the discovery of its own hidden head by sewer workers seemed a perfect Scorpio analogy! I also have no doubt that during the previous 2 times Mercury was at 3 Scorpio in late September and late October something related to this repair work was being done.
We see that Mercury is in a waning binovile to Jupiter and Pluto, both at 23 Capricorn, indicating something coming to culmination after a period of gestation, in this case 24 centuries! Then we add the Sun at 22 Scorpio in exact sextile to Jupiter conjunct Pluto, indicating a productive “Light in the Darkness,” or Lighting up a discovery of hidden things.
The story was first reported by the AP on November 15 at the New Moon. So the Moon came to meet the Sun with both in sextile to Jupiter and Pluto. That brings a public focus to the matter. It seems astrological timing works!
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson