by Robert Wilkinson
When studying source material decades ago, I read that every 10,000 years or so, there is a great division in humanity where many who have been part of the Earth’s evolutionary scheme move on to other systems, and others who have prepared for human incarnation on Earth is set for a new Eon. Today we continue to take a brief look through a Cosmic Lens at the radical split going on in humanity dividing the species into “higher humanity” and “lower humanity.”
As I gave you in part one, this split into the higher and lower manifestations of our species is not about whether a group of Souls aren't "as good as" those who are more advanced; it's strictly a matter of their personalities not being as advanced as those who have chosen to lead a mindful existence and examined their emotional issues and baggage and dealt with their responsibilities as part of the greater social existence. It is evident in the split between those who strive for inclusivity and progress, and those who frame things in terms of narrow interests and what they believe they know, with hostility to all which might contradict their world view.
Because ego-mind is fear based, it sees all other views outside its own as potentially hostile. That means it references its own ignorance as the outer boundary of its belief system. That naturally would lead to a polarization between those who value science, fact, and training for expertise in certain advanced fields, and those who don't know fact from opinion, believe in things that never were and never could be, refuse expertise except when it suits them, and nurse intense hatred and fear of those who don't agree with them.
The return of tribalism is a feature of the split, and because of the Law of Attraction, each is finding the communities suitable for where they’re at. Those who are fear based are finding others who are fear based; those who are violent are finding others who are violent. However, those who have any degree of higher awareness are also finding others who vibrate to similar frequencies of feeling, thought, and aspiration. There is an organic harmony to how like-minded Beings find each other, since all of life vibrates to the Law of Attraction. And as we find others, we naturally discover that what we each bring to the table of fellowship perfectly contributes to the whole of what is brought forth.
This division of humanity was "predicted" a long time ago. While I feel compassion for those who are lost in separateness, oppositional thinking, and self-serving attitudes, I also know that the Earth has ways of recycling people who really don't need to be here because their mindset is too destructive for what's coming soon. I think a lot of Eternals are going to different systems soon because they really don’t have any more purpose to be on Earth in a human form. Not necessarily "worse" or "bad," but because of their chosen attitudes toward life, humanity, and how they live, they themselves have declared the Law of their existence and what shall be fulfilled.
We Are Learning Physical, Emotional, and Mental Intelligence
Our lives on Earth are a series of constantly changing forms, images, perceptions, and interpretations. Humans are here to learn and adapt, growing in material, emotional, and mental skills so that their personalities can shine the Light of the Soul in everyday affairs. We are a combination of animal and the divine Spark of Soul/Spirit. We are here to evolve our human mechanism to be adept at expressing Love, Wisdom, and Active Intelligence in our world whenever karma permits it.
Up to this point in human evolution, most have been haunted by the impermanence of all material things. This drives many to cling to the “self-grasping, self-cherishing mind” which fears all it cannot control. Of course all of these mental tendencies are illusions, since we cannot make something permanent in an impermanent reality. However, our responses to the impermanence of material things indicates our level of emotional and mental intelligence, which is a crucial factor in the difference between higher humanity and lower humanity.
Many humans have little to no emotional intelligence, and that a) cripples them, and b) is a source of sorrow for the rest of us who have emotional intelligence. Because none of us are raised by saint or sages, and our society (and many others as well!) do not really value it, it's understandable that many lack emotional intelligence. This is also a factor creating a schism in humanity, since those who are emotionally aware grow in empathy, and those who are not aware have no empathy. In an evolutionary scheme where we’re supposed to have compassion, or “fellow feeling,” then it is clear we’re supposed to be developing emotional connectedness with others of our species, as well as other species on Earth.
The value of emotional intelligence is easily seen by how we respond to slogans, propaganda, and opinions. Those who are emotionally intelligent are not seduced by memes, slogans, and propaganda. However, those who are not emotionally intelligent have a subconscious desire mind instantly excited by slogans, propaganda, and any message which makes them feel special and “greater than” other. That prevents them from understanding that some of the rest of us are more aware than they are, since their self-worth depends on their ego conception being “better than” that which is outside that conception.
Intellect is the weak pole of the Higher Mind, and is a useful tool in training the lower mind to reconsider some of its reasoning, and to a lesser degree, its desires. By our mental adaptability, we learn to consider things outside our conceptual “Ring Pass Not,” and come to a larger view of the whole of things. I explain the value and purpose of the “Ring Pass Not” in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, since the three bodies of our lower triad all require constant adaptation throughout our lives in order to remain a fit vehicle to express our Higher Self. As we make our choices, we naturally prepare the path of our future evolution.
Each of Us Creates the Exact Rewards and Experiences in Our Existence
Remember the Three Truths from Light on the Path, which makes it clear that each chooses which evolutionary path they want to evolve on.
"Regard the three truths. They are equal. These written above are the first of the rules which are written on the walls of the Hall of Learning. Those that ask shall have. Those that desire to read shall read. Those who desire to learn shall learn.""There are Three Truths which are absolute, and cannot be lost, but yet may remain silent for lack of speech.
"The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendour has no limit.
"The principle which gives life dwells in us, and without us, is undying and eternally beneficent, is not heard, or seen, or smelt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.
"Each man is his own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.
"These Truths, which are as great as is life itself, are as simple as the simplest mind of man. Feed the hungry with them."
Each of us chooses our future evolution with each breath we take, and how we live and respond to Life in the NOW. We all choose our behavior in each moment, what we do and feel and think. All of these create karmic patterns which must be fulfilled in the future.
That’s why given the way many are screaming, getting angry and hostile, and threatening others, it’s clear they’re having a problem with the way things are on Earth right now. Again, it’s not a question of “good” or “bad” as much as it’s acknowledging that some people just need a different evolutionary system. It’s not about reward or punishment, right or wrong. Some Beings just need a different way to evolve. This place is only appropriate for those who want to learn to cooperate with Gaia as it puts all of humanity through Earth changes which are already accelerating by the year.
Love and the Power of Attraction
Over the years I have worked with countless disciples of many branches of the three great Schools of the Wisdom. It seems there's an organic "orbit" to members of any "solar system" or "constellation" of human Eternals fulfilling their purpose. We each build the work we are here to do, and then find others who also have a vision in that realm. Even the FB groups dedicated to the Wisdom have an organic interaction, with some members the transmitting neurons in our local part of the Global Brain-Mind.
We are in a long wave transitional era where it could be said "each is choosing the frequencies" they want to evolve on for centuries to come. We are literally on the cutting edge of a historical shift like no one on Earth has ever experienced. Many life forms are leaving or evolving, and humanity is just another life form which must adapt to the challenges the planet is dishing up.
We are at a point in Cosmic Time when the old experiments are ending, so that new experiments may be done. This is the end of a long wave era of materialism and the entry to a new collective vision, understanding, and cooperation. We see a significator in the Grand Mutation of this year, and how it portends the next 20 as well as 200 years. And because Cosmic Time is a much vaster scale than human time, this “door which swings open once every 10,000 years” could take decades to fulfill as many Eternals connected to the Earth move into other more appropriate evolutionary systems, from the densest to the Masters of the Wisdom, and evolved Beings in the animal realm take on human existence.
We are told this evolutionary scheme is about Love. Love of self, love of each other, love of the Earth, love of the invisible world, and love of “God.” Those who are dedicated to learning and living a greater Love will always do well, even if learning that greater Love entails a lot of headache and heartbreak. This is the planet to learn about Love, and we are living Beings in an ecosphere of Beings all together in a vast electromagnetic field of Love and Light. So as forms come and go, and endings pervade our times, remember you are an Eternal who never dies, and are here to shine the Light of Loving Wisdom to your world, however you do that best.
Copyright © 2020 Robert Wilkinson
A very complex subject that you explain with clarity. Thank you.
Id like to share my thought and so, in my view it is essential to always keep in mind that what has been said has nothing to do with moral differences and that is not condemnation and punishment of some and illusionary rewards for others. These kind of considerations will make us miss the point.
You express clearly that Love is what we are here for and Love, acting through the Law of Attraction (and repulsion) will and does guide all humanity to the best situations in the unfolding of life in time and beyond. I think this is better understood if we think of groups and not so much on individual terms or scale.
With these two considerations in mind, the whole concept of the "Opening Door" that happens "every 10.000 years" signifies a renovation that promotes wellbeing for the whole planet and solar system (maybe env more than that) and on many planes. So no need to be fearful, on the contrary, the opportunities are there for our unfoldment and evolution guided and sustained by Love.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | November 24, 2020 at 04:11 PM
I think what is central to the point that Robert is trying to make is that: The bifurcation taking place between what he terms "Upper Humanity" and "Lower Humanity" seems to be occurring in the mode of movement from Unconsciousness to Consciousness.
I've noticed this for many years, ever scaling and distinct "fields" or "groupings" of individuals. Some of whom Aspire and some of whom Descend.
It seems that as one achieves greater amounts of Conscious Awareness the doorway opens to a higher caliber and a great conception of Self in relation to the Personal, Inter-personal, and Trans-personal. The Natural Evolution of all Conscious Forms is to this calibre of poise and repose.
Those who are not prompted to or who do not have the will to do anything but Descend down and away from the day light of Conscious Mindedness existentially, emotionally, spiritually, and action-ally stratify and segregate themselves from the Aspiration population which have guided themselves to their Self-Becoming.
It's through this Guidance to Knowing that is buoyed by Faith in oneself and certainty of Intuitive direction that the population that has separated continues to Elevate to greater echelons of Self-development, Self-love, and Self-regard, the altitude of which never reaches a knowable ceiling.
Those who continue a downward march towards separation from their Natural Progression and Evolution to a Forward, Progressive, Consciously Aware state simply imbue their export with dissolution.
The Will to Guide one's Self to One's Own Becoming occurs when Natural Orientation to True and Authentic Pathways is achieved and developed lifetime after lifetime.
Posted by: Damien Ruud | November 29, 2020 at 11:48 PM