by Robert Wilkinson
As the editor of the Arizona Society of Astrologers newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.
This year the month of December sees all planets full steam ahead in forward motion except Uranus, which is retrograding back toward its station. Its theme of “a new quality of being rendering the old patterns obsolete” has already been awakened, and is about to become a permanent part of our lives. The tag team retrogrades of 2020 are over, and Jupiter and Saturn rapidly approach their coming “Grand Mutation” conjunction at the Solstice, ushering in 20 years of Aquarius energies and 200 years of Air energies!
December also brings us a powerful Solar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius, showing great happiness for some once old conditions end and new conditions begin. We are still in a period of learning when to apply soft power and when to apply hard power, when to use heart power and when to use mind power, and when to be Yin and when to be Yang. Just after the December 14 Solar Eclipse and before the Solstice on December 21, Mercury makes a Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 29 Sagittarius, indicating that the next phase of “the fusion of Life and Mind” will help us all “get in shape” wherever this falls in our chart.
We revisited the theme of what parts we’re singing in "The Cosmic Choir" during the Mars retrograde period, and are now moving forward, ready to play our role within a group effort. Of course, while we had to navigate numerous Cardinal squares and oppositions between July and October, the BIG NEWS involves the coming Fixed squares from Aquarius to Taurus dominating January and early February!
We got a dress rehearsal of sorts last April, when Mars conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius and immediately squared Uranus in early Taurus. That period launched the coming Grand Mutation energies in preliminary structural forms, and brought us to three months of a “Cosmic visitation” which promised “liberation from adverse conditions” through “spectacular developments” which “galvanized us to action.” At the same time, between late January and mid-May we also “graduated into a new realm of Being” which has transformed our everyday lives in some significant ways.
This month kicks off with a weak Lunar Eclipse which should prove very beneficial over the next few months as it remove obsolete things and opens the voids to gifts and specialization. The entire month shows the inner planets closing in on the outer planet span between Pluto in late Capricorn and Uranus in early Taurus, so consider these weeks “before the beginning” as well as “the promise of greater work to come.” During the first half of December, Venus is tracking the quintiles and sextiles made by Mercury and the Sun to the Capricorn stellium, bringing us valuable and substantial concrete forms derived from the Sun and Mercury’s quintiles and sextiles in November. This will greatly benefit any planets or points we may have in the late degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
We do have the great blessing of increased Fire this month, with the Sun and Mercury both in Sagittarius trining Mars, favoring all planets we have in late Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. These two planets will end the month in an incredibly serendipitous tredecile to Mars right around Christmas, so enjoy the activation of growth with an understanding that events at that time fulfill a long term promise we were given in 2018-2019.
This year began with numerous conjunctions in late Capricorn, setting many cycles into motion related to building structures and accepting disciplines related to the quantum leap coming at the Grand Mutation. The Saturn conjunction with Pluto set a long wave cycle into motion which will affect us for over 30 years! Add the three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto this year around 23-25 Capricorn, and wherever they fell in our charts is sure to be the place of radical transformation over the next decade and change. We’ve all received rewards this year for our courage and willingness to discharge our duty “under abnormal conditions,” with more to come in the future with subsequent transits to late Capricorn.
Because Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto begin the month less than 6 degrees apart, and end the month less than 9 degrees apart, we continue to be in a time of a gigantic square across the last 8 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn for the first 3 weeks of December, and move into another gigantic square across the first 8 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius the last two weeks of December which prepare us for the intense conflicts of January (and realistically, all of 2021!)
As with the last several months, we have Jupiter biseptile Uranus and septile Neptune, with Saturn septile Neptune and Uranus biseptile Pluto, generating three points of a 7-pointed “Star of Destiny." This will be activated each time the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. November brought us the next phase of Uranus biseptile Pluto, triggering The Grand Irrationality V.2. with its very hard edge of revolutionary change!
All the septile-series aspects trigger crucial choices and changes at “forks in the road of destiny.” I have written extensively about “The Grand Irrationality” which has been active for many years at this site and why all of humanity is forging its future destiny at this time. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In December these zones are around 23-28 Capricorn, 15-20 Pisces, 6-11 Taurus, 28 Gemini-3 Cancer, 19-24 Leo, 10-15 Libra, and 2-7 Sagittarius.
If things seem irrational and don’t make much sense, there’s always a septile-series aspect in the mix. During this time, if things get crazy, just go slow and be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; all we must do is be clear about what we’re doing and why, being balanced, moderate, and caring along the way.
Remember, transit to transit aspects should not be taken personally, as they are universal energy phase relationships that each of us responds to in our own way. Even if things are hard-edged and make no sense, and people are not listening to reason, we still have the power to respond in productive ways, as these are points of choice and change where we determine our future destiny.
This is the eighth month of the North Node in Gemini era, showing that our line of greatest evolutionary development is through seeing the many ways to learn and communicate a given thing, especially with an eye to assimilating diverse ideas from diverse sources. There will be great value in seeing things from several different angles, but not getting lost in abstractions.
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we’ve been through in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 which are removing a lot of detritus from our lives wherever they fell in our chart. As all Eclipses are “cosmic recyclers” removing that which we no longer need in our lives, it seems this year we’ve been changing our allegiances based on what’s leaving, and aligning ourselves with a larger reality we care about.
While we made it through Summer’s and Autumn’s friction, as noted earlier we’re headed to a new time of intense friction in January 2021 as Mars conjuncts Uranus and both square Jupiter and Saturn around Inauguration Day. Because Saturn will square Uranus pretty much all year, we can expect some intense conflict to come. The solution to any fixed problem will be to generate positive Leo and Scorpio energy, so consider September, October, and November as a dress rehearsal for using Scorpio energy wisely in 2021! All of us will have to find focus, disregarding lesser and unimportant things through knowing what’s really pertinent in situations. While sometimes we’ll have to make hard choices, this will help us know our heart.
So this month we have some favorable aspects of the Sun and Mercury making favorable aspects to Mars as they and Venus close in on their conjunctions with Jupiter and Saturn in January and February. Venus makes favorable aspects to the Capricorn planets until she moves into Sagittarius, at which time she begins to make waning septiles to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, marking a fork in the road at the end of the end and beginning of the beginning of the next 20 year era.
During the first half of the month, be clear about what roles you’re playing, and don’t undermine your Light by self-deprecating speech. This is a month to use “friendly competition” to maximize results and find happiness through efforts at personality integration using Leo energies. That means show heart, take heart, trust the heart, strengthen the heart, and radiate the Love you ARE to your world. We’ve made it through a long period of intense conflict, with more to come. Use this time to rest, find peace, and celebrate the friends you have, the work you have, the love you have, the wisdom you have, and the promise of good things to come in 2021!
Try to keep the ideal in view as you shed old “skins of personality,” and as with recent months, remember that we're all more aware, capable, and stronger together than we are separately. Use the Sun in Sagittarius to get a wider view of the future and the promise of greater things to come, opening to friends, allies, and truths to help your work move forward into the new era dawning. We’re past the rough waters of July through October, and now are moving toward the Light of a dawning long term global shift in December.
Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:
SUN – 10 Sagittarius to 10 Capricorn
MERCURY – 30 Scorpio to 17 Capricorn
VENUS – 12 Scorpio to 20 Sagittarius
MARS – 18 to 28 Aries
JUPITER – 27 Capricorn to 3 Aquarius
SATURN - 29 Capricorn to 2 Aquarius
URANUS – 8 Taurus back to 7 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 19 Pisces (all month)
PLUTO – 24 to 25 Capricorn
TRUE NORTH NODE –20 Gemini (all month)
FULL MOON/LUNAR ECLIPSE – November 30; Sun 9 Sagittarius, Moon 9 Gemini
NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE – December 14; Sun and Moon at 24 Sagittarius
SUPERIOR CONJUNCTION OF MERCURY/SUN – December 19 at 29 Sagittarius
THE GRAND MUTATION – December 21 at 1 Aquarius
FULL MOON – December 29; Sun 9 Capricorn, Moon 9 Cancer
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson