by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, but while we approach the threshold, we’re not there yet! We are now in a transitional Era which is a blend of the old and the new, the established and the innovative, the traditional and the progressive.
A while back I did two articles about this transitional period, and why we’re not yet fully in the Age of Aquarius. As I mentioned in the article on the Grand Mutation, it takes many hundreds of years to move from an old Great Age to a new Great Age, due to the span of Cosmic Time we’re referencing. A Great Age doesn’t begin or end on a given day. Any transition between Ages requires a vaster view of the length of time it takes to move fully out of an old Age into a new Age.
So today, I’ll reprint parts of those two articles, with links so if you’re interested you can read the whole thing in context. We’ll begin with
Are We In The Age of Pisces Or Have We Begun The Age of Aquarius?
If we conservatively estimate that the first 3 degrees of a sign and the last 3 degrees of the preceding sign represent a transition period, then if each degree equals approximately 72 years, then we're looking at a transition period of about 432 years. Even if we shorten the transition to 2 degrees exiting and entering signs, we're still looking at about 288 years defining the heart of any transitional period. So transitional eras between Ages can last 300 to 400 years!
H.P. Blavatsky offered us in her masterwork The Secret Doctrine that in humanity’s past, the overlap between Root Races and subraces lasted in some cases for many thousands of years. Proportionally, that would probably hold true for the smaller time cycles we call the Great Ages within the “Circumpolar Cycle” of 26,000 years. She makes it clear that in any transitional era, there will be those who cling to old ways of thinking who exist simultaneously with those who represent the new Era.
Remember, given human nature, it’s not like everyone on Earth immediately changes their way of relating to consciousness, life, matter, and human existence when a larger shift is going on. Even now we have 19th century thinkers insisting their values should be more important than 21st century necessities.
That means even when we finally “enter the Age of Aquarius” there will still be many alive on Earth with Age of Pisces consciousness. It could take as long as another century before the current consensus reality agreement is extinct, and Aquarian approaches and values are accepted as a universal norm.
Awakening to A New Dream
... If Uranus awakens us to a Transpersonal individuality, Neptune “dreams” us into a new Transpersonal collective awareness. During the time Uranus was awakening new Aquarian energies in each of us, Neptune began its transit of Aquarius. From early 1998 through early 2012, Neptune weaved and blended that awakened Aquarian energy into the holographic matrix of both collective consciousness as well as the collective unconscious. When Pluto eventually crosses those same points, it will awaken the seeds of the Aquarian era, which will look very differently than most 20th century thinkers suspect.
Still, because these Transpersonal planets represent the invisible long wave transformational energies of Spirit, all of this momentous activity in Aquarius is just a prelude to the next Great Age of 2100+ years, which will take clearer shape in the world as Jupiter and Saturn move through that sign in 2020-2023, setting structures and opening pathways in Aquarius which Pluto will begin to give life to in March 2023 when it enters Aquarius for the first time since it last left that sign in December 1798. After those Plutonic seeds have sprouted and been purified between 2023 and 2043, we shall see even newer Aquarian structures and efforts when Saturn again transits Aquarius beginning 2050.
In the next article in this series, we’ll discuss more about the Neptune and Pluto transits in Aquarius, and how we have holographically molded the collective future through our dreams during the time of Neptune in Aquarius, preparing us for the exciting prototypical Aquarian sub-era we’ll be going through over the next 25 years!
As I just gave you, we began to move into the transition zone leading us out of the Age of Pisces about 240 years ago, around the time of Uranus' discovery, the American and French Revolutions, and the end of the "divine right" of kings, queens, and the priesthood that allowed them to believe they were better than the rest of humanity. Every generation since then has lived in the current “Age in Transition,” with conflicting signals between the inertia of old Piscean belief systems and emergent Aquarian ideals associated with “Enlightenment thinking.”
Because we all have been and will be living our lives entirely within the larger transitional era, many things will seem uncertain. There will be many emergent ideas which are mere “bridge forms” and only serve to coax future developments to come forth. We know we are in “the in-betweens” of the old Piscean era with its superstitions and obsolete belief systems and the new Aquarian era which will focus on the ideal of the greatest good for the greatest number.
As the old Piscean patterns are not yet dead, it means we’ll confront many older ways which are dying a slow death even as we experience prototypical Aquarian manifestations of things we have never dreamed of. How much we experience both entirely depends on our state of consciousness. Many are confused because they are experiencing both, with conflict between points of view which are wildly divergent. This is where grounding in the NOW can give us perspective about the fading nightmare being the illusion and the global awareness of our Oneness becoming stronger every day.
The qualities of the coming Era are in fact entirely different than the dying one. The synthesizing quality of the Fixed Air of Aquarius is a much different energy than the restless ambiguity of the Mutable Water of Pisces. Aquarius is clear; Pisces is murky. Both are totally identified with collective consciousness, but the collective belief systems of the past 2000 years are inadequate to further the advances in human awareness and consciousness which have been patterns established in collective consciousness with the transits of Uranus and Neptune through Aquarius.
And so in our Age in Transition, while we are on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, it’s going to be a while before we will finally bid adieu to the old, rapidly-fading Age of Pisces. The good news is that those who have learned to tune into the coming global awareness these past 25 years are actually participating in strengthening the approach of the coming era by embodying facets of that awareness in their lives.
From another part of that article:
What was awakened by Uranus and “tag teamed” into collective consciousness by Neptune will begin to sprout into widespread global transformative pulses beginning in 2023 and intensify in 2024 with Pluto’s entry into Aquarius. This marks the advent of the "Spring of the 21st Century," when Pluto will activate the seeds of the coming era. The last time Pluto transited Aquarius was the beginning of this transitional era between Great Ages about 240 years ago, and like then, we confront the edge of a huge historical shift in mass consciousness which completely transformed humanity.
All the Aquarian patterns were re-set with the latest Uranus and Neptune transits of Aquarius at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. Saturn will soon give us brand new structures as it makes its first transit of Aquarius in this new Uranus/Neptune awakened Aquarian dream. These will be the structures which Pluto will use to begin a new 250 year Aquarian era after it enters that sign in 2023 and stays through 2044.
As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, in the “century cycle” each century has 4 “seasons.” The first 25 years are the “Winter” of a century, while the second 25 years are the “Spring” of that century. So when Pluto enters Aquarius, it will launch the “Spring” of the 21st century, when collectively we shall awaken from the “Winter” of 2000-2025, and see the growth of what this coming century is all about. It will certainly be a welcome change from the barrenness of what has been and is, and will be a period where much that is good will be redeemed from the wreckage of the destroyed failed systems we presently live within.
During that season of 2025-2050, Pluto will reawaken the seeds of Life-Light that humanity is in its collective nature, and we shall see things not dreamed of in hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The collective will become aware of things that up to now have been revolutionary ideas and ideals dreamed and revealed by the trailblazers who have tuned into the Uranian and Neptunian patterns.
As befits the qualities of Aquarius (and coincidentally, the dawning Dwapara Yuga, or the “Age of Electromagnetic Remembrance”), new forms will show us new ways of being alive and using the miraculous electromagnetic principles of creation to bring forth a much more effective and loving way of being Spirits in this material world. We will re-discover miracles of how the natural world works, and find solutions to everything that plagues humanity.
By all means, check out the whole articles, as there’s a lot more valuable information about our Age in Transition!
Copyright © 2020 Robert Wilkinson
Enjoyed this article looking forward toward the next 200 years and beyond. Thanks.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | December 09, 2020 at 06:59 PM