by Robert Wilkinson
Well, yes it is. However, we're still in "the Winter" of the 21st century, and in Winter, the days take longer to dawn. If you want to know more about this Solstice Aquarian “Christmas Star” event kicking off a new Era for everyone on Earth, I’ve assembled some articles exploring everything going on, and the dawning new Era.
First, we do have the really BIG deal of the Jupiter conjunct Saturn going on as we speak! It’s exact, and will be for a few days. This is a tremendous fusion of powerful social-spiritual energies which will impact everyone on Earth for the next 20 years! For your reconsideration,
The Grand Mutation of December 2020 at 1 Aquarius – Ushering In A New 200 Year Era
In this one, I explain Cosmic Time and why this “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” has been going on since the late 18th century, and continues to get a lot brighter through the next 30 years.
Are We Entering the Age of Aquarius?
Because the “Christmas Star” happening in the sky right now is actually two planets conjunct each other, here are the articles explaining the changes Jupiter and Saturn are now making in how they express their energies. The first one is a look back at Jupiter’s year in Capricorn, and the second gives us a look forward at its coming year in Aquarius.
Jupiter Leaves Its Shadow Zone at 28 Capricorn To Expand Into Its Aquarian Destiny
Jupiter in Aquarius 2020-2021 – A Year of Expanding Our Ability to Contribute to A Larger Vision
We finish with an overview of Saturn in Aquarius. While we got a brief experience of it for three months during Spring 2020, there’s a lot more to it. This article explains why this transit of Aquarius solidifies many patterns which will serve to bridge the old dying Earth Era and the approaching Air Era. Saturn in Aquarius should be a LOT lighter than Saturn in Capricorn!
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson