by Robert Wilkinson
In traditional astrology, there’s a concept that a planet is “stronger” when in one of the signs or houses it rules, and “weaker” when it’s in a sign or house opposite those it rules. This is an obsolete idea which should be thrown out.
While a planet in one of the signs it rules may express more characteristics of that quality it possesses, that has nothing to do with “strong” or “weak.” Mercury in Gemini or Virgo merely expresses that Air or Earth quality of itself with greater ease or facility, but that doesn’t mean it is functioning in a healthy way. Any planet can express itself in a functional or dysfunctional way in any sign.
Venus in Aries expresses its qualities in Aries ways, and values Aries things, people, music and foods. Venus in Taurus expresses its qualities in Taurus ways, and values Taurus things, people, music and foods. Venus is what we like. Though Venus in Aries is allegedly “weak,” I haven’t found that at all. They are clear and quick about what they like and do not like. Venus in Taurus can be very pleasant, but attached to enjoying things it enjoys, even long after those should have been set aside for other pleasures.
Remember too, if the Venusian impulse to express that way is somehow blocked by other factors, such as the taboos of our family or cultural matrix, then we may form a negative attitude toward things we would ordinarily like if left to our own devices. A Venus in Taurus will always be attracted to good food and enjoying life via its kinesthetic tactile nature, whether in a healthy or unhealthy way. If our Venus function is blocked or distorted when younger, then things we might like become a potential to be explored and “captured” as a result of life’s changes and/or conflicts indicated by progressions and transits.
A belief that a planet is “stronger” or “weaker” in a given sign is an unfortunate leftover from antiquity. While I studied the traditional astrologers of antiquity when I first began exploring Astrology, it also became evident that some definitions and associations no longer apply in our modern world, since we don’t have jousts and most of us are not in danger of being hit by an arrow on a hunt or gored by a wild boar (or whatever.) We also know that we are responsible for our own choices, and the planets do not determine our fate. Again, that superstition of antiquity was busted by the Bard’s immortal line "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
That’s why the idea of “strength” or “weakness” based in sign and house positions needs to be put on the shelf with other ancient notions which are no longer true or relevant. New wine requires new wine skins, since the old skins will split when new wine is introduced. When old frames of reference no longer apply, it’s time for new frames of reference, new metaphors, and a new view.
It is the same with knowledge throughout the ages. Every art, every science, every philosophy builds on a foundation, but expresses in ways unique to specific times and places. If a craft isn’t more evolved after 2000 years, then it has limited application since everything else has certainly evolved over those two millennia.
While astrologers of antiquity are due our respect and gratitude, it doesn’t mean that everything they thought was necessarily correct or even accurate. Just like today. There is much that is written which is speculative at best, and we don’t know how it will hold up in the light of historical developments.
The reason this article came to be is because of a question I read in a FB astrology group, “So the Sun is in detriment in Aquarius right? But what about my Sun in Aquarius in the 5th house? Isn't Sun in the 5th house always powerful? You can be a creative individual with this combination I think, right?”
I answered “The Sun in each sign shines the Light through that lens. There are no "detriments." There is no such thing as "more powerful" or "less powerful." Each planet has its department of labor. Each planet has its qualities, and each planet must find its best expression in each sign. No exceptions.
The house is where your Light expresses itself. It is where you will find illumination, and illuminate others. The sign is how. The house is where. The aspects are phase relationships.”
When we look at a chart, we see how the planetary lights are inclined to express their quality through a sign, in an area of life indicated by its house position. How could any position be “bad” for the Light of the Sun? The Sun in Aries is illuminated and illuminates others through Aries things. The Sun in Leo is illuminated and illuminates others through Leo things. The Sun in Libra is illuminated and illuminates others through Libra things. The Sun in Aquarius is illuminated and illuminates others through Aquarius things.
While the Sun may feel more “at home” in Leo, it doesn’t mean it’s “stronger” there, since a dysfunctional Sun in any sign will operate in a dysfunctional way. There are dysfunctional Leos, and highly functional Aquarians. A Venus may be “at home” in Taurus, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily functioning in a healthy way. Mercury in Gemini may be versatile, but also scattered and disorganized. Jupiter in Pisces may be compassionate, or unrealistically idealistic.
I speak of the “planetary dualities” in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, where it’s clear that if a planet is functioning in a healthy way, it naturally expresses the best of the sign qualities it’s in. And because all planets evolve as a function of directions and progressions, we get to explore more sign energies than simply our natal planetary positions.
It’s the same with the houses. Any planet in any house can express in healthy ways, and because all the inner planets move through all our houses once a year, and Mars moves through all of them every two years, and Jupiter moves through them every 12 years, we receive a continual education in how these planets work in all the signs and houses in our charts. Each planetary transit teaches us about that planet’s qualities and expression, allowing us to modify our natal expression regardless of what sign or house our natal planet is in.
And yes, Saturn’s patient plodding through all our signs and houses during its 29 year transit around our inner and outer space teaches us how to restructure everything we need to in order to become a healthy functioning individual living our purpose for being on Earth. As Saturn touches each of our planets, we have opportunities through self-discipline and maturity to evolve that part of us. There is no sign in which Saturn acts irresponsibly. It is WE who act irresponsibly, and must learn to act responsibly, regardless of where our Saturn is.
If you want to know more about rulerships and detriments, the article Astrology Class – A New Way of Looking at Planetary Rulership and Exiles offers the traditional rulership and exile positions of the planets, and elaborates on the themes introduced here.
So the next time someone tells you that your Mars in Libra or Venus in Virgo is weak, or your Mercury in Gemini or Moon in Cancer is strong, take it with the proverbial grain of salt, since “it ain’t necessarily so.” We only need to stay alert to those moments when the veil of personality shadows is opened, revealing the parts of us which need to evolve from darkness to light. There are no “good” or “bad” sign positions. There is only awareness, and greater awareness, of what will lead us to “doing our Being” in the ways which are perfect for us.
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson