by Robert Wilkinson
Neptune goes stationary retrograde at 24 Pisces at 12:21 pm PDT, 8:21 pm BST June 25. What does this mean and how will it impact us?
When any of the planets go stationary retrograde, it marks a “forward station” in the pulse of that planet and the part it symbolizes in our personality (lower triad) or Spiritual Body (Upper Triad). The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are mainly associated with our personality, while Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are mainly associated with our connection with society and our larger aspirations and duties.
The outer “Invisible Quartet,” Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and TransPluto, show us the Transpersonal realms of existence. (While Uranus is occasionally very faintly observable, for all practical purposes it’s invisible to most.) Uranus individualizes us, and Neptune helps us move and groove within collective consciousness. Pluto shows us what must be purified to the core so we may know our Divine Power of eternal regeneration, and TransPluto shows us how to redeem growth after decay, and new life after a period of death or dormancy.
Any of these outermost planets going stationary retrograde indicates a threshold state in the Transpersonal energy field. Since we’re dealing here with Neptune going retrograde, and Neptune symbolizes collective consciousness and all it likes, supposes, and wonders about, we now enter a time when the collective atmosphere now reviews parts of what it explored and dreamed into manifestation since it last went direct at 19 Pisces in November 2020.
The Sabian Symbol for Neptune’s Station
Neptune represents what is “in fashion” in the collective. Different cultures and subcultures interpret this global pulse in different ways. This retrograde station is a high water mark, a crest of forward movement requiring us to review the shadow span from now through December when it goes stationary direct at 21 Pisces. We then move forward across the shadow zone one last time through early April 2022 before we enter into future unknown zones at the end of Pisces.
The Sabian Symbol for 24 Pisces is “An inhabited island.” In his masterwork The Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, he says this is a degree of “Centralization of supernal forces,” “adaptability and inherent creativeness of man,” and “Extreme of surety in self-expression.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he states the keynote is "the need to consciously accept one’s own personal limitations in order to concentrate one’s energies and to live a centered and fulfilled life.” He notes that this symbol is one of expanding ego-boundaries so they become “a zone of intense interchange between the inner and the outer, between the individual and the community, between man and the universe.” He speaks of the need to fulfill Dharma, or the “place and function in a vaster whole.” He says it falls in the span of Protection, and it’s the technical degree of the emotional, social, and cultural level of the Scene of Perpetuation in the Act of Capitalization.
Dr. Marc E. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states that here we can demonstrate our "gift for the organization of (our) own private world in any area of (our) special interest." Here we learn about our ability to "function in a complete independence of the alien or the unfriendly" and "develop adequate resources for (our) need" even in "barren situations."
This is a phase of capitalizing on potential and coax it to fruition. He offers us the keyword CULTIVATION, and says when operating in a positive manner, this degree is "achievement through a creative opportunism or inventiveness of exceptional order."
So our review of and within the collective field these next 5 months involves interchanges between us and the visible and invisible world around us, where we learn “centralization.” Here our ego-function “sets boundaries” and shows our unique character, where we learn our oneness within a larger whole.
This involves techniques of emotional, social, and cultural perpetuation of deep and vast feelings and the distributive water that Pisces symbolizes. Because this degree was also important as the Moon’s position at the December 2020 Solstice as well as the March 2021 New Moon, it would seem that what we went through between the Solstice and March Equinox will be major factors during this Neptune retrograde period.
The Larger Tides of the Collective Field
So we now begin to review all we’ve experienced since last November within that vast “feeling field” known as Neptune. This review will last through the beginning of December 2021, when Neptune will go stationary direct at 21 Pisces. At that point we will again trace the span between 21-24 Pisces, and will know what we have mastered, as we move into a new collective field of awareness by mid-April 2022.
Neptune left the second decan of Pisces in February 2021 and has been in the third decan since then, placing the emphasis firmly in the Mars-Jupiter influence of the third decan of Pisces. This decan, which is the end of the end of the cycle, has a double Mars influence, so remember to take note of where Mars is and the aspects it makes during Neptune’s stay in the last third of Pisces.
Tying past and present together, Uranus first transited 21-24 Pisces between April and September 2008, late January through early April 2009, and again October 2009 through January 2010. Then Jupiter occupied this zone between mid-April and early May 2010, finally going stationary direct in November 2010 at 24 Pisces, much of what we can expect during the second half of 2021 will in some way echo or be related to what was awakened in collective consciousness back then.
When any of the outers go retrograde or direct, it shows as major “sea changes” in the global field. Neptune going retrograde will affect that part of our Hologram that interfaces with the collective field. Up to now, we’ve all been moving through the dreamscape wherever we have late Pisces. In previous years we were introduced to a greater Spiritual realm where we had to go through collective tests proving we could express the spiritual energy of our “spiritual office.” That led to lessons in courage, finding appropriate “camouflages” for our public work, and a willingness to “rehearse before the battle,” “subjecting appearances to real necessities.”
These were the themes of 2016, 2017, and early 2018. We’ve been learning and/or teaching these things wherever we have mid-Pisces in our charts, and in 2018-2019 revised some of our ideas “back to source,” and/or put ourselves forward in a public way to inspire others. Other themes involved getting away from the routine to get an new inspiration, and participating in forms of collective rebirth.
2020 helped us find new ways to touch and be touched to discover something about the world of feeling, find what nourishes us “at the end of our day of labor,” and “take a walk with our wisdom” so we could be invested with a technique to perpetuate our wisdom into the future. We began to finish our time in that atmosphere in November 2020, and by March of 2021 we knew we had achieved a goal of living according to a new set of standards, and began to explore inner powers and outer relatedness.
Now we enter a 5 month period where we take a new look at themes related to 24, 23, 22, and 21 Pisces. Besides the themes of 24 Pisces involving adaptability, creativity, and understanding our interrelatedness and interdependence with others in our world, we will also review subtle forms of “transcendent power” we first experience in late April through May, the higher standards we’re now living based in the higher values we’ve codified, and revisiting our ability to touch and be touched, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Other Factors in the Collective Field
So the tide has turned again! If it’s time to sail, give thanks that the storms of the non-stop Grand Irrationality of Uranus biseptile Pluto are temporarily abated, even if the gear grind from Saturn square Uranus is still a constant. And given Uranus is now septile Neptune, we again are in the midst of a period when things are not going to make much sense in the collective atmosphere and it’s best to adopt a “live and let live” attitude.
Uranus septile Neptune is very powerful, and indicates collective consciousness is again at a fork in the road of destiny when it comes to how a future oriented vision can be made manifest! This 7-pointed Star of Destiny impacts those with planets around 1-5 Aquarius, 22-26 Pisces, 13-17 Taurus, 5-9 Cancer, 26-30 Leo, 18-22 Libra, and 9-13 Sagittarius. If you have a planet or point in these zones, your life is on the move, your position in the collective is shifting by the day, and you need to awaken to a greater group work you will embrace at the end of this year.
Because of how these combined aspects work, continue to monitor your inner changes to anticipate what’s going on in the future and see what part of “the web of Life” you’re in so know who your allies are in the larger Soul field. Maintain good Scorpio skills as Mars moves into the Fixed T-square these next two weeks, and get ready for a fusion of several areas of your chart via the sign of Leo in July!
Now we review our sense of tough, our new values, our hidden powers, and who our “spiritual neighbors” are. Keep taking time occasionally to tune out the white noise of outer things and listen to the Voice of the Silence which can teach you the Wisdom you need.
Since February 2019, Neptune left the first half of Pisces for the next century, and moved into the second half of Pisces, where it will be until January 2026 when it moves into Aries for the long run. So In early 2019 we left the “Span of Innocence” and “Scene of Federation” which we explored since April 2011, and now are solidly in the “Span of Protection” and “Scene of Perpetuation” which are the themes of the last half of Pisces.
The span between 16 and 20 Pisces is said to be “actional,” the span between 21-25 Pisces is said to be “emotional-social,” while the span between 26-30 Pisces is said to be “mental-spiritual.” Regard the next year as the beginning of the end of our collective Pisces experience, and move your awareness from emotional and social expression into a more individual spiritual expression. This is about Neptunian activity which perpetuates the best of the current vision in a way which centralizes our higher awareness within the larger Soul field we share with others.
Between now and November, it’s a time to review our blessings and wisdom, remembering we have the power to know, the power to act on our wisdom, and the power to bless the old to flow down the timestream. Neptune will be in its current “shadow zone” with the themes of 21, 22, 23, and 24 Pisces front and center until April 2022.
We are in a time of powerful spiritual growth into our authentic power; be compassionate, forgiving, and bless many things to flow down the time stream, and you will see your Soul field more clearly by November. This station activates a new collective Neptunian theme related to the individual and spiritual dimensions of that planetary influence.
All we build this year is serving the new era launched in December 2021 at the Grand Mutation in Aquarius. We have begun a new world with new visions, new ideals, and new ways of relating to and working with each other. We’ve ended a 200 year materialistic Earth era and begun a 200 year idealistic Air era.
Much has been set in motion which will lead to powerful collective transformation a few dozen weeks down the road. Because of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune all in the final part of the zodiac, where the past meets the future at “the edge of time,” we’re literally “moving between worlds” right now, with an entirely new landscape coming for us all by 2025.
So we’re at the end of the end before the beginning of a brand new world. As it was once famously sung, “If I don’t meet you no more in this world, then I'll meet you in the next one and don’t be late. Don’t be late!”
The tide has shifted. See you in the review!
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson