by Robert Wilkinson
This Solar eclipse will remove things which have blocked our understanding and ability to see the big picture in what’s going on. This marks long term growth by the Gemini things it takes away, demonstrated by the freedom and “Physical enlightenment” available to us.
There’s major interactive serendipity, with many unique things coming forth as other things fade away. This eclipse will provide us all with a chance to re-think some things, review some things, and take a new look at old ways of expression. While Mars opposed Pluto will no doubt create a “Tension of Opposites” where it falls in our map, it indicates the need to see the best of what needs to be preserved as we get behind inhibiting energies and stick to details when things threaten to spin out of control. As this aspect is about purification, eliminate all mental and emotional considerations which distract rather than consolidate.
All eclipses shut something down, taking away elements of our lives no longer true for us. Over the next 5 years we will go through endings while finding more appropriate ways to do our Being in the Gemini arena of life. Gemini is the sign representing our ability to discover new views, new information, new understanding, and new Spiritual Brothers and Sisters. It diversifies in its quest for information, taking input from a variety of sources and angles of understanding. Like Sagittarius, it is the Wisdom of our questing, wandering Magician-Engineer, to whom all of life is a grand experiment in truth. This sign opens limitless vistas of potential lines of exploration.
A Solar eclipse in Gemini takes away old views, old attitudes, old ways of thinking about things, and old lines of discovery, creating space to adopt more appropriate views and attitudes based in who we have become; old ways of seeing things give way to new ways of expression, and especially with Mercury retrograde, I have no doubt that many old ideas and views will be remembered and resurrected in new applicable forms. This eclipse will purify our minds and give us a different understanding of many things past, present, and future!
So What’s Happening Where?
Though I gave this to you a few days ago in another article, it bears repeating here. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. The Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on Earth. In eclipse lore, where the eclipse is visible will be where the greatest effects can be expected, lasting the number of years that the eclipse is long in hours.
This Annular Solar eclipse at 20 Gemini occurs at 3:53 am PDT, 11:53 am BST on June 10. The total penumbral phase is 4 hours 59 minutes, indicating an influence lasting about 5 years. The umbral phase, where the eclipse will be most intense, lasts 1 hour 44 minutes, showing the heart of the eclipse effects lasting 21 months. This intense phase begins about a year and 7 months after June 10.
So this eclipse is very long, and with a magnitude of .94, it’s fairly strong and bright. It will be intense for those who can see it, with the region of the greatest eclipse being Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia and the North Pole. It will be partially visible across the entire area from northern Canada to northern Alaska to northern Russia, down to northern Europe. Of course it will also profoundly impact those with planets or points around 18-22 Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo, as well as 3-7 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Because an Eclipse conjuncts the Moon’s Nodal axis, the nodes are very important guides showing the line of greatest development and showing what we know. The NN shows the line of development, and because it’s in Gemini, the challenge is to grow into a greater quest for knowledge, higher standards of expression, and how to give and receive information in ways that don’t create dualities or power struggles.
Open to a greater quest of finding ways to integrate and assimilate diverse knowledge. See the limitless potential of discovery in every “newly opened land” which comes forth. Embrace the search for many ways to view things, but beware of getting lost in the abstract. This North Node will further growth in all Gemini areas as it promotes growth to fill the voids left by previous Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius. Grow toward seeing what’s opening as a chance to “clean the slate of your mind” and embrace new discoveries.
SN in Sagittarius helps us eliminate old truths, old philosophies, and old visions of the future. It can also give us opportunities to express the growing understanding of Gemini energy of the NN through “showing what we know,” and moving into the line of least resistance to find happiness. Whatever is cleared out via the Sagittarius SN will over time attract new forms of Gemini expression and activities.
Look to the house where this Lunation falls to see what area of your life will be impacted, just as the houses where past Solar eclipses fell have already been shutting down obsolete patterns since then. I gave you the positions and links to past eclipses in the previous eclipse article. And remember that whatever is taken away will create an attraction for something more appropriate to who you are now, and who you are becoming.
More On the Influence of Eclipses
Besides the factor of where the shadow falls, in Astrology eclipses are said to be most powerful when they conjunct the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven of a birth chart. When this happens it always brings endings related to the planets and sectors involved, but these can be of great benefit in clearing away old life factors which have no place in our future. As you know if you’ve been here for any time at all, I believe that "something's lost and something's gained in living every day..."
So this one with Mercury retrograde will bring past echoes and remembrances of old Gemini friends, experiences, and memories, leaving us with an entirely new way of looking at those past factors shaping who we are now. I just gave you some favorable ways that eclipses in general can work to great benefit if it conjuncts a planet in our chart, so please take a new look at it. Especially if the eclipse makes a conjunction or frictional aspect to your Saturn, this could mark the beginning of the end of old, lesser responsibilities, limitations, or fears, and open the being to a greater sense of purpose. If it conjuncts Jupiter, then it could show the ending of an old philosophy or belief system and open the gates to something far greater.
Given a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon, then like all Lunations that work their influence over time, it triggers events related to previous celestial events, and is triggered by subsequent transits to those points. For example, we can assume this eclipse at 20 Gemini will have similar evolutionary energies as were set into motion at the June 2002 Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini, which had NN at 18 Gemini. And because of where the North Node is now, this eclipse will have some relationship with the Dec 2002 Solar eclipse at 12 Sagittarius when the NN was 9 Gemini.
Summing Up
This Eclipse, having only two squares and one opposition, will help us get a new look at many things as we get behind the inhibiting circumstances and figure out how to approach things which are not well understood. A lot will be re-thought, and a lot of old misunderstandings and/or delusions may come back up for review. We are purifying many parts of our minds and lives in coming months and years, mainly though letting go of distracting abstractions, reactive ways of misdirecting our energies, and defensive dissembling both internally and externally.
Build in time for reflection and research before coming to any conclusions, and if there’s a delay in your plans, don’t stress out. Just look at the details, rework whatever in the light of new discoveries, and have a sense of humor as you get glimpses of the future before it shows up. This eclipse in many ways marks the beginning of new ways of finding happiness through busting illusions and getting beyond our preconceptions.
With such a strong Saturn influence due to it being on the degree of its recent retrograde station, we’ve begun to get “shortcuts to evolution,” so when you’re unclear about something, disregard the lesser or unimportant and keep your eyes on what’s really pertinent in any given situation. Mobilize as your experiment nears completion, and continue to build the lines of communication even when it’s not easy.
If your heart is weary about something, retire gracefully and find peace, since it’s a prelude to allowing your Soul to speak, directly and forcefully, to you, your world, or to space itself! There is much about this retrograde which may take some time before it manifests, but you can bet at some point whatever is ending or needs externalizing will seem like “activity dominated by fate,” if only that it’s the result of whatever we set into motion in January and February. Again, regard it all as a needed purification of that part of the life.
This eclipse is on the fulfillment degree in the actional-material level of externalization of information and knowledge. We are now challenged to assimilate what we need while not wasting opportunities to see old knowledge in a new light, or how new knowledge can be applied to an old situation. This marks a time of growth in our ability to send and receive ideas in a grounded context.
There are so many productive aspects that I believe this will be a very beneficial eclipse, with unique gifts, blessings, and circumstances bringing exactly what people need and deserve for their efforts before now. This Eclipse helps us remember that some endings are more a blessing than a problem, and ushers in a lighter and brighter era, despite the pressure in the house(s) where we have the middle degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Because Eclipses mark endings, finish up what you need to while preparing to move in a different direction because of what will be taken away. Look at the house where this Eclipse falls to see where the “Cosmic Recyclers” are coming to take away what you no longer need in that life area.
While the North Node is in Gemini, regard these eclipses as productive for shutting down old Gemini/Sagittarius things and attitudes you no longer need. Whatever is taken away will yield voids opening new ways of communicating and assimilating information. We demonstrate these through the house where we have mid-Sagittarius.
Since the 2018 Cancer eclipse, we’ve all expressed a dream offered to us since then, and should be finding ourselves at the end of our quest, one way or another. These have been years of accepting recognition for the excellence of our “performance,” but also learning that when it’s time to leave the stage and the lights come up, there’s nothing to do but get in the bus and move on to the next performance.
The January 2019 eclipse at 16 Capricorn took away old Capricorn parts of our life, giving us the chance to exercise different energies within group situations. The July 2019 Cancer eclipse took away many old habits and ways of life, helping us see the humor or irony in situations. The Christmas 2019 eclipse at 5 Capricorn mobilized us, setting us into forceful motion to act as we must within a larger group effort. It opened countless doors of an expanded perception which are part of the structure we built in 2020 that is the basis of the 20 year Aquarian ideal set into motion this year.
In the next part of the series, we'll explore how this eclipse will manifest and its astrological components, including Sabian Symbols, which signs will be most affected, and more on the mixed energies at work in this Annular Solar eclipse. This one will bring us understanding of how to “organize our own special experience for the benefit of the community at large,” where we find assurance in doing our part within the greater whole.
Some are going to find “prodigality of resources” very quickly, and this increased supply should be placed in service to our community so we may fully contribute all we need to bring completion to the whole. Be practical as you manipulate matter and ideas, and be ingenious as you find inspired ways to grow into a multitude of ways to see, understand, and communicate all which is coming to you.
We continue to move through the “birth pains” of the emerging Aquarian era. This helps us take a look back at how we’re doing what we’re doing, how we’re communicating and how we can be better, and what we care about as we stand on the threshold of a new life. A lot will be made manifest over the Summer of our next larger chapter of growth, and though things may seem irrational, just maintain your ability to see things from many points of view, suspending lesser judgements and diversions when more important matters are at hand.
Be willing to do your own thing in your own way while allowing others the same, value new life responses while turning away from illusions and obsolete roles which just keep you timid or uncertain, and by the time Mercury finally leaves its shadow zone in July, many things will be much clearer, if only what direction to take to learn what you need to learn.
See you soon with the next article on this Solar Eclipse!
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson