by Robert Wilkinson
Today, Friday, we move from an old Moon to a New Moon, shifting energies away from the past as we embrace new vitality for the future. This weekend brings powerful energies of the future into focus!
That’s because when the Moon goes into Leo, it immediately begins to vibrate in unison with Venus and Mars, creating a “Leo field of energy” which triggers the T-square on Sunday. Again, this is bringing change, challenge, and integration possibilities to the houses where we have the middle degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Sunday also brings the end of Mercury in Gemini and the entry of Mercury into Cancer, bringing “mind” up to speed with what we already experienced via Mars, Venus, and the Sun up to now. Saturday and Sunday Mercury makes a triseptile to Pluto, anticipating it triggering the Grand Irrationality once it hits 4-8 Cancer.
So even though the Cancer sector of the Grand Irrationality has already been triggered by Mars in late April and early May, Venus in early June, and the Sun in late June, we now get the understanding Mercury brings to why we’ve been through what we’ve been through since late April. AND as Mercury sets its Cancer GI energy into motion, it is joined by Venus and Mars triseptile Pluto just before they biseptile Uranus and triseptile Neptune. That would seem to make the next week extraordinarily important in showing us the forks in the road of all kinds of ongoing things!
Enjoy the introduction of new ideas, new energy, and new integration techniques as you see the limitless creative possibilities offered by Venus and Mars in Leo. These offer us opportunities to recognize and create beauty and will power up into new life forms in August. The pace may not be as fast as we might like, but the possibilities of enjoyment are infinite!
Copyright © 2021 Robert Wilkinson