by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury is now direct and will be in its shadow zone through November 2/3, after which it enters its next phase of moving through "unknown zones" where the themes of this retrograde will be played out in forward motion. So for the next 2 weeks expect some very productive intersections of past and future, giving us a chance to show how willing we are to let go of the past and embrace the future.
Themes related to the span between 11 and 26 Libra will continue to be prominent until Mercury enters its next shadow zone on December 29. The recent retrograde span was trine both of the 2021 retrograde spans in Aquarius and Gemini, so 2021 has given us a solid understanding of all things air this year, whether in our forward explorations, or backward reflections.
This Mercury direct station falls at 11 Libra. It is said that the second third (decan) of any sign deals with the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life, and as this falls in the second decan of Libra, it has a sub-influence of Aquarius with an additional Saturn influence. Because Mercury in Libra is ruled by Venus which was in Scorpio for the first half of the retrograde and in Sagittarius the second half of the retrograde, this Mercury RX had a dual sign background. We got a look back at all things Libra through many diverse angles of approach, and now can take all that information and move it forward into action!
Aspects in the Shadow Zone
Mercury will transit its “shadow” span of 11-26 Libra through early November, with residual echoes for the next 13 weeks as well. Mercury going direct will re-activate many of the aspects it's made over the past few weeks, which overall were quite a mixed bag with the trine to Jupiter and square to Pluto as the standout aspects. Couple it with the quincunxes to Uranus and Neptune, and we’ve had a strange dance the past several weeks!
As Mercury moves forward from its station, it makes a continuous sextile to Venus and conjunction with Mars through the first half of November. For the rest of October, it makes a biseptile to Pluto followed by a quincunx to Uranus and a tredecile to Saturn. Overall, a productive if agitated time, with hard adjustments we’ve already rehearsed around the quincunx to Uranus Oct 22-28 followed by a quincunx to Neptune the last 3 days of October and the first 3 days of November.
The shadow period ends with Mercury trine Jupiter and square Pluto, each of these the third time we’re experiencing these aspects. The end of the month is a point of focus, since the Sun squares Saturn exactly when Mercury tredeciles Saturn, moving energies up and out in serendipitous ways. As Venus is sextile Jupiter at that time, I’m expecting some sort of opening, turning, and ability to anticipate what’s coming. Use the tension creatively, and if your feelings get overwhelming, focus it in some sort of creative way. When Venus sextiles Jupiter and the Sun squares Saturn, Venus will occupy the exact degree of the December 2020 Solar Eclipse, helping reaffirm whatever has left or is leaving as contributing to what makes us happy, and/or help us understand things which were, are, or will be removed for our happiness related to last December’s Solar Eclipse.
The Moon and Sun at this Station
The Moon at the station is a Gibbous Moon, indicating a lot of reflection and growth. This is an “associative-expressive” phase which is on a quest for some sort of realization or revelation. This is the phase just before the realization at the Full Moon, though in this chart, the Light of the Sun in Libra must be expressed in diverse Aries forms.
Because the Moon is at 3 Aries conjunct Chiron, opposed Mercury, novile Jupiter, sextile Saturn, novile Uranus and quintile Pluto, this should be a great time for interconnected spiritual realizations, with more to come as time goes by. As Mars rules the Moon, it adds balance and moderation to the Moon in Aries impulsiveness. The Moon’s degree is one of “identifying with a larger life,” so this period should open some important doors for more effective collective self expression. Some of us might actually become Avatars (or a sort!)
At this station, the Sun is 26 Libra, the exact degree where Mercury went stationary retrograde and the theme of the year, given it’s where Mercury went stationary direct in November 2020! This shows we will now be able to take the light and power of knowing how to alternate between soft power and hard power, and use it to achieve a life renewal indicated by Venus. Of course, with the Sun and Mars both in the last decan of Libra, one we are told is about “paying dues,” this will finish a lot of old karmic business.
With Mars trine Jupiter and square Pluto, we’ll have excellent opportunities for personality integration as long as we get behind the friction, impulsiveness, and touchiness associated with this square. In some ways it’s related to the 2020 squares from Mars in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn, but this one offers us power and the fulfillment of a promise from long ago. Saturn’s on the degree of cosmic mutations, and the biseptile from Mars to Saturn shows this is the fulfillment of whatever Saturn’s been teaching us this entire year. The hot zones are around 21-25 Libra, 13-17 Sagittarius, 5-9 Aquarius, 26-30 Pisces, 17-21 Taurus, 8-12 Cancer, and 29 Leo-3 Virgo. If you have something in any of these zones, your destiny is on the move over the next few weeks!
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
So from here Mercury moves forward! We can now take what we reviewed, got a new understanding of, or found new information about that helped us remember and/or reevaluate some things and move forward with a larger view and contemplation of what has been and what will be, especially in the houses where we have Gemini and Virgo, since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
As it was retrograde between 26 and 11 Libra, those house(s) in our charts have been the areas where our review, reflections, returns, reconsiderations, and/or rehearsals have taken place. I gave you some of the possible effects of Mercury in the houses in the article Mercury Retrograde in Libra in September-October 2021 - What It Means For Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Since it is now direct, if there have been misunderstandings or delays these past 3 weeks, it's all moving forward from here! We can begin to get a lot more accomplished, after a period of slow downs, turnarounds, review, reflection, reworking, undoing, and re-planning. We’ve been offered a chance to rethink many things, and experienced new ways of seeing how to express our spiritual values in ways that clean up old karma and give us flexibility. Now we move forward into a new life knowing we’re traversing familiar ground before we leap into the future in November.
So things should start moving forward anew fairly quickly. Right now, it’s a good time to use the different information, views, and approaches we’ve been examining through the retrograde lens these past several weeks to find a new understanding of how to shape our thoughts to make them real in the world. We now get a more balanced view of things and people, having been on a trip through the past, and can move forward into a time of dynamic ideas and powerful inspired expression.
Now that we've done our rehearsals, reviews, revisions, and/or research on those inner and outer experiences showing us how to get out of our own way and allow Spirit to work through us, we can weave all we know into a different way to coordinate part of our life. Here we again face the future, knowing a different sense of Being and a new vision of a past that is no more. Though there may be a sense of not entirely knowing what direction you’re going, since we’re now free to fly in any direction we choose, remember the immortal words of George Harrison, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”
From Here We Speed Up!
Things related to Mercury will speed up considerably for the next three months, so flow with the new YOU you’re experiencing! Meditate on the symbol “A professor peering over his glasses” since that’s the foundation for Mercury to move forward. As I gave you in part 1, this allows us to understand how to teach what we know, focusing more on the humans listening than the information to be communicated. This promises us a new transfiguration of our view of things wherever we have 11 Libra.
When you get new information or insights, see what decisions and actions which must be made to move the idea into a secure form. One you’ve done what you have to do, then take time to experience what you’ve just done rather than stay lost in the infinite playing fields of the lower mind. If you are unclear, use your feelings to guide you to a new vision or information. Once the new understanding opens, you’ll know what to do. So be thoughtful, open to communications, and follow it with your “innocent instinct” to get a broadened perspective.
This period activates a future which promises the stirring up of a new form of love related to the past. Be creative as you integrate everything you’ve been through in 2021, since it holds the key to power and happiness in 2022. So move forward with all your new information, make your decisions even if it means moving in new directions, and then take time to enjoy what you’ve done, since there are blessings to come for those who accept “the mantle of power,” or the grace available to those who want to serve in greater ways.
On a final note, remember this entire year has been bookended by the theme of 26 Libra, since Mercury went SD on that degree in late 2020, and went SRX on that degree this September. We now can “see the light” of this entire year of learning when to be yin and when to be yang, when to show heart and when to show knowledge. We’ve learned a more adaptable approach to exercising power, a more balanced way of relating to others, and a greater flexibility in meeting life’s challenges.
A New Look at Mercury Retrograde
In a final plug as Mercury moves forward in its shadow zone, if you want to know more about the qualities of Mercury retrograde in all the signs and houses, please consult your copy of the expanded 2nd edition of A New Look At Mercury Retrograde, available on Amazon. It's a handy reference for everything you could want to know about Mercury retrograde people and Mercury retrograde in the signs and houses. It explores how Mercury retrograde people think and work through things, and why roundabout or delayed interpretations aren’t necessarily a bad thing, whether in kids or adults. Here's the link to where you can order your paperback copy of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. The ebook is available on Kindle and Nook. (Again, just make sure you get the 2016 edition published by the Fifth Ray rather than the 1997 edition originally published by Weiser.)
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson