by Robert Wilkinson
As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.
Before we jump into the overview of the month, I want to welcome all to drop by our Astrology Arizona Facebook page and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group! See you over there!
I also highly recommend coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Escaping the Twelfth House,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How The Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “Egotism, Narcissism, Identity and Self,” and others. The past two presentations I’ve spoken about “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” focusing on the various factors in our charts pointing us to spiritual fulfillment.
November will feature a roundtable discussion on chart analysis so bring your chart or any other chart you want to analyze. Please consider coming to the party! You can find out more at the FB page, our website, or by writing me.
The Overview for November
This year the month of November brings us Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury all direct, bringing “forward motion” in all the departments of our charts ruled and occupied by these planets. As Mercury leaves its shadow zone at the beginning of the month, we’re moving into the future!
With Mercury direct and increasing in speed through the Superior Conjunction at the end of the month, we can take all we reviewed and renewed when Mercury was retrograde and run with that understanding of how to communicate in new ways into November and December. All the inner planets are closing in on the occupied outer planet span, so get ready for another “grand compression” of planets happening over the next few weeks. We’re certainly going to have a crowded house wherever we have Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius!
This month Scorpio and Aquarius are the main focus, with Sun, Mercury, and Mars dominating the Scorpio energies from November 5 through 22. Expect a lot of activity in those parts of our charts. Because of the coming compression of planets in January and February, this month is a Marc Jones Bowl pattern except when the Moon is outside the span between November 22-28. The Bowl is marked by a division between the known and unknown, what we have to offer and what needs to be filled.
Saturn’s station on a degree of “a child born out of the Cosmic Egg” promises manifestations from Cosmos not “born of a local tradition!” We are promised “the appearance” of something representing Aquarian energy arising from all which we haven’t realized so far. When we add Jupiter’s stationary direct theme of “training to pick up and deliver spiritual power,” we’re about to go through a period of testing to express more than we imagined over the next few months!
Since April, Jupiter and Saturn have put us through major transfigurations designed to help us accelerate our spiritual growth. We’ve now all “graduated into a new realm of Being” and this year, with Jupiter transiting “the Transfiguration Zone” three times, we’re all in an expansive mode racing into the future! The first transfiguration was in late April and early May, the second was in the first half of August, and the third and final pass in December finishes the process of expansion to be powered up between the middle of February and the middle of April 2022. All three transfiguration periods this year hold the promise of great opportunities, vision, and understanding!
Saturn has now shown us techniques of direct accomplishment and an acceleration of our evolutionary potential once we have a vision, a plan, and a good time to execute the procedure. As Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, those parts of our chart are where we’ve been reflecting on past Saturn experiences and lessons to find new understanding from different perspectives based in a holistic view. In 2022, Saturn will “make real” what Jupiter has promised this year.
Planets Slowing Down and Shifting Signs
This month we have only Uranus and Neptune continuing to be slow in their retrograde phases, though Neptune is about to go direct. Now that Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all direct, they’re speeding up. This means the visible part of the spiritual field represented by Jupiter and Saturn is now going to bring us the results of our review, while the invisible factors in the spiritual field symbolized by Uranus and Neptune are still offering a review. This month Pluto remains on its stationary degree, showing us we’ve reached a “transcendent security” and begin a new trek to the spiritual mountaintop we share with others we’ve encountered throughout 2021.
As Mercury, Venus, and the Sun change signs this month, it indicates that the rulers of six of our houses and signs (Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra; the Sun is the spiritual co-ruler of Cancer) will experience a distinctive change in those areas of our chart. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us three sign experiences (Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius), Venus, ruler of Taurus and Libra, will give us two sign experiences (Sagittarius and Capricorn), and the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer) will give us two (Scorpio and Sagittarius). This clearly indicates a lot of activity in the Scorpio and Sagittarius, sectors of our chart!
Mars in Scorpio is in its “home” sign, so is comfortable (and intense!) in that sign. Mars, the planet of direct action, supposedly does well in Scorpio, but must remember that all intensity and no relaxation makes for a tense life and relationships. This should be good for getting quickly to the heart of any matter, but of course it will prove agitating to those with planets in the first 20 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Mars is moving fast and continues to speed up, transiting between 2 and 21 Scorpio this month. That means Mars is ruled by itself all month, and also rules the other planetary transits through Scorpio. This makes it the final dispositor for the Sun until it enters Sagittarius, and also for Mercury when it’s in Scorpio.
In November, Mars makes a mixed bag of aspects, mostly favorable to Venus the entire month and to Neptune and Pluto the last half of the month. While early November shows Mars in serendipitous tredecile to Jupiter the first week of the month, it quickly gives way to the very intense Mercury conjunct Mars with both square Saturn the entire second week of the month.
The month ends with Mars in a favorable trine to Neptune and approaching the productive sextile with Pluto. Still, with the Mercury conjunct Mars square Saturn, expect friction to be in the air between November 5 and 14. As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating while making a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force, with an eye to moderating or antidoting impulsiveness and impatience. Mars aspects this month show great serendipity, followed by the intense friction of the squares, requiring good Leo energies in all of us.
Sign Focus
November is a month when the first week features one combination, the middle of the month another, and the last week yet another. We begin the month with a Libra, heavy Scorpio, and late Sagittarius accent, move into a triple Scorpio energy with Venus offering us a Capricorn backup, and end the month with Sagittarius taking center stage via the Sun and Mercury. This puts a heavy emphasis on those parts of our chart.
With Mars in its home sign of Scorpio it keeps that sign prominent and brings Martian intensity to Solar and Mercurial affairs when they too are in Scorpio this month. So Scorpio is a constant all month, with Venus introducing us to the coming Capricorn focus of December, January, and February.
The Aquarius-Taurus Tension This Year
The square is back! This month the Scorpio transits square Saturn and oppose Uranus, bringing the Fixed T-square which has dominated the tension in the atmosphere since January and February, when Jupiter transited the first half of Aquarius, heralding what will be crystallized by Saturn throughout 2021. What Jupiter opens, Saturn will structure as it rumbles through the first half of Aquarius this entire year.
Jupiter’s transit of 17-24 Aquarius in March opened what Saturn will secure in 2022, and Jupiter’s transit of 25-29 Aquarius in April opened what Saturn will secure initially between May and July 2022, and fully crystallize in January, February, and early March 2023. This month Jupiter will make its final pass through 23-26 Aquarius, showing we’re on our way to demonstrating spiritual power!
Because Saturn is direct and Uranus is retrograde, they’re on their way to the third and final square of the year which will be exact in December and early January. (The final square happens September, October, and November 2022). This square shows the need to stay focused on what’s really pertinent while disregarding older or unimportant interference. Remember too that given the square is from 8 Aquarius to 13 Taurus, it will be activated by various semisquares, squares, sesquisquares, and oppositions during the Scorpio transits, as well as the late Sag transits. All of these will generate powerful releases wherever we have these sectors in our charts.
These Octile aspects, especially those from Scorpio making T-squares with Saturn and Uranus, indicate we’re moving into a powerful period good for integrating intense energies. The oppositions provide the awareness of what must be integrated, and the third planet making the square drives the integrative process via the void. As Scorpio transits create T-squares there will be a need for good Leo responses, with the Moon triggering things when it moves through late Mutable signs as well as between 7-14 degrees of the Fixed signs.
The Fixed sign squares represent turning points and braking actions necessary for us to get our wisdom aligned with our understanding. These points of tension occur off and on the entire year as Saturn “makes real” all which Jupiter promised by its transit the last half of January and first half of February.
The first square from Saturn to Uranus in February was from 8 Aquarius to 8 Taurus; the second was in June, with Saturn retrograde at 14 Aquarius square Uranus at 14 Taurus; the third happens just after the December 2021 Solstice with Saturn direct at 12 Aquarius and Uranus retrograde at 12 Taurus. These waning (upper) squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus mark the culmination of the cycle of these power planets which was set into motion when Saturn conjuncted Uranus in 1988. Interestingly, in 1999-2000 Saturn in Taurus made its waxing (lower) square to Uranus in Aquarius, so this year activates conflicts dating back 20 years.
We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set
The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year Era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.
The 2020 Solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice is still facilitating a grand reorientation in our lives, including an acceptance of new allegiances and life directions, and the December 2020 Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius is still helping us remove blocks to our happiness. The June Solar eclipse at 20 Gemini is already removing irrelevant and extraneous ideas and considerations from our decision making process.
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 Sagittarius, and 20 Gemini, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, and 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated. The mid-June Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini continues to shut down parts of our lives in that sector for 5 years to come. These eclipses are removing old ideas, old perspectives, old truths, and old futures, with another Lunar Eclipse coming this month in Scorpio/Taurus!
As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.
The Grand Irrationality
In November the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality is dormant for most of this month. The first planetary activation happens the last week of November, when the Sun and Mercury first septile Pluto, then biseptile Neptune and triseptile Uranus. As you know by now, these aspects represent “forks in the road of destiny,” affecting individuals and nations wherever the seven zones in the configuration occur in our charts.
All the septile-series aspects trigger crucial choices and changes at “forks in the road of destiny.” I have written extensively about “The Grand Irrationality” which has been active for many years at this site and why all of humanity is forging its future destiny at this time. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In November these zones are around 28 Capricorn – 2 Aquarius, 19-23 Pisces, 11-15 Taurus, 3-7 Cancer, 24-28 Leo, 16-20 Libra, and 7-11 Sagittarius.
If things seem irrational and don’t make much sense, there’s always a septile-series aspect in the mix. During the periods these 7th harmonic aspects are in play, if things get a little weird or crazy, just go slow and be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; all we must do is be clear about what we’re doing and why. Even though it may bring interactions with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways.
As with “hard” aspects to and from Mars, if that planet (or really any planet) is involved in any non-rational aspect, whether one to our natal Mars or transiting Mars making a non-rational aspect to one of our planets, it’s a time to be cautious during the period when the aspect is within a degree of forming or separating. Things have a way of getting strange during 7th harmonic aspects, so those are times to be especially deliberate and thoughtful in choosing our responses.
Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month
November begins with Mercury making its third trine to Jupiter and third square to Pluto, so use the “expansive vision” to bust a lie or deception. This configuration allows us to build through Jupiter and release the expansive understanding through the Pluto square. Mercury square Pluto with Sun square Saturn active at the end of October and beginning of November are some strong energies showing us how to put the brakes on corrosive energy and people.
The first four days of November are an “Old Moon,” so pull back, consolidate, and prepare for the grand “experiment in an improvised lab” to begin completion through the rest of the month. The New Moon on the 4th promises a very dynamic month given the Moon conjunct Mars with both square Saturn just before the New Moon! The Lunation also brings both Moon and Sun into an opposition to Uranus, which is bound to shake up a bunch of things! This focuses the Fixed T-square energies again, this time throwing the void into Leo, so show heart, courage, creativity, and if possible, playfulness and spontaneity. You can bet it’s a turning point for any planets we have in mid-Taurus, mid-Leo, mid-Scorpio, and mid-Aquarius, so figure out if you need to act or put the brakes on something, since this is an integrative evolutionary configuration.
The 5th brings sign shifts for Mercury and Venus, changing the energy in our charts where we have Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra. As Mercury is sextile Venus during the first two weeks of November it does promise maximum productivity in the areas ruled by those planets. The second week of November looks very productive, with the only real friction provided by the concentration of Fixed squares in play which culminate on the 10th, with Mercury conjunct Mars, both square Saturn, triggered by the Moon in Aquarius square the Scorpio planets. This is one heavy gear grind, so move cautiously between November 8 and 12.
The second week also features Mercury and Mars both quincunx Chiron, showing adjustments and sacrifices opening productive zones in mid-Gemini and mid-Virgo. That week also brings the favorable Sun trine Neptune, though Mercury opposing Uranus on the 13th brings us signs, signals, and understanding of the larger Scorpio opposition Uranus energies of the New Moon. All of these oppositions to Uranus give us opportunities to make our genius or uniqueness manifest in some way, though of course watch out for unexpected events and erratic people.
Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month
The third week of the month kicks off with Venus square Chiron and Sun square Jupiter. These aren’t necessarily bad aspects, since it can bring healing and clarity about how to keep the momentum in our own hands while seeing a greater way of presenting ourselves to our world. The rest of the third week is highly active, with Sun sextile Pluto and Mars opposed Uranus on November 16 and 17, accented on the second day with Moon in Taurus square Saturn, trine Venus, conjunct Uranus and opposed Mars! The trine to Venus should help resolve the energy by playing it cautiously. You can prepare for this period by being very alert between the New Moon and the crunch of squares on the 10th, active through the 12th.
The 18th brings Mercury trine Neptune and Venus trine Uranus, leading up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 19th. That eclipse will shut down areas in our charts related to late Scorpio and Taurus, creating voids which will help us “return to center” expressed as a “genuine rejuvenation” leading us to a life renewal wherever we have late Taurus. While the 20th brings a Lunar Yod and Mercury square Jupiter, it’s followed by a very productive Mercury sextile Pluto just before the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st.
The last 10 days of the month are fairly favorable, with Mercury entering Sag on the 24th and the long term Saturn sextile Chiron becoming exact on the 26th. Of course the sextile is in play the entire month, favoring our quest to become our higher Self assisted by any planets we have around 7-11 Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The month ends with another “Old Moon,” accompanied by the Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, Mars trine Neptune, Mercury and the Sun trine Chiron, and both sextile Saturn and Venus sextile Neptune. That implies the first half of the month will be far more volatile than the second half of November, which should find us all cruising easy into December!
Evolutionary Development
This is the nineteenth month of the North Node in Gemini era, showing that our line of greatest evolutionary development is through seeing the many ways to learn and communicate a given thing, especially with an eye to actional discoveries leading us to unexpected gifts and blessings.
Because we are in the thick of learning lessons associated with Saturn in Aquarius, keep showing patience as you lighten and brighten your life where you have Aquarius in your chart. As I’ve mentioned in past newsletters, this year we’re being tested to use the (almost) non-stop friction of the Taurus/Aquarius square to launch new visions, new models, new interactions, and new teamwork. The health of our responses will be tested this month through the numerous squares to Saturn and oppositions to Uranus, so again, take heart and be strong, since nothing can defeat our inner spiritual warrior!
We continue to be in an Autumn of understanding, serendipity, concentration, and balanced focus, quickening our process of finding more direct means to accelerate our evolution and group work. We resume opening to a greater social and emotional effectiveness, expanding our potential contributions as we begin to experience “Cosmic Mutations” resulting from Saturn’s station in October.
We’re definitely nearing the end of our first year in a new era. Use the integrative power of the T-squares involving Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus to BE the “Light and Mind” of Leo; show heart, take heart, trust the heart, strengthen the heart, and radiate the Love you ARE to your world. Having found new perspectives in Libra, we can use Scorpio to eliminate all which prevents us from embracing the adventures promised in Sagittarius. The expanding group work continues, so remember we're all more aware, capable, and stronger together than we are separately.
The Sun in Scorpio is a time to see the Light of magnetism as a force to bind to and/or separate from forms, creating space in precise ways to attract whatever we need to regenerate momentum toward our higher goals. This culminates the first Aquarian cycle of the new era, and we now move toward our third and final “graduation into a new realm of Being,” with new openings for those who are willing to live as a unique spark of Light within infinite fields of Light.
As we’ve launched into a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned, so have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future glimpsed in Libra, concentrated into focused power in Scorpio, and expanded into new truths and futures in Sagittarius.
Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:
SUN – 10 Scorpio To 9 Sagittarius
MERCURY – 23 Libra to 9 Sagittarius
VENUS – 26 Sagittarius to 21 Capricorn
MARS – 2 to 21 Scorpio
JUPITER – 23 to 26 Aquarius
SATURN – 8 to 9 Aquarius
URANUS – 13 Taurus back to 12 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 21 Pisces (all month)
PLUTO – 25 Capricorn (all month)
TRUE NORTH NODE – 2 Gemini (all month)
NEW MOON – November 4; Sun and Moon at 13 Scorpio
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS IN THE US; November 7 at 2 am (all time zones)
MERCURY CONJUNCT MARS; November 8-12 (exact November 10) at 8 Scorpio
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE – November 19; Sun 28 Scorpio, Moon 28 Taurus
NEPTUNE STATIONARY DIRECT; December 1 at 21 Pisces
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
Wonderful article!!!
The eclipse this month conjuncts my moon at 21 Taurus in the 8th house...and connects my grand Square of 21-22 Sun 2nd, Moon 8th, Uranus 11th, Chiron 5th
In the 8th house...endings, and conjunct the moon....inner feelings, ...old ways of being?
Im feeling this now, and having experiences that are consistent with getting to do the past over again, a different way.
Letting go of the past? The old me.... The 8th house, death, Re Identity????
It sure took long enough...Ill be 62 on the 15th Nov
Posted by: Suzanne Browne | November 01, 2021 at 02:17 PM