by Robert Wilkinson
As the President of Astrology Arizona, I want to extend an invitation to all who have questions about the craft they’d like answered. The organization is hosting a free zoom webinar next Saturday which will be an open forum to discuss all things astrological.
The event will be on Saturday, November 27, from 1-3 pm MST, 8-10 pm GMT. We’re doing this because several people have requested we host a question and answer session so people can share insights and learn more about the craft from the astrologers who attend. Look at it as a real time “what one astrologer misses another catches” event. Besides the Q&A, I am sure that there will be more than one chart we’ll be looking at!
If you want to attend, please email Bill at [email protected] and let him know you’re interested. He'll mail you the link before the event. While there isn’t a set charge for our November and December presentations, donations are always welcome.
If you want to know more about our organization of people dedicated to learning and teaching astrology, please drop by our website at Astrology Arizona and take a look around. We had great presentations by professional astrologers throughout 2021, and will have more great presentations in 2022. And there are benefits for joining, including being able to advertise your business on our website.
Hope to see you next Saturday!
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson