by Robert Wilkinson
On November 3, Mercury leaves its “Shadow Zone” and moves into the future. What does this mean?
First, for those who don’t know the term, a planet’s “Shadow Zone” is the span of degrees between the point it goes stationary retrograde back to where it goes stationary direct. When a planet which was retrograde goes direct, it moves across the same span of degrees it did when retrograde. That is the Shadow Zone.
Mercury went SRX at 26 Libra on September 27. It retrograded back to 11 Libra, where it went direct October 18. It’s now in forward motion and about to leave the boundary of its shadow zone at 26 Libra. As Mercury, “the Guide of Souls” and coordinator of our Life is now speeding up, we can expect all things related to Mercury to speed up as well for the next few weeks.
This year, Mercury was the second planet to transit this part of Libra, having been preceded by Venus. Now that the Sun and Mars have both moved through Libra and are now in Scorpio, Mercury is the last inner planet to remain in Libra this year, and will enter Scorpio on November 5.
Venus transited the span of 11-16 Libra during the last week of August and first week of September. Then Mercury entered Libra at the end of August, and slowed to retrograde when Mars and then the Sun entered Libra. The Sun illuminated this span between October 2 and 18, powering up what the retrograde was all about, and Mars activated the whole span between October 1 and 23.
Now Mercury moves forward through the end of Libra and into Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and early Aquarius where it goes retrograde again in mid-January. For now, “the Guide of Souls” is going to take us through the signs of elimination, regeneration, promise, self-organization and self-discipline and will wind up close to where it went stationary direct in February 2021. As Mercury leaves its Shadow Zone, it now can bring us a synthesized integrated overview of what we’ve just been through, shaping and re-shaping our proportional responses and moving between “Yin power” and “Yang power,” finding new ways to communicate what we know, so that now our ideas can “catch up” with our life, likes, and initiatives.
From here, Mercury will speed up until it catches up to the Sun at the next Superior Conjunction at 8 Sagittarius on November 28. That will be an extraordinarily “fateful” conjunction since it’s a degree of major internal transformation and sextiles Saturn, noviles Venus, and triseptiles Uranus at the same time it biseptiles Neptune, setting “The Grand Irrationality” into motion for the holiday season!
So enjoy the quickened pace, which should help many areas of our lives move forward in fine style. As usual, I’ll be writing more about Mercury’s Superior Conjunction with the Sun in late November, as well as the very important aspects going on then involving literally every planet in the sky! We now have reviewed and reflected on many things about the use of force, and prepare for our third experience in December of the “Transfiguration Zone” in late Aquarius.
All the Mercury retrograde periods of 2021 have been in middle and late Air signs, furthering the 20 year Aquarian pulses set into motion between December 2020 and February 2021. We now understand more about the emerging Aquarian energies due to the February Aquarius retrograde; we now understand more about the diversity with which we can express those energies due to the June retrograde; and this October retrograde has brought us our final exams in how best to use the combination of soft power and hard power, heart and mind, love and will, in an oscillating way to synthesize the greater truths of Aquarius.
The Guide of Souls takes us forward from here, into the intense focus of Scorpio, the hopeful expansion of Sagittarius, the structuring and restructuring of Capricorn, and the renewal of the vision of Aquarius. Welcome to the late Autumn and Winter of 2021!
Copyright © 2021 Robert Wilkinson