by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon is the thirteenth since the December 2020 Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 1 Aquarius which launched new 20 and 200 year eras. We’re headed into the future!
I’ll speak more about the bigger picture after the Sabian Symbol. For now, let’s take a closer look at this healing and attuning Full Moon.
As the Full Moon fulfills the themes of the previous New Moon, we can use the freeing, releasing, and renewing energies we launched two weeks ago and now release all which we don’t need to take with us on our next adventure. We can now “see the Light” of spiritual disciplines we took on in the Spring of 2017 and how they have helped us to this place of vision, freedom, and potential we’re at right now.
The Sun in Fire and the Moon in Air shows a time of the Distributive Fire (spreading inspiration) of Sagittarius expressing its visions and truth through the Distributive Air (spreading ideas) of Gemini. At this time, 2 planets are in the first third of their signs, 2 planets are in the second third of their signs, and 6 planets are in the last third of their signs. This indicates a huge emphasis on the individual, mental, and spiritual field, with a balanced in the social/emotional field and the actional-material field. This will be an extraordinarily spiritualizing next two weeks!
Why Are Full Moons So Important?
At a Full Moon, that which has opened since the previous New Moon surfaces in a public form, and heads toward the culmination and fruition symbolized by the second half of any cycle. First half, birth into form and field. Second half, culmination and completion of the purpose of that cycle.
That’s why it’s important to regard the New and Full Moon charts as “God’s Footprints in Time,” since one follows the other in an unending sequence of births of newer and newer seeds. The New Moons show us the seeds that will flourish under the reflected light of the Full Moon.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. All the inner planets are now done with their run of oppositions to the outer planets. This chart has only one opposition, meaning we have only one powerful axis of “the Tension of Opposites.” in this Lunation. We have the Moon opposed Sun generating awareness around 26-30 of Sagittarius/Gemini, making them the drivers of our “awareness generator” for the coming two weeks.
Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?
The Sun is in Sagittarius, making Jupiter its worldly ruler and Neptune its spiritual ruler. The Moon is in Gemini, making Mercury in Capricorn its worldly ruler. Jupiter in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn in its home sign of Aquarius, and Mercury is also ruled by Saturn, showing Saturn has again a place of preeminence on the world stage. At this time we have two final dispositors affecting all the other planets.
The Moon is ruled by Mercury which is ruled by Saturn. Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto are also ruled by Saturn. Mars in Sag is ruled by Jupiter and therefore by Saturn. Neptune, as usual, is a “standalone” planet, ruling itself.
By looking at how “chains of dispositors,” “final dispositors,” and “mutual reception” are in play between the planets, we get a clear picture of the backdrop for how each planet operates. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
This Full Moon falls at 28 Sagittarius and 28 Gemini. It is said that the last third (decan) of any sign deals with the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of life, and as the Lunation is in the third decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Leo and Aquarius.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar Sabian symbol for the 28th degree of Sagittarius is "An old bridge over a beautiful stream.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols Dane Rudhyar published in The Astrology of Personality, he states this degree is about “enduring elements in understanding as symbols of the community invisible of man, dead and living,” and “steady coordination.”
In The Astrological Mandala,, Rudhyar offers this degree involves “the enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individuals to the everyday needs of the collectivity.” He states “the mastery over material … of a few imaginative and trained individuals enables their community to remain well-integrated,” and “the work of these sculptor-engineers allows” the development of a “permanent culture.”
He says this builds a tradition enabling people “to link their outer nature with the highest vision” which can be demonstrated. He offers that this shows how human works “can blend harmoniously with natural environment in producing beautiful and enduring shapes of profound meaning. “ He states that this symbol falls in the Span of Detachment, the Act of Group Integration, and is the synthesizing degree of the Individual-Mental level of the Scene of Transference.
According to Dr. Jones, this degree is about “the eternal stability of the world at large, and of each person’s ability to preserve its form and function” as is our convenience. He speaks of “the complete dependability of man-made structures at their best, and the joy of nature in making them an enduring part of herself in every respect.”
He continues “What is ephemeral in any possible phase of the real is merely that which serves no purpose in its transient state of existence.” He offers us the keyword CONSERVATION and says that when operating in a positive way, this degree is “an individual genius for fitting all needs and ideals into the universal patterns.”
The Lunar symbol for the 28th degree of Gemini is “A man declared bankrupt.” In the original Jones notes published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this symbolizes "release of self from collective pressure impossible to bear,” “determination to regather forces for new attempt,” and “protection.”
We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this degree is about our “release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks,” and that bankruptcy should not be construed negatively, because it represents the fact that “individual failure cannot be separated from the health of the community,” and that “the special nature of the whole is implied in the failure of the part to perform adequately….” And that a competitive society must also have a place for compassion.
Rudhyar offers that this symbol is one of “leaving behind,” and “a liberation from the past.” He says it says it falls in the Span of Restlessness, Act of Differentiation, and it’s the synthesizing degree in the Scene of Exteriorization on the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of "the eternal individuality of the human spirit, able to enter new paths of opportunity” and “achieve a further self-refinement whenever its particular involvements in everyday affairs have come to some point of futility.” He offers this leads to “the realization of the ultimate transiency of both the rewards and penalties in life, and of the unreality of consequences if ever taken as other than a convenient converging of relationships.”
He offers us the keyword DELIVERANCE. He states that when operating in a positive way, it's said to be a degree of "an effective and over-all resourcefulness in even the worst of situations.”
From these symbols it seems we can see the Light of “enduring human-made structures” which demonstrated “individual genius for fitting needs and ideals into a universal pattern” expressed in forms of leaving many things behind, and letting go of pressures we no longer need.
Because of the dance of Jupiter with Saturn, truth seekers are expanding beyond their previous “Ring Pass Not.” I devote an entire chapter to the importance of that “Guardian of the Limits of Power and Wisdom” in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Understanding the value and power of “The Ring Pass Not” can help us to see why some things must be left behind at crucial endings of life chapters.
Entering A New Era Blending Capricorn and Aquarius Cycles
As you know by now, we had numerous important long wave conjunctions in January 2020 which were set into motion in March 2020, including a 12 year cycle and a 33 year cycle! Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all made conjunctions in Capricorn in January and March which were activated by Mars in March 2020. Mars completed its run at its conjunction with Saturn at 1 Aquarius which also set long wave preliminary Aquarian structures into play which are expanding and currently taking shape.
That “Great Compression” of planets in early 2020 created a very crowded house in a very narrow span of degrees, impacting where we have late Capricorn for many years to come. Add the three conjunctions of Jupiter with Pluto as it transited back and forth over the January and March degree points, and we’ve had a lot of long wave Pluto energies expanded which will show effects over the next decade! If you’re wondering how this Great Compression and those to come will impact us, please check out the linked articles on the bottom of Part 1 of this series published yesterday.
The wave that began last April and was given wings in December has taken clearer shape during the time Saturn has occupied 7-14 Aquarius this year. Last year we were “galvanized into action” and “liberated from adverse conditions.” This year Jupiter gave us an expansive view of all of Aquarius between January and mid-May. It passed through the Transfiguration Zone in late April and early May, and again in early August when retrograde, and now moves through the “Transfiguration Zone” for the third time. We’ve been in a time of radical transformation and “graduation into a new realm of Being,” seeing how we are related to other Light Beings in the collective field.
TransPluto, Divine Mother, and the Tests of Human Redemption
I’ve included this section for many years to keep you all aware of the workings of Divine Mother on our Earth in this Age in Transition. Rather than simply reprint it each month, I created this material as a separate article unto itself a while back which I’ve just updated. If you want to know more about the vast spiritual field coaxing us toward a great redemption of the promise of Life itself, please take a new look at TransPluto, Divine Mother, and the Spiritual Lessons of 2021. We have now entered a long period of getting over our prejudices and preconceptions, and approaching others from an angle of “the fellowship of humanity.”
At the 2020 World Teacher Full Moon of Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius I gave you a universal prayer/meditation offered to us by the Tibetan Master D.K. in April 1945 at the end of the war. Tens of millions around the world do this prayer every Full Moon, tuning into the Whole which we ALL are together. I said it every day for many years, and still say it every Full Moon. (It was a real trip to see eyes suddenly open and/or lightbulbs go on over people’s heads when I did it countless times riding the NYC subways when I lived there in the early 80s!)
In 1976 I changed a few words to make it more universal. For your consideration,
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of All,
Let Light descend on EarthFrom the point of Love within the heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of All
May Christ return to EarthFrom the center where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide the little Wills of All
The Purpose which the Masters know and serveFrom the center which we call the Human Race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Again, as I’ve offered you many times before, when you see the title "The Christ" if you are so inclined please substitute "World Teacher," "Bodhisattva," "Imam Madhi," "Krishna," “Kristos,” "Avalokiteshvara," "Maitreya," "Messiah," or any other term used to describe this Great Being. And if you substitute “Enlightened Ones” or “Wise Ones” for “Masters” I doubt it would offend anyone.
See you soon with part 3 covering aspects, planetary sequencing, and other important factors in this Full Moon.
Here's the link to part 1: The December 2021 Full Moon of 28 Sagittarius-Gemini Pt. 1 – Leaving the Past Behind As We Sail into A Transfigured Future
© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson