Astrology Arizona is having our annual “Predictions for 2022” gathering this coming Saturday, January 29, from 1-3 pm MST, 3-4 EST, 8-9 pm GMT. We have predictions from 22 astrologers ranging from specific to general covering all kinds of current and future potential events, so we hope you’ll consider attending, since we expect a good time to be had by all. If you want to attend, please email Bill at [email protected] or [email protected] and let him know you’re interested. He’ll mail you the link before the event.
There is a modest admission charge of $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers. If you’re interested, be sure to email Bill and remember to check the Download center at Zoom to make sure you've got the latest version. That way you won't have to do it when you're trying to get to the meeting.