by Robert Wilkinson
Today, January 18, 2022, Saturn leaves its “Shadow Zone” and moves into the future. What does this mean?
First, for those who don’t know the term, a planet’s “Shadow Zone” is the span of degrees between the point it goes stationary retrograde back to where it goes stationary direct. When a planet which was retrograde goes direct, it moves across the same span of degrees it did when retrograde. That is the Shadow Zone.
Saturn went SRX at 14 Aquarius on May 23, and retrograded back to 7 Aquarius, where it went direct October 10-11. It’s now in forward motion and is leaving the boundary of its shadow zone at 14 Aquarius. As Saturn, our “Spiritual Master and Spiritual Friend” who teaches us the virtues of Self-mastery is now speeding up, we can expect all things related to Saturn to speed up as well for the next few months.
As Saturn moves through its “unknown zone” between 14 Aquarius and its SRX degree at 26 Aquarius in early June, it will bring crystallized forms of whatever Jupiter promised when it moved through that degree span, first between mid-February and mid-April 2021, and again in September, October, and November. As Saturn leaves its Shadow Zone, it now can bring us a sense of authorship based in that “visionary contribution” we glimpsed in 2021 so we can move into new Aquarian structures promised then.
During the time Saturn is direct, it’ll be conjuncted by the Sun at 16 Aquarius, followed by Mercury conjunct Saturn at 19 Aquarius on March 2. That will be followed by Venus conjunct Saturn at 22 Aquarius in late March, with the final conjunction this year coming in early April when Mars conjuncts Saturn at 23 Aquarius, the same degree Jupiter went SD in October 2021. That implies the two year cycle set into motion at the Mars conjunction with Saturn will in some way bring forth the promise of late 2021!
So enjoy the new territory Saturn is leading us into, which should help us learn how to manage many different types of energy over the next 9 months. Having gotten the Aquarian promise when Jupiter was in Aquarius, now we get to use our Saturn skills and virtues to make that promise real. This year will bring many new Aquarian structures and attitudes into public view.
Saturn Stationary Retrograde in May 2021 at 14 Aquarius – Shortcuts to Spiritual Transformation
Evolutionary Astrology in Autumn 2021 - Saturn Stationary Direct at 7 Aquarius Pt. 1
Evolutionary Astrology in Autumn 2021 - Saturn Stationary Direct at 7 Aquarius Pt. 2
Copyright © 2022 Robert Wilkinson