by Robert Wilkinson
The Sun now occupies the final degree of Aquarius as it prepares to enter Pisces. We are now "seeing the Light" of the entry point to the coming Age of Aquarius. What does this mean and why is it profoundly important?
The Sun entered the 29th degree of Aquarius about 9:30 am PST, 5:30 pm GMT on February 16. The Sun occupied this degree until about the same time on February 17, and now occupies the 30th degree of Aquarius until 8:43 am PST on February 18, when it enters Pisces. This is the first transit of this span in 2022.
The Sun in the last degrees of Aquarius shows that we’re now in the heart of 48 hours of experiencing the transformational energies of the 29th and 30th degrees of Aquarius. The Sun vitalizes and illuminates whatever it touches. That means at this exact time each year humanity again experiences (if briefly) a long wave critical period of metamorphosis where we can “see the light” of why we have all had to go through a complete transformation of our lives the past 20 years and particularly 2020 and 2021.
Signs and Symbols of The Fulfillment of Aquarius
29 Aquarius is “butterfly emerging from chrysalis." It is a degree of “graduation into a new realm of being,” of “metamorphosis” as a technique of individual, mental, and spiritual management as we transform from being Earth bound to seeing we are Beings of Light with other Beings of Light within larger waves of Light in a vast field of Light, which is the theme of the next degree at 30 Aquarius. 29 Aquarius is about opening to transformation as a promise to be fulfilled so we can find “the wonders of a continuing creation.”
30 Aquarius is “The field of Ardath in bloom.” That indicates the result of the transformational process somehow leads us to a symbol of fulfillment of those energies. 30 Aquarius is the edge of space-time in the transition from Pisces to Aquarius, making it the entry point into the New Age. It is a degree of the “spiritual integrity of Nature Herself,” where we find the eternal truth of “the inherent friendliness of the Universe.” It is said to be a degree of “self-illumination through exceptional service to others.”
At this time in history, our on-going individual and collective transformation already activated in May 2020 is leading us all to the reawakening of our memory that we are Beings of Light and Love, eternally seeking a greater awareness of our connectedness. There are tens of millions of us around the world who have awakened to our true higher nature, seeking truth wherever we can find it. We “cultural creatives” aspire to a better world, and hold the “awakened Light” during this time of transition.
We’re a lot farther along than our predecessors who furthered this awakening of a greater collective awareness at each transit of Aquarius by an outer planet in centuries past. We’ll see a significant shift in collective themes toward more Aquarian approaches during the coming Pluto transit of Aquarius, which will become more concrete at the next pass of Saturn through Aquarius after the midpoint of the 21st century, when we finish “the Spring” of the 21st century, and move into “the Summer” in the Century cycle.
Between now and then, as I’ve offered since the 70s, we are the midwives and midhusbands of a brand new world that is just being born, with a different orientation from any we’ve ever known. We are in transition with a lot of kicking and discomfort, but as the new Way arrives, it will render all old views obsolete.
Outer Planet Transits Of the Aquarian Transformation Zone
The inner planet transits of the transformation zone each year trigger new expressions of that energy, with each pass bringing a new form of that which awakened during the last Uranus transit of that zone and spread into collective consciousness by Jupiter and Neptune just a few years later.
Uranus awakened this long wave metamorphosis in humanity beginning April 2002 when it first transited 29 Aquarius, then went stationary retrograde on that degree in early June. After moving back and forth across the last degrees of Aquarius and the first degrees of Pisces, it then went stationary direct on 29 Aquarius November 2003, making that degree a “hot spot” for future triggers. That awakening set many revolutions into motion in our world, individually and collectively.
Jupiter then expanded and enlarged the “pulse of awakening” into personal and collective philosophies and belief systems when it crossed 29 and 30 Aquarius in January 2010. This was immediately followed by Neptune going stationary retrograde on that degree in May 2010, moving this Aquarian transformational energy into the collective unconscious in a vast tide of feeling-awareness.
Neptune then moved back and forth across the final degrees of Aquarius and first degree of Pisces until going stationary direct in November 2011 at 29 Aquarius, which as noted set a platform for the atmosphere we’ve all been experiencing since then. This moved many widespread tides of metamorphosis into motion, which is what we’ve all been feeling on the deepest of levels for the past 10+ years.
These both reinforced prior Aquarian outer planet awakenings and collective spread, as well as introduced a new “Aquarian themes” appropriate to each era. I explained these long Aquarian cycles in the article Uranus Awakened the Age of Aquarius, Neptune Dreamed It Into Collective Consciousness, and Pluto Will Sprout It Into Life.
On a related note, Chiron entered 29 Aquarius in March 2010, and slipped into 1 Pisces April 2010. It went retrograde at 1 Pisces in June 2010, and retrograded back, re-entering 30 Aquarius in July 2010. It transited 30 and then 29 Aquarius through the end of August 2010, finally going stationary direct at 27 Aquarius in November 2010.
It then re-entered 29 Aquarius in early January 2011, and transited the last two degrees through early February, when it re-entered Pisces. It moved forward in that sign, went retrograde in early June 2011, and went back to 1 Pisces, where it stayed from mid-October through early December before again moving into 2 Pisces and forward.
So Chiron also showed us the way to healing as a Root Race in 2010-2011, and began to mentor those who were receptive to becoming part of the healing of humanity. That made Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter all activators of this “Cusp of the Age” energy. All these Transpersonal planetary stations launched new long wave evolutionary “pulses” setting the invisible energy field for the next 150-190 years.
As noted earlier, 2020 and 2021 brought us to the next phase of this collective metamorphosis. In March 2020, Mercury went stationary direct at 29 Aquarius, bringing the theme of that transformational degree front and center last year, with Mars activating the next phase of the process in May. 2021 brought us three Jupiter transits over the Transfiguration zone, again expanding and enlarging the “pulse of awakening” into personal and collective philosophies and belief systems. These will take shape in February and March 2023 when Saturn crystallizes this process into long term structures.
The Long View For This Century
When Pluto transits Aquarius 2024-2043, it will sprout the Aquarian energies already awakened and dreamed in this century. Neptune’s previous dream will in some way set the tone until March 2161 when it returns to Aquarius and a new set of long wave Aquarian patterns will be formed in the dreamscape.
Uranus will generate a new Aquarian awakening when it transits that sign beginning the Spring of 2079. Of particular importance is that Saturn is also in the first degrees of Aquarius, and during that time makes three conjunctions with Uranus at 30, 29, and 28 Capricorn as they both dance in the early degrees of Aquarius. This is another “organizational prelude” to the future Aquarian cycles set into motion by Jupiter!
Of course, in Chinese Astrology 60 years fulfills a complete cycle of Sacred Animals and the 5 Metals, and as Jupiter and Saturn are in their same exact places at 60 year intervals, then just as we had Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius in 2020, we will also have it in 2080! That year Jupiter conjuncts Uranus at 3 Aquarius in January, accompanied by all the inner planets conjuncting Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in early Aquarius. Then Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at 12 Aquarius in March, with the big activation happening in Oct-Nov when Mars transits Aquarius and conjuncts Uranus at 2, Saturn at 10, and Jupiter at 15 Aquarius!
So the Sun has again powered up these long wave transformational energies of 29 and 30 Aquarius, offering us the Light of conscious unity within the larger Light Field that we all are together. When the Sun slips into Pisces 8:43 am PST Feb 18, it will enter 1 Pisces for 24 hours. 1 Pisces is where Neptune went stationary retrograde in 2011, and went stationary direct in 2012, coloring the collective consciousness since then. Of note is that Saturn will go SD at 1 Pisces in early November 2023, marking the final phase of those lessons for many years to come. The Sun shines a light on all of these “themes of transition” each year at this time.
A Broader View On Our Transition Between Great Ages
Long time readers know that according to my calculations and observations, I believe the precessional point is still 1 Pisces, and we won’t be fully into the Age of Aquarius until after 2050 during the third quarter of this century (on this point, Dane Rudhyar and I are in agreement). Even then, we’ll be dealing with echoes of Piscean Age thinking and living until a few more decades pass. That’s because there is always an overlapping transitional period as one Epoch ends and the next begins, with people and enterprises begun in the old carrying over into the new.
This is where we must remember that most people live into their 70s or 80s at best, and our entire life span is but 1 degree of 30 in a “Great Age.” Still, despite our short time in a relatively narrow band of reality, we can always understand broad cycle evolutionary trends by elevating our view, focusing on the greater process at work across decades and centuries. We can see how global and regional attitudes ebb and flow, with old collective views fading over time, replaced with new collective values and standards.
It is easy to see that we are a world still at the mercy of ancient superstitions, illusions, and fears, all traits of Pisces. It is equally easy to see that we are a world birthing electromagnetic technology at Light speed, with more and more around the globe aware that we are One Life Together, each with our unique contribution to make. These are all traits of the emerging Age of Aquarius.
Holding The Energy of Walking In Light
While we all feel the split in the energies in the global field right now, our task is to stay focused on the future ideal, and not fall prey to the drifting, uncertainty, and fear which are symptoms of the ghosts of the dying Age. As we gladly hold the focus of the greater ideal we all have glimpsed, we help to “hold the energetic field” and bring about manifestations of the New Era. As our participation in the Unified Field continues, it will continue to reinforce the collective awareness of that Field. We are the grounding mechanisms for Spirit.
Eventually, as we persist in consciously participating in the Unified Field, we will find ourselves witnessing more and more manifestations of the Age of Aquarius. That’s when we’ll collectively experience what 30 Aquarius is all about, each in our own unique way. The greater our awareness that we are “merest specks in the Ocean of Life/Light” the greater our awareness that we are never separate or alone, since we know we and everyone else are part of, and one with, “All-That-Is.”
Given that 1 Pisces is where we are at right now during the end of the Age of Pisces, taking a closer look at the meaning of 1 Pisces may help give you a sense of what we’ve been dealing with in a larger evolutionary sense since the 1980s. We’ll explore that theme in tomorrow’s article.
One more thing about this time: Since 2012, each year during the time when the Sun transits Pisces, it has conjuncted Neptune in Pisces, setting a whole new year of Neptunian energies into motion. Each year at this time in history, the Sun conjuncts the “Transpersonal Triad” as it moves through Capricorn conjuncting Pluto, through Pisces conjuncting Neptune, and then Taurus conjuncting Uranus. Each of these are an important cycle unto themselves, since the Solar conjunctions power up Transpersonal-Spiritual energy patterns that play out across the world and all of humanity during the year that follows.
So consider this a moment in time when you can get hints, glimpses, and intuitive flashes of the larger evolutionary point of human awareness despite the current fogs and mists that prevail at this time. It gives us a peek through the door as we stand on the edge of Cosmic Time at the end of the Piscean Age, but also allows us a sense of what is to come beginning the last half of this century into the next as humanity moves into the Age of Aquarius. This time illuminates the area of reality where the old Age gives way to the new.
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson