by Robert Wilkinson
This New Moon shows the way to mastering certain emotions and social responses while seeing clearly to the core of any matter. This is a time to honor your wisdom and freely offer it to others in simple straightforward ways.
This Lunation introduces a new focus wherever we have 10 Gemini, which is an energy of our mind mastering the trajectory of any given thing. Last month’s eclipses continue to remove everything in our “garden of life and mind” which is past its expiration date while giving us ample opportunities to show we are qualified to occupy our “spiritual office.” As with last month, we’re in a time of learning or demonstrating our ability “to read the tea leaves” leading us to rewards from Spirit as we train in “picking up and delivering spiritual power,” with our “mid-term exams” happening now in May and June.
Because Venus is the final dispositor of the Lunation, a word from our sponsor! If you haven’t gotten your copy already, you will find countless gems of wisdom about relationships in my newest book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. This work offers all you could want to know about the power of your inner Venus and how you can make your relationships more fulfilling because you are living a Soul-ful life. You’ll find out about why you like or don’t like people and things, why you’ve attracted who you have in the past and present, and how to make those attractions more aligned with your Soul purpose in the future. You’ll understand why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
An Overview of the New Moon
Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
This distributive, initiating, stabilizing, and enjoyable New Moon at 10 Gemini occurs at 4:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm BST on Mayl 30. With Aries and Taurus extraordinarily powerful in this chart, this one truly launches us into the future! The Aries planets promise a “self-transcending enjoyment” and the beginning of healing something which will take until April 2023 to complete. The past two months we’ve done a lot of closure on old memories and ghosts, and tuned into the collective frustration leading many to wonder if something’s wrong. Please remember that just because you feel something it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you!
We’ve all experienced the larger “feeling field” associated with Pisces. That’s opened us to collective sorrows beyond description. However, because we’re here to feel all there is to feel and keep our equilibrium despite being tossed in the tempest of timeless human emotions, this has been and continues to be the perfect time to practice dispassion by accepting a greater compassion for the human condition.
The Aries has now begun to promise a more “here and now” action-oriented frame of expansion. When in doubt, have courage to take the initiative to get things in motion, since in the NOW there is no past or future to distract us. The Taurus energies are helping us stabilize these new beginnings and keep things relatively simple during this time of massive transition and even more massive collective feelings.
This Spring marks the end of the end of a long wave cycle, so don’t be confused if you feel inspired, uplifted, deep, overwhelmed, and launched all at the same time. Things really are opening, even if it’s the earliest stages of what will catch fire in 2023. This is a time when some dualities can only be resolved by making leaps of faith to find ways to manage and resolve those dualities. These challenges will result in forms of mastery over those dualities in the future.
This New Moon will jumpstart Gemini energy wherever it falls in our chart. Wherever we have Gemini will be a focus of activity, so learn to play with inertia and momentum as though you are a pilot mastering how to pull up out of nosedives and make perfect and graceful “three point landings.” As Gemini is a Mutable sign, this Lunation begins a month of expansive discoveries which demonstrate our maturity and skill on social and emotional levels.
A Look Back - The Great Compression of 2020 in Capricorn Still Affects Us
In the first 90 days of 2020, we had a “Great Compression” of planets involving Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all making conjunctions in the last decan of Capricorn, setting off a number of Saturn cycles, one of which will last 33 years! We then began an accelerated phase of our collective spiritual evolution which will take us from the threshold of the Age of Aquarius into the Age itself.
You can find out more about the very powerful Sun, Mercury, and Saturn's conjunctions with Pluto by revisiting The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn. That lays out the long wave patterns set into motion then.
Because of the Capricorn conjunctions set in motion in 2020, we reorganized our lives wherever we have late Capricorn in our charts. These cycles will impact all of us for some time to come. Especially with three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto that year, it’s easy to see that for better or worse things were “expansively purified.” All that was promised by these cycles was renewed in late February and early March 2022 as Venus and Mars transited all the conjunction points.
When Mars conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020, it set a cycle into motion which began to expand into a global system at the December 2020 Grand Mutation. That Jupiter/Saturn conjunction launched both a new 20 year Aquarian cycle AND a new 200 year era of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Air signs. That means no more of the materialism of the past 200 years, with more of a focus on our commonality and ability to share ideas over the next 200! All of this began a new expression when Venus and Mars made their conjunction on that point in early March.
Saturn in Aquarius is leading us to understand a more timeless role to play to help create a better world. What is your purpose? What structures and self-disciplines do you need to fulfill the ideal of that purpose? We began work on those structures in 2020 which led us to a greater vision in 2021. As Venus and Mars are both conjuncting Saturn at this time, we begin a new sense of how to fulfill our purpose and vision.
Occupied Signs and Oppositions
Because of the transits all within the outer planet occupied span, we won’t have non-Lunar inner planet oppositions to Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus for many months to come. Of course, if we have planets in late Cancer, late Leo, late Virgo, or mid-Scorpio we are going through some VERY long wave outer planet oppositions, with potential for very high awareness of how to ground new ideals, new public expression, and new ways to related to your larger spiritual group. The various types of the “Tension of Opposites” involved in those signs will come to the fore as the recent Eclipses take away old Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn patterns, allowing newer ones to take shape.
The Sun/Moon Sequence and Its Shifts
There are two patterns: one with the Sun in the same sign as the Sun in the following Full Moon (New Moon between 1-15 degrees of a sign), and one with the Sun in a different sign than it’s in at the following Full Moon (New Moon between 16-30 degrees of a sign). I term these the “Natural” pattern and the “Alternate” pattern, since the Natural pattern shows a continuity of the Light, whereas the Alternate pattern bridges the Light across two signs.
Eight months ago we began a new pattern of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the following Full Moon Sun. Each pattern has its importance in the Soli-Lunar sequence, and now we no longer “bridge the Light” across two different Light signs in the Lunation cycle. This month’s New Moon is at 10 Gemini, and the coming Full Moon/World Teacher Festival will be at 24 Gemini/Sagittarius, indicating that the Light of the seed forms of the New Moon will be illuminated in the same sign energy two weeks from now.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced and made pleasing in Libra, purified and focused in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
Jupiter and Saturn
This is the eighteenth New Moon of the Saturn in Aquarius era which will last until the New Moon of February 2023. We are now early in the third year of the cycle set into motion at its rare and very powerful conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020, with a current Aquarian influence due to Saturn.
Taking a look back, 2020 brought us a “cosmic visitation” which “galvanized us into action” to “escape from adverse conditions.” That year Nature challenged us to listen, look, and learn that we are not separate from Her, and evaluate what parts of our Self-disciplines and duties work and which ones didn’t.
The lesson of 2021 involved learning a technique of spiritual acceleration by getting a vision, a plan, and a time to begin whatever will short cut the time needed for expanded awareness and effectiveness. Saturn has been teaching us “the way within to outer success,” with a promise of “direct accomplishment.” These began to be realized in January 2022. Its direct station in October 2021 indicates we’ve been in a period of “new mutations based in Cosmos” coming forth, unrelated to past or local conditions. In other words, it’s safe to say we have had a lot showing up since October which is a fresh “emanation” from Spirit.
One of Saturn’s divine qualities is understanding as a prelude to wisdom. With Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius leading the Saturn transit, Saturn is tracking what Jupiter opened. As Saturn traverses the span where Jupiter has danced, it will crystallize its understanding of what that span of experience is about, and how we can use it wisely if we find the right structure and discipline.
Having finished our experience of the Jupiter in Aquarius era, we’ve been immersed in the vast Piscean ocean which Jupiter calls home for the year up to now. A few days ago it entered Aries, where it will stay until it slips back to the last two degrees of Pisces in November and December. Jupiter in Aquarius gave us a new level of awareness, and now we’ve been learning how to feel it more deeply. We’re definitely on a 20 year journey into Aquarius experiences based in the two 2020 conjunctions of Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Saturn at 1 Aquarius.
Also remember Jupiter conjuncted Pluto three times in 2020, setting long wave transformational energies into motion at 23 and 25 Capricorn which will be in play through 2033. These conjunction themes have been renewed by the transit of Venus and Mars over these degrees, and now that Venus and Mars conjuncted at 1 Aquarius and conjunct Saturn in late Aquarius, we’ve begun yet another set of global Aquarian energies which will come forth over the next year.
So What Rules the Lunation?
This New Moon in Gemini has Mercury as its worldly ruler. Mercury is stationary direct in Taurus, making Venus its ruler. Because Venus is in its home sign of Taurus, it is a major player behind the scenes because it is the backdrop to the ruler of the Lunation. As Taurus is in the axis of the Warrior/Guardian, it adds an element of courage, or the need for it as we master “pulling out of nosedives” or assist others with this. This month, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all share power as “final dispositors” on the stage of Life.
The Lunation, Mercury, and Uranus are all ruled by Venus, which rules itself. Mars and Jupiter are ruled by Mars. Saturn and Pluto are ruled by Saturn, and Neptune, the spiritual ruler of Pisces, is still in its home sign, continuing as a longwave “standalone” dispositor of itself, ruling the fogs and mists of the current collective consciousness. So we have four planets in their home signs, or “final dispositors,” this month. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to dispositors and Mutual Reception at the link.
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn is still a major force to be reckoned with this year and next, and continues to bring us “cosmic mutations” constituting a fresh emanation from the universe, it plays a large part in ruling the social and cultural cycles in our lives. It will continue to dominate the stage of Life for many months and even years to come, so if you haven’t already gotten a copy, please give yourself the timeless gift of my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. We all need to make friends with our inner Saturn if we would claim our power to fulfill our higher purpose for being alive as Spirits in the material world.
This book shows you the way to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to be led to mastering life on our own terms. As Saturn is such a dominant energy at this time, by owning our ability to manifest the best of Saturn's virtues in our world, we take command of our destiny and become the living purpose we were born to make manifest!
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will assist your understanding of how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and power to turn away from unhelpful karmic cause and effect patterns. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms.
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this New Moon?
Because this section is so long, I created an article which explains what it is, how long it’s been in effect, and which signs have been most impacted and when. You can find all you need to know about this configuration associated with widespread irrationality and hard-edged “forks in the road of destiny” we’ve all confronted at various times by going to The Grand Irrationality. (I’ll be updating it soon.)
This Lunation has no planets in a 7th harmonic aspect with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, so neither the Neptune/Pluto energies of the First Grand Irrationality, nor the Uranus/Pluto energies of the Second Grand Irrationality, are activated in this Lunation. The first transit to activate it will happen when Venus biseptiles Pluto around 11-12 Taurus, and again when it conjuncts Uranus and septiles Pluto a few days after that.
The configuration is also activated when the Moon transits any of the 7 “hot zones,” as well as when planets make 7th harmonic angles to Uranus and Neptune. This configuration is associated with the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny” active at this hard edge in history. Because at this time Uranus and Neptune are constant factors in the configuration, it keeps nonrational energies in play for those with a planet or point in any of the 7 affected “hot zones” near 2-6 Aquarius, 24-28 Pisces, 15-17 Taurus, 7-11 Cancer, 28 Leo-2 Virgo, 20-24 Libra, and 11-15 Sagittarius.
Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in Aries
I have offered this segment each month for years to give you a broader perspective on the collective atmosphere, and the long wave changes humanity is going through. Because this section has gotten so large over the years, I’ve decided it deserves its own article, which I’ll update as needed.
If you’re wondering about why we’re all navigating the fogs and confusions in the collective atmosphere, or why we’re healing into our Higher Self in a different way that we used to, when you’re done here please check out Neptune and Chiron in 2022 – Long Wave Collective Healing and Mentoring.
In that article I go into detail about the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in late Aquarius, and how each of those planets have manifested in Pisces. Because Chiron is in Aries, we are mentoring and being mentored in a much different way than we were when Chiron was in Pisces! Please check out the article to know more.
In this chart, Chiron is at 16 Aries, the first of FOUR transits over this degree. After it goes stationary retrograde at 17 Aries soon, it will retrograde back over this degree in the Summer, and again when direct next Spring. It will then retrograde back to 16 Aries, where it goes stationary direct in December 2023.
So the themes of this degree are extremely important at this time, implying that Chiron’s is mentoring and teaching us how to heal into our Higher Self through seeing the dance of the visible world with the invisible world, and opening to a greater understanding of the “relationships between (the) conscious and unconscious sides of life.” This begins a new way of focusing potential as well as potency, and initiates a new way of actional self-expression with a sense of our “invisible helpers.”
Chiron has led us to “the stirring up of a new perspective” and “a new identity suddenly revealed” since its last retrograde station in July 2021. We’ve been learning not to be impatient as our new identity took its time to develop and ground itself in its own potency. You can find out more about those themes by going to Astrology Healing Cycles - Chiron Stationary Retrograde at 13 Aries.
We are now solidly into Chiron’s healing and mentoring energies in the second decan of Aries. This will help us get a new understanding about how we’ve “reinterpreted old images in a new light of understanding” since the 2020 Mars/Chiron conjunction at 10 Aries. You can find out more about the themes of 10 Aries at Astrology Healing Cycles - Mars Conjunct Chiron Stationary Retrograde at 10 Aries. These two Aries energies dominate the current Chiron expression lasting through this June, when Mars will again conjunct Chiron and set a new 2 year cycle into motion.
Neptune continues to take us deeper into Pisces, and now is beginning its long term stay in the last decan, ruled by Scorpio with an added dose of Mars. This is “the end of the end” of the 360 degree “Whole Cycle,” and so encompasses all of the ghosts and unfulfilled mysteries of this past 150 year cycle since it was last here. It also allows us to purify and forgive much of the past and move into a deeper compassion regarding suffering humanity.
Having heard our inner voice, “taken a walk with our wisdom,” and received our promised nourishment “at the end of our day of labor,” we’ve now learned entirely new ways to “touch and be touched,” whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Since last Summer, we’ve all been awakened to an expanded tactile awareness, giving us more of a kinesthetic experience of learning. You can learn more about the primary and secondary methods of how we learn all we learn by going to The Seven Different Types of Learning Styles – Pt. 1 and The Seven Different Types of Learning and Teaching Styles – Pt. 2
This New Moon shows Neptune on its coming retrograde station at 26 Pisces, a degree of “the poetry of inner being” where we can see the value of each Being dealing with a given thing in their own way. Rudhyar says this is a degree where we realize “the fallacy of totalitarianism,” learning that each of us gets to respond as we will to a generic event or experience. As this is the retrograde station, we’ll be dealing with this for many months to come. Remember too that the recent Jupiter conjunct Neptune has begun to open us to a sense of our interrelatedness with others in our spiritual field. This expanded “non-local knowing” was launched with that conjunction, and will be a focus for the next 13 years.
The North Node
This is the fifth New Moon with the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio. During the time the Nodes were in Gemini/Sag, we grew through our quest for knowledge and understanding demonstrating our ethical and spiritual values. Now, with the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, we must examine the meaning of value and substance in our lives, letting go of stagnant emotions and obsolete things. In this chart, the line of greatest development is the same as last month and pulls us toward receiving rewards confirming our worth emotionally or socially. Keep it simple, pleasant, and stable as you move forward into the unknown, leaving behind the lesser and opening to receiving the greater.
Summing Up - The Big Picture
The Capricorn conjunctions of early 2020 continue to condition the long wave cycles unfolding since then as we continue to use those structures to fulfill the emergent Aquarian energies. Jupiter has raced through Pisces after its time in Aquarius and opened infinite potentials which will be actualized over the next 20 years. What Jupiter opened in 2021, Saturn will crystallize in 2022 and 2023, with major transfigurations to come in 2023.
We are in a time of learning to spot “seed forms” to make our expression more precise and efficient. We’re in a time of vast feeling-connections and feeling-perceptions, opening us to a wider experience of life’s Oneness. Be cheerful as you open to the ongoing spiritual revolution in your life, and keep eliminating all in your “garden of life and mind” which you don’t want to deal with.
Continue to achieve closure on your fears of the unknown, and remember at this time we’re all in training to be more effective in utilizing forms of spiritual power during the second half of this year. The learning began at Jupiter’s direct station last September, and now Saturn is bringing structure and form to that training.
Since Jupiter is at the beginning of Aries and was just conjuncted by Mars, embrace the new with enthusiasm and courage! This is the time to jump into action with an eye to core principles and goals. It’s a great time to do our own thing in our own way as we demonstrate our capacity to use spiritual power effectively. We continue to be in a time of receiving rewards from Spirit for our courage and willingness to rise to some occasion as a prelude to events this Autumn of challenges and “exaggerations of our life problems” which will expand us.
Summing Up – The Immediate Picture
This Lunation brings the Light of new discoveries on the emotional and social levels of life, and brings new “navigational skills” to those who are willing to learn. This period should feel like something new is opening up in a rapid way, and at the same time there should be a calm comfort in the wisdom we have and our ability to see to the core of things.
Keep it all very simple and straightforward, get a higher view of who you are and what you’re capable of, and use “the golden wings of the flying pyramid” to rise like fire toward a new way of Being. This continues to bring the emergence of new seed forms while blessing those who can master dualities with courageous leaps of faith. As with the past month, the coming weeks holds a promise of reasonably enjoyable growth as the pace accelerates and diversifies.
The big “forks in the road” are indicated by the Lunation biseptile Saturn on its retrograde station. That implies we’re all at a turning point in being tested to use spiritual power and/or magnetism wisely to prevent something from “crashing,” or in a downward spiral. Of course, each of us must do that for ourselves, since none can choose for another whether they will crash or not.
This is a time of showing courage and strength in honoring the pull to a greater individualization and sense of our spiritual purpose. We’ve seen a new “Soul vision” the past 2 months and begun to re-ground the new Spiritual role we’ve accepted this past year. New developments unrelated to the past keep coming forth, so accept the new roles, new realizations, and new duties which may seem like you’ve done them before.
Continue to ride the waves of a gigantic future opening to you wherever you have Aquarius and Aries in your chart, welcoming the new, the promise, the protection, and the adventure. Remember enlightenment is a verb, not a noun, and our connection with the World Soul allows us to act in harmony with “All That Is.”
Even though the long term conflict between the old and the new is not yet completed, take heart, get focused, and continue to eliminate all you no longer need or which would block your happiness. Because of our total immersion in Aquarian energy in 2021, we’ve received innovative ideas and know who our spiritual allies are. In the past year we’ve broken away, broken free, and broken through whatever used to block our flow. We approach a new cooperative era, and the next few weeks give opportunities to demonstrate our skill and mastery of process.
We’re still becoming more conscious of our interrelatedness within the spiritual field and moving through an immersion in a new sensitivity to the generic human condition. The new era dawning will show us that we are in fact individual sparks of Light within an infinite ocean of Light. We are not separate from any other thing, since all things are Light and therefore we are one with All.
This is the beginning of the beginning of a new 200 year era. The powerful forces being released at times may be chaotic, violent, intractable, and irrational, but there is power in our unified vision of a better future. Stay clear about what your vision is, and let go of all which prevents you from flying free with your Spiritual Brothers and Sisters into a better future. Keep the course steady despite the compressed tensions of this time, and know we’re on our way into the future together!
See you soon with part 2, which will cover Sabian Symbols, Jones patterns, element distribution, and a whole lot more!
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson
My Ascendant is at 8 Gemini so this New Moon will be firmly in my 1st House of Self. It does feel like there is resurgence in my expression of Self and my relationship to myself, especially as my ruling planet, Mercury, is stationary currently and is about to resume direct motion moving into the sign it Rules, Gemini, in a matter of days.
Since last Sept. I've felt like I've been somewhat in a Bardo-like zone and the re-activation of things for me in my sense of Personal Expression is overdue. Aho!
Posted by: Damienruud | May 29, 2022 at 12:22 PM