by Robert Wilkinson
The Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice occurs 2:14 am PDT, 10:14 am BST June 21. It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, said to be the time at which "free will" acts more powerfully than any other time. It is a point of decision, and kicks off Summer, the season of work, play, productivity, and lots of sunshine for those of us up north. If you're "down under," remember to have a little compassion for us up here when December 21, the Winter Solstice, rolls around and we're freezing while you're enjoying the beach! What follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 3 months, regardless of where we live.
The June Solstice is the end of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the end of Autumn in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift.
The Solstices and Equinoxes are excellent times for looking at what began in the past 90 days, whether new growth or signs of what is ending, what is emerging and what has slipped down the timestream. In any case, the Solstices are points of radical reorientation, whether toward emotional self interest in the Northern Hemisphere or personal power in the Southern.
The next 90 days are in any case a time to decide, consolidate, express, stabilize, and work toward what will shift at the Autumnal Equinox (or the coming of Spring if you’re down under.) The charts for the Summer and Winter Solstices provide guideposts for the symbolic and actual weather that will follow in the 90 days after those points in time, just as charts for the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox each show what will follow in the period after those points in time.
The Pluto Factor Past and Present
This is the fourteenth Summer Solstice with Pluto in Capricorn. After many years of being an important factor in the Solstice and Equinox charts when it was near the Galactic Center, Pluto has moved on to an entirely different set of aspects with the Sun at these changes of season.
When Pluto was in very late Sagittarius and very early Capricorn, it was squared by the Sun at the Spring and Autumn Equinoctial points, and opposed the Sun at the June Solstice point between 2006-2010. It was close to exact from Dec 2006 through Dec 2009, and June 2010 through Sept 2010. The squares and oppositions of those turning points released a lot of energy, and either blocked or propelled events. Certainly those were seasons of great friction where many seeds were released into our gardens of Life.
Then, just as the Sun no longer made frictional aspects to Pluto during the Solstice and Equinox, Uranus began to make an exact square to Pluto, showing very volatile Plutonic energies in play. This began at the June 2010 Solstice, and except for the December 2010 Solstice, a mundane or actual square remained in play until the March 2016 Equinox. The last time the square happened was the December 2016 Solstice.
At this Summer Solstice, the Sun makes a powerful triseptile to Pluto, triggering The Grand Irrationality for the next 90 days! As the triseptile is a 7th harmonic “destiny producing” aspect, we can expect more irrational events this season. This is a major fork in the road for the entire world, with the test being to cooperate in some collective activity which releases seeds for the future.
If things don’t make sense, they don’t have to. The only thing that matters is to know how to focus and not get distracted by the craziness in the atmosphere. When we learn how to move gracefully through the irrationality, then we are unmoved by outer disturbances.
Given the Solstice and Equinox charts show the weather patterns to come, the various configurations and weightings give us a huge amount of insight about the season to come. I gave you the outer planet aspects in the recent article on the World Teacher Full Moon of Gemini/Sagittarius, so if you want to see the bigger picture, reference that article. Downstream a ways I’ll discuss the important aspects and configurations in this Solstice chart.
Decan and Element Distribution and the Solstice Jones Pattern
This Summer Solstice chart shows 4 planets in the first decan of their sign, 1 planet in the second decan of their sign, and 5 planets in the third decan of their signs. This indicates a three month period of activity involving a primarily individual-mental and spiritual focus, with an actional-material focus coming in a close second. The only emotional-social focus is provided by Uranus on a degree of cleaning out our minds and perceptions, letting in some sunshine and fresh air.
In this chart, we have a balanced distribution between 2 planets in Water, 2 in Air, 3 in Earth, and 3 planets in a Fire sign. That makes this a season of a balance between heat and cold, with an emphasis on practicality, inspiration, and new beginnings, and a slightly lesser balanced influence between interactive and emotional experience.
Because all the planets are between late Capricorn and early Cancer, we are now in an almost perfect “Bowl” Jones pattern which leads with Pluto and ends with the Sun except when the Moon is between late Leo and late Scorpio. We’ll become increasingly aware of divisions in the next season, since the Bowl is always aware of what it contains versus what it doesn’t. Learn how to “read the tea leaves,” see the power to be wielded wisely, and you’ll find freedom in a reorientation helping all parts of you cooperate with each other.
Dispositors and Solar Aspects
In this chart, we find Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune in their home signs, with the Sun in the sign ruled by the Moon in Aries. The Moon is ruled by Mars in Aries, which also rules itself and Jupiter. Mercury rules itself, Venus rules itself and Uranus, Saturn rules itself and Pluto, and Neptune rules itself, making Mercury and Neptune “standalone dispositors.”
At this “turning point in the year,” the most powerful Solar aspects are a quintile to Mars, a wide forming square to Jupiter, a wide forming semisquare to Uranus, and the triseptile to Pluto. The quintile should help us perfect how we do things and assert ourselves on our own behalf. While the waxing square and semisquare indicate some small measure of friction, it’s more the friction of reorientation, since Jupiter is so favorably aspected that its influence should be excellent this season, preparing us to pick up the work next January after the Autumnal Mars retrograde period.
As noted earlier, the triseptile to Pluto activates the Grand Irrationality, making the coming 90 days another major “fork in the road of destiny” for humanity in terms of transformational seeds sprouting as we turn the corner in our allegiances. Even though Neptune and Pluto are no longer in septile, Uranus and Neptune are, creating two overlapping fields, with 7th harmonic aspects to Pluto immediately preceding those made to Uranus and Neptune. At this time in history the Plutonic part of the Grand Irrationality involves zones near 26-30 Capricorn, 17-21 Pisces, 8-12 Taurus, 29 Gemini-3 Cancer, 21-25 Leo, 12-16 Libra, and 4-8 Sagittarius. The subsequent field involving Uranus and Neptune begins at 2-6 Aquarius, 24-28 Pisces, 16-20 Taurus, 7-11 Cancer, 28 Leo-2 Virgo, 20-24 Libra, and 11-15 Sagittarius.
The Moon
The Moon is at 4 Aries, the same degree as the most recent Mars conjunct Jupiter! That should give all our new initiatives more energy to “get it done,” since Mars in Aries continues to provide massive power to whatever we want to undertake. This time of Moon, Jupiter, Chiron, and Mars in Aries provides us enormous potential to heal and be healed, to grow both inwardly and outwardly, free to generate momentum in the direction which calls us.
The Moon is extraordinarily favorable in this chart. The separating square to the Sun, showing something in the past, is far less important than the Moon conjunct Jupiter, translating the separating Mercury sextile Jupiter back into play! This yields tremendous productivity, adaptability and the receipt of any information we may need. The semisquare to Uranus will create internal points of tension and friction, especially when the Moon is around 2-6 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as 17-21 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
The Moon rules Cancer, so it's the ruler of the Sun. In this chart we find the Sun and Moon are in a Third Quarter Lunar phase, indicating the next 90 days are future oriented, inventive, and aimed at building or creating systems and structures to serve in actualizing the purpose of the cycle. It can be forceful, but knows the universal spiritual principles behind practical and social activity. It will be great at getting insights into current structures as well as building for the future.
Other Important Factors
The North Node shows us the line of greatest development. This one pulls us into “white dove flying over troubled waters,” said to be a degree of “reward to the faithful.” This one promises that we will be pulled into new times, new ways, and new days in the next season, so have courage and wait for the signal from Spirit announcing a new dispensation.
Because Venus is so strong in Taurus, ruling Uranus conjunct the North Node, dare to be an individual on your own terms, enjoying life to the fullest, willing to see things from many points of view to dispel inner and outer shadows. You can find out more about how to dance with your inner Venus to bring forth people and experiences which you can value and enjoy by getting your copy of my newest book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. Venus in Taurus is secure in its own likes and loves life on its own terms, and its trine to Pluto at this Solstice shows we’ll be able to get to the heart of any relationship or value we choose to examine. The book explains how Venus in all the signs can manifest, as well as how the changing signs bring changes in our likes and loves, so please get your copy!
With so many planets in the final degrees of their signs, it creates a field where an aspect to one triggers aspects to the others, always blending harmony and friction in ways which may build one month to release the next, or challenge us one month while becoming a skill we demonstrate at the next month. This season continues the tremendous releases of heart power as we link “the above and the below” in our life. We are promised spiritual power and “blessings after the death of useless things.” Even debates and discussions can lead us to greater compassion and focus if we’re adaptable.
This is a season of initiating experience, feeling everything we need to feel to find our way to the information or understanding we need. Follow your hunches. If positive, they’ll lead to questions and answers. If negative, they’ll lead you into the parts of your mind and life which need examining.
Once you see or understand as a result of research, rehearsal, discussion and interaction, then make a decision on the basis of what you know or have seen. By regarding this season as “the journey of single steps” on the thousand mile pilgrimage, you’ll learn to read the “feeling field,” come to understanding, and then know what to do.
This is a transmutational season, with rapid developments promised by the Aries stellium, both fulfilling the old as per the waning square, and activating the new, as per the waxing square. Obviously, with 6 planets in the 64+ degree span between the Moon and Mercury, Aries, Taurus, and early Gemini will be a huge focus of activity wherever these signs are in our charts. This should be a tremendously productive 90 days, setting the threshold for what will explode into manifestation beginning January 2023!
Be at ease as you reorient away from the past toward “the future in the making.” This is a season to work, to enjoy, to associate, and to learn. Seeing to the core of things, we can now see “the gestative power of the Ageless Wisdom” in our lives, and how we’ve come to this point of awareness and service. With Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto being so strong at the end of their signs, we are in a time of being able to experience a vast connectedness with all other Beings. This is a time to trust our connection with self, others, the world, and source. While it may get intense from time to time, it’s great for knowing at the core of our Being what life is all about.
Aum, blessings, and Happy Northern Summer and Southern Winter Solstice as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life! Let go of fear, let go of the past, let go of feeling stuck in old limitations, and stay focused on the blessings to come your way that expands your life.
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson