by Robert Wilkinson
Here’s another installment from my new book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. Because we all want to attract more ideal relationships, this book offers that with time and focus, we can attract perfect friendships and Soul Mates. Today we’ll explore a little about what to expect when our Uranus or Neptune conjuncts someone else’s planets or their Uranus and Neptune conjuncts ours. (Pluto's got its own entire subsection!)
The Magic of Venus is the most comprehensive book ever written on how our inner Venus shapes all of our relationships, blending astrology, psychology, and spirituality so we can create more fulfilling relationships. It offers both psychological and astrological reasons for what we like and why we like it. The first part of the book explains key factors in healthy relationships where we explore why we attract certain types of people until we change our focus to attract people who will like and love us and how our family and culture influences our likes when we’ve young.
There’s a section on the six ultimate Archetypes, where we explore “the Lover” archetype examine what a healthy Lover looks like. This book opens the reader to a greater view of relationships, and how to elevate our self-awareness so we can attract the best people for us, whether friends, romantic partners, or our ideal mate. It’s both a reference book and a work with wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of relationships and exploring the essentials of healthy relationships.
The second part of the book describes the qualities of Venus in each sign, as well as the qualities of each sign’s archetypal mate. There are chapters on Venus retrograde, important astrological factors in compatibility, marriage charts, and the timing on who we meet and what that means, and affirmations for each Sun/Venus combination for centering the focus on attracting more perfect life relationships.
The book was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit since it will open the door to your imagination and ability to find perfect friendships, make the most of the Soul Mates you’ve met or will meet, and help you understand your mythic hero’s journey in the realm of relationships. It is a book with countless gems for your consideration, and whether imagining what your ideal mate might be like, or imagining what a better partner might be like after learning the last one wasn’t your Twin Flame, this is the book for you!
I believe a special feature of The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames is the chapter explaining the difference between Soul Mates and Twin Flames. While we have many Soul Mates, we have only one “Twin Flame,” or “Divine Other.” Soul Mates help us bring forth our Soul and the greater love we ARE. That’s why some of them break our hearts, but always point the way to more fulfilling, loving, and wise relationships in the future. When you read the chapter, you’ll understand that all your difficult relationships in the past brought forth your heart and Soul, and you’re now a wiser person with better relationships ahead.
Because I did this with Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend to help introduce people to some gems in that work, I’m doing the same with this book from time to time. The Magic of Venus is guaranteed to help you become a stronger, more loving human Being on your own terms, recognize potential problems in relationships, and discover ways to turn all that is difficult into more fulfilling life adventures.
For your consideration, a few paragraphs from Chapter 6, Astrological Factors in Compatibility which deals with Synastry, Compatibility, Composite, and Marriage Charts. This is from the section “How Do Our Spiritual Planets Affect Others?” pp. 117-119:
The art of synastry shows us how our planets affect others and vice-versa. While our seven visible planets affect other people’s charts in countless way, we also have a transcendent influence on others, and they on us, often without any conscious intention on our part.As we discussed earlier in this book, any time someone's Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjuncts planets in our chart, or our spiritual planets conjunct one or more of theirs, major transformational energies are set into motion by the contact, and will be a predominant energy in the relationship. Because these planets represent broad transpersonal influences, symbolizing generations and subgenerations, they are beyond ego. Because spiritual transformational forces are “nothing personal,” these contacts often are misunderstood, especially if one or both do not have some form of spiritual practice.
Any time our outer invisible planets contact the personal planets in the chart of another person, they and we are impacted in ways that are beyond ego controls. Depending on the level of awareness, some get unnerved, some get threatened, some move forward despite the uncertainty of dancing into the unknown transformational energies we’re releasing within them, and some enthusiastically embrace the Mystery of our dance together. When we stimulate another’s spiritual inclinations or they stimulate ours, life changing transpersonal forces are set into motion.
The placement of our Uranus shows our uniqueness, and awakens others’ uniqueness when our Uranus conjuncts one of their personality planets. Of course, they also awaken us in some way, depending on the planetary contact and how open they and we are to Uranus’ influence of awakening, revolutionizing, and individuation.
Neptune shows our openness to collective consciousness on vast levels. As we embrace the spiritual expression of Neptune, we become more emotionally aware, more empathic, and more able to identify vast collective feeling states. As we grow into that energy it becomes a stronger force within us. When our Neptune conjuncts a personal planet in another’s chart, we become that collective gateway, or they become that gateway for us. We may inspire them, we may turn them on to collective consciousness, we may confuse, mystify, or enchant them, or we may help them know what feelings are theirs and which are just in the collective atmosphere.
Because we are not separate from our planetary expressions, all the planets symbolize parts of ourselves as they exist simultaneously. We have a spiritual component and a worldly component, and our lives are a journey of discovering we are a Soul/Spirit which loves and learns from what awakens via Uranus, what unifies us via Neptune, and what purifies us via Pluto. As we get our body, feelings, and mind integrated, we can more easily express our Higher Self and become the vehicles through whom Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto (or a combination of them, since they always work together to a single Divine purpose) express in our world.
You can use the links above to go to amazon and get your copy! Or if you prefer, go to your local bookstore and order one. This book is unique, and whether you’re an astrologer or someone interested in knowing how to attract more ideal friendships and potential partners in your life, by the time you’ve finished the last chapter, you’ll already be attracting different people than before you started.
All blessings to Venus, showing us who and how to love!
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson