by Robert Wilkinson
On August 26, we have a powerful exact Sun square Mars from 4 Virgo to 4 Gemini which has already activated in a big way right now! What does this mean?
Well, first it means there’s more agitation in the air than usual. While the square is frictional and releases a lot of energy, it’s also good for turning corners and putting the brakes on old momentum. A transit to transit square can be difficult, but it also can be used VERY productively if you know how to use the energies of the planets involved in the square. This square will be most active from now through September 2, and stay in very close orb between 5-10 Sagittarius and Pisces, so please refer to this information as needed!
I gave you the basics of how to use squares and oppositions to greatest benefit in yesterday’s article “Turning Natal Squares and Oppositions From Bad to Good.” When you’re done here, please take a new look at that article since you’ll realize more each time you read it. That article was the basis for a longer article in Horoscope Magazine published in its final run. At some point I’ll ask them for the rights to reprint it here with attribution.
Anyway, with this Sun square Mars, it throws voids into 4 Pisces and 4 Sagittarius. These indicate “the problem and/or the solution” where they fall. So the precipitating square involves Virgo and Gemini issues (excessive criticism, nitpicking, being contradictory or scattered) creating the need to be visionary, future oriented, seeking truth in a higher view, hesitating before jumping into or saying something, and allowing some things to end not with a bang but a whisper.
The Sun is on a degree of getting over preconceptions. Mars is on a degree of “return to source.” The voids are on degrees of teaching and learning basic skills and linking to our community. All four are on degrees which are techniques on the actional-material levels of their signs; The Sun a technique of “Characterization,” Mars a technique of “Discovery,” and the voids techniques of “Abstraction” (Sag) and “Federation” (Pisces.)
The houses where the square falls in your map is where you’re most likely to take a jolt, or accelerate your lives in some ways. It’s a “turning of the corner” in those areas, with a need to act with precision and adaptability. Get your energy focused so it may express your Light, and you should do fine.
Of course, it can mark a point of crisis for those parts of us symbolized by planets near 2-6 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, as well as 17-21 Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries. Again, it all depends on how you’re expressing those planets, what you have to work on to transmute the dysfunctional to the functional, and the spiritual level of your self-expression and self-realization.
Remember we have a personal level of expressing our planetary functions, an interpersonal or social level of expressing our planetary functions, and an individual, transpersonal spiritual level of expressing our planetary function. We can be skilled on one level but not another, as there’s always something to learn, regardless of how well we believe we’re expressing ourselves. I covered a lot of this in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, and also elaborated on some of these principles in yesterday’s article.
We can also use this square productively by looking at how each planet in the square aspects the other planets in your chart. The productive, specializing, or spiritual aspects made from 4 Virgo and 4 Gemini in your chart show you how to use the energy wisely, releasing it through the other planet in square.
For example, I have Uranus at 6 Cancer. It is being sextiled by transiting Sun at 4 Virgo. So my Uranus is now in a productive angle with transiting Sun, showing current conditions. To the degree my Uranus is in harmony with the moment, I can use the productive sextile from the Sun in Virgo to release power through Mars in Gemini.
Going further, my Sun is at 12 Aries, my Jupiter is 26 Pisces, and my Pluto is at 18 Leo. That means Mars is septile my Sun, quintile my Jupiter, and quintile my Pluto. This is an important “fork in the road” in my Solar expression while also being a point of high specialization of my Jupiter in the 8th biquintile my Pluto in the first. These are “released” via the square to Mars from the transiting Sun, meaning that I can use the Sun in Virgo to express the Light of the fork in the road and the gifts indicated by Jupiter and Pluto. So the square to Mars serves to release the power built with the septile and quintiles to my natal qualities.
So my Uranus in Water favorable to the Sun in Earth can express that productively through the Air of transiting Mars, and my Sun trine Pluto can express the shifts and gifts brought by Mars and express it through the transiting Sun. That makes this transiting square good for bringing certain Solar, Uranian, and Plutonic energies into play, as long as I am expressing the planets in the way perfect for this time and real-world conditions.
This is an important factor in all transit to transit squares, as there will always be multiple aspects made to all our planets, so of course any one or two examples are not the full picture. Besides septiling my Sun and quintiling my Pluto, Mars is also just separating tredecile my Moon, novile my Mars, and sesquisquare my Neptune. Still, the fact that Mars is creating a special evolutionary configuration occupying a third point in a “5 Pointed Star of Specialization” means that the areas of 22-28 Pisces, 4-10 Gemini, 16-22 Leo, 28 Libra- 4 Scorpio, and 10-16 Capricorn are all activated and being released through the transiting Sun.
The Sun makes a just separating tredecile to my Venus, a biquintile to my Sun, a quadranovile to my Jupiter, and a semisquare to my Neptune. This set of Solar phase relationships to my natal planets will play out via the square to Mars. As you can easily see, each aspect generates resonant degree patterns showing us even more about how well our planets are functioning in all kinds of ways. The study of how certain degree zones make simultaneous aspects to our various planets is essential to master The Art of Synthesis.
While you’re doing all of this spiritual level work, please remember to slow down or speed up as needed, taking care to note what’s going on and how it fits into an order. Decrease reactivity, don’t jump to conclusions, and be clear and precise when you need to act decisively. Channel your enthusiasm and energy, use these wisely, and you can get a lot done during the next week. Just be very alert while driving, be cautious when making decisions, and think twice before blurting something out which you might regret later on!
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson