by Robert Wilkinson
Saturn went stationary direct at 19 Aquarius on October 22/23. How does this further the 20 year Aquarian sub-era which began at the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius in December 2020?
Saturn just resumed its forward motion, and will re-trace ground it covered since it went stationary retrograde in early June 2022 at 26 Aquarius, launching us into a season of learning how to use spiritual power effectively to fulfill our role within the larger sub-era unfolding. 2021’s lessons of finding “shortcuts to attainment” when we have a clear vision, a plan, and good timing gave way to new mutations from Cosmos emerging in the Autumn and Winter of 2021. We reached a threshold in June and have trained in some form of managing our individual spirituality. We now commence our third experience of the Saturn lessons associated with the span from 19-26 Aquarius, which includes the all three levels of experience in the second half of Aquarius.
What Have We Learned from Saturn in Aquarius in 2022?
To recap, we took our first look at the shadow zone between late February and early June 2022, when it went stationary retrograde at 26 Aquarius. Then we got our retrograde look of Saturn in that span of Aquarius through now, and at this time begin our third experience of this span which will last until February 1, 2023, when it passes out of its shadow zone on its way to the Aquarian “Transfiguration Zone” between February 18 and March 7.
In May we were introduced to Saturn’s main lessons for 2022 when it began to occupy its retrograde station. Again, the quickening we experienced in the Summer and Autumn of 2021 led us to a new task of mastering spiritual energy beginning May 2022. All of this has served to help us learn to manage our physical, emotional-social, and individual spiritual energies. And now that Saturn’s direct, rise to the occasions which present themselves, bring something out of control into a structure where it can be managed safely, and expand your sense of what you’re able to do within the larger group work.
Having been exposed to the themes of 19 through 26 Aquarius twice since February, we now revisit them a third time, and get to show our skill as a result of our practice these past 8 months. We now know our individual way of contributing to the greater spiritual group work we’re a part of, and now stand ready to crystallize those parts of us which have been transfigured by the 2021 and 2022 transits.
We now can move forward, comfortable in our expertise, knowing we in fact are treading a greater way. The Capricorn structural cycles of 2020 are still in play, while the new Aquarian era becomes stronger by the month. The coming decades are about visions of a greater collective effectiveness with idealism focused on the greatest good for the greatest number for the builders of the future civilization. We can now use our Saturn power to bring forth social skills which embody our spiritual individuality.
I gave you the themes of the coming months in the article “Evolutionary Astrology in Autumn 2021 –Saturn Stationary Direct at 19 Aquarius Pt. 1” published last Thursday. This final pass through Aquarius will give a more permanent structure to the emergent Aquarian sub-era, with the aspects described in that article being the primary energies in play through January.
Saturn’s Stationary Direct Sabian Symbol
When a planet goes stationary direct, that degree becomes a platform for what happens next, as well as a “hot spot” that gets triggered with each subsequent conjunction to that point. Saturn’s Sabian symbol will therefore dominate the rest of this year as a primary influence in cultivating our authorship of our life and control over circumstances. It will also be a platform that will ground our efforts into 2023, so learn all you can from this energy that has dominated the landscape since early October, and will remain on that degree through November 13.
The Sabian Symbol for the 19th degree of Aquarius is “A forest fire quenched.” In the original Jones class notes published by Rudhyar in his masterwork The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Exaggeration of life problems, which reveals to man his real stature and which expands him,” “impatient challenge,” and “Ascendancy.”
In his Astrological Mandala, we are told that this degree refers to “the skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic ‘visitations.’” He goes on to say “forest fires may be caused by carelessness, by lightning or the byproducts of modern technology. Every individual – at least once in (a) lifetime, if not repeatedly – may perhaps have to face spectacular reactions to seemingly insignificant acts. These are to be considered means to test (one’s) strength, ingenuity or emotional stability.”
He continues “every faculty at (our) disposal must be made use of,” and that we need “faith in (ourselves) in in superior Powers.” He speaks of the need for action “in a crucial and potentially devastating situation,” with a need for “a total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of indomitability.” He states this degree falls in the Span of Perspective, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Management on the Actional level.
Dr. Jones says this degree is about “regenerative relaxation after extraordinary effort,” and of our “exceptional capacity for achievement through the whole-giving of (ourselves) in an emergency.” He speaks of a “dynamic cooperation” where we are at our peak, and in the intensification we “rehearse potentials” we would never discover any other way. Here we have opportunities to turn misfortune to “a successful adventure in broad social responsibility.”
He offers the keyword of CONCERN. He states that when this degree works positively, it is “special skill in bringing personal interests to some larger point of effectiveness.”
So as we stand on the platform from which Saturn will move forward, we can and will be dealing with something that threatens to “burn out of control,” and bring all our powers to bear on managing something effectively. Here we need to give it all we have, especially when confronting an emergency. All we have to do is rise to the occasion and put out the fire.
From Here We Move Forward
Saturn now resumes its journey in the actional-material level of the Scene of “Management,” or second half of Aquarius. It moves into the emotional-social level of the scene in early December, and rolls through the individual spiritual level by late January. Because Saturn is still ruler of its domain in the second and third decans of Aquarius, it has a sub-influence of Gemini with an added dose of Mercury through early December, and after that a sub-influence of Libra with an added dose of the Moon.
So take a deep breath, and take another look at the themes introduced at the beginning of 2022. We’ve now all gotten a different look at those themes, and stand ready to move forward with expertise, vision, and a sense of having grown wherever we have 19 through 26 Aquarius in our charts. As I noted in part 1, now that it moves forward it finishes its powerful conflict with Uranus in Taurus which has tested our discipline, idealism, nobility, heart power, and ability to control magnetism since January 2021. This square has been a challenge of “right action” with an eye to disregarding the unimportant and keeping focused on the vision Jupiter opened last year.
After that square is past by late November, Saturn and Uranus will form another favorable binovile in December and January, bringing echoes of their Spring 2022 binovile. A binovile is a spiritual phase relationship, so a lot that’s been on hold will be seen for what it is then. By late February they begin a highly specializing quintile which is close but not exact through June 2023.
If you want to learn more about Saturn, Uranus, and how these planets impact your ability to move forward as a conscious Soul-Spirit in the material world, please consider getting a copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. In that work, you’ll understand how to claim the power of your inner Saturn and use its skills to master your destiny, take command of your life, and fulfill your purpose for being alive on Earth.
It will open doors of understanding so you can claim your spiritual power in ways which ensure you will never be the victim of circumstances or at the mercy of others or your own subconscious fears. Your inner Saturn is your way to becoming the Spiritual Master of your own life, making conscious choices and expanding your awareness with each new experience in your life.
Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution. You will understand how to throw off all the attitudes and memories which have held you back from finding and living the life and purpose. Through your journey of self-discovery, you can find ways to live your life on your own terms, and feel fulfilled because you know you are living your higher purpose in life.
Part one: Evolutionary Astrology in Autumn 2022 – Saturn Stationary Direct at 19 Aquarius Pt. 1
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson