by Robert Wilkinson
Today we’ll take a wider look at Mars retrograde and important factors about past and present Mars retrograde periods.
First, remember that Mars never simply stops or moves backwards. It merely seems to do these things from the angle of the Earth relative to their orbits around the Sun. So really, all the planets are just speeding up or slowing down in those orbits.
That’s an important distinction, since we’re always capable of making progress, but sometimes must take “a look back” and reflect on the recent past, and if necessary, rethink or re-do whatever we must in order for things to move forward in the future. Each planet has its specific “department of labor,” so when they go retrograde, it is specific to their function.
What to Expect During Mars Retrograde
Mars is about planning and doing, letting go of this and embracing that with vigor, “attacking” the problems and pleasures of life. When Mars is in direct motion, we try to find a plan, or way to do something, or even have something already in motion. When it’s in fast motion, things get done quickly. When in slow motion, it takes a little longer.
When Mars is slow, we may have to exercise more patience with the process, and find a way to keep things moving, even if it involves other things that are needed to support our efforts down the road. Remember to defer is not to abandon.
Mars begins to slow down about 4 months before it actually goes stationary retrograde. It continues to slow until the Sun opposes Mars, after which it gradually begins to speed up, and at its direct station begins to seem to move in normal forward motion again, if somewhat slow at the beginning of the direct period.
So how does Mars retrograde correlate with what’s happening in the “real world?” When Mars slows down, many normal affairs seem to slow down, giving us a chance to redirect our energies to develop other things. Ideally what is slowed down, stopped, reworked, re-engineered, or undone during the retrograde will be supported by the other things we accomplished or developed once Mars is again direct. Of course, those other things that were developed very well could replace the original method, plan, or way of doing things.
I’ve seen it work like we’re figuring out a way to do a type of work or a specific plan or execute something when Mars is direct, but when it’s retrograde you rework it, you undo it, or you rethink the plan and how to get it done, or get a new plan. Or you have to get something else developed that will help the plan.
Another way to view it is that we are going forward in a certain direction for a certain time, and then realize we just can’t do it, for whatever reason. It may be misdirected, or the timing may be off, or we may have to figure out a new way to get it done, or a new timetable to get it done.
A useful metaphor is that during these periods, it’s like you’re driving cross country, and hit a river. You realize there’s no bridge, and so you’ll need to construct a pontoon bridge you will need to cross the river. So you either have to go get the pontoon bridge, or you have to wait until someone else delivers it to you. In any case, you can’t cross the river until you have that crucial piece of equipment.
Uncanny Parallels to the Past 2 Mars Retrograde Periods
(Interestingly, I wrote this section 4 years ago when Mars was retrograde in early Aquarius and late Capricorn, and reprinted it 2 years ago when Mars was retrograde in Aries, because it was strangely the same in many ways.)I was asked in light of recent political developments (2018), how do I think Mars RX will play out? My opinion is that much that has been done will be undone, whether from the recent past or more distant past. That’s why there’s an unrest about past ways of doing things now used in dishonest ways, as well as many things being undone or redone.
Certainly there’s a lot of looking back on how things used to be done, with current developments destroying that memory forever. This is leading to a lot of internalized anger coming up in the general population. This deep seated anger in the population is also moved since what’s going on in the news is reminiscent of horrific images in collective consciousness (another RX phenomenon) of concentration camps. [This was written when the pictures of children in concentration camps were being broadcast in the news.]
Two years ago Mars RX manifested as an Executive Order issued on immigrants never could or would solve the problem and was overruled by a judge, who demanded the government reunite children and parents faster than they had. This is an example of how plans, actions, and what’s been done is subject to review.
The 2020 Mars retrograde in Aries dominated the two months before the US election. As I wrote then, obviously we can count on a lot of delayed lawsuits being filed in coming months! A lot that will happen will inflame animosities between Aries forces and Capricorn forces across the 12 zones of human experience.
In 2018, trade wars were announced during the period when Mars was slowing which were undone undone for some countries and some corporations during that Mars RX. The 2020 retrograde brought a lot of internalized anger to the fore, since millions of American lives have been ruined during the past administration. The entire nation became unstable due to the chaotic mismanagement of the government by the administration, from trade wars to dealing with the pandemic.
As I told you four years ago, I offered that “we may be coming into an era where everyone re-evaluates what they like and why they like it, what they're doing, how they're doing it, and if they should be doing it. Certainly many things will get bogged down these next few weeks, and whatever is or isn’t done or undone will be the source of future animus down the road…”
Now we’ve come to the 2022 Mars retrograde, and I have no doubt all of the above factors have been in play and will continue to be in play for this retrograde. We’ve already heard people state if they don’t win the coming election then it means the other side cheated, and there are already efforts across the nation to restrict voting, strip voter rolls, place hurdles which make voting difficult and more. Add the simmering resentment of millions of people who just had a fundamental right taken away and it’s easy to see many things will NOT be resolved in election 2022.
A Few Thoughts
During this time, be willing to slow down, take a different view of the pace and how to accomplish things. Remember there needs to be a solid plan before anything truly moves forward. Everything is subject to being slowed down, if not derailed, during a Mars retrograde. Remember that as we back up a railroad engine, we need to make sure we aren’t going so fast we run it off the rails!
Things began to slow down radically when Mars entered its shadow zone in early September. From now through mid-January is a good time for reworking or revising plans by seeing the essential nature or essential form of things and finding new approaches to how that can be offered to others as a “beautiful idea.” Plan anew with an eye to the future rather than the past.
Take a new look at recent conflicts and see how they were a product of repressed anger or resentments, or resulted from things which should have been said or done in the past but were postponed due to one or both being conflict averse. Take a new look at what’s happening, and slow down the cause and effect cycle. If things fall apart, it’s only so they can be picked up later on. Slow down and investigate how you want to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Free yourself from things that do not serve your best interests as they stand here and now.
I've known quite a few people with Mars RX in their chart, and when trained, they have a unique ability for getting behind others’ defenses, for good or evil. They are experts at drawing people out so they’re willing to let their guard down. I’ve seen it work as people telling them things they'd never tell anyone else. Like other peoples' inhibitions or passive push-pull somehow gets circumvented by Mars RX.
Those with a healthy Mars expression have been master mediators and counselors because they understand different ways to get to a goal. Those with a dysfunctional Mars sow destruction. Perhaps Mars retrograde periods are good for getting around roadblocks using different methods, or shutting down sources of anger and irritation and misguided bones of contention. Be alert to signs of passive aggression, since this also may need an indirect approach to diffuse the situation.
If Mars RX is good for circumventing internal defenses, it would imply that we can use these periods beneficially to get behind our own inhibitions to find things we might not discover during the times when Mars is direct. Take a look at how you are active or passive related to your desires, self-awareness, impulsiveness, and those things which push your buttons.
If you’re feeling frustrated, see the problem as something you internalized in the past that demands recognition now. See if your mind has set up defenses to justify desires that no longer fulfill you. If you experience disappointment, redirect energy to more profitable ends. Go slow as you find a new way to do your Being.
Find ways to redirect your desires and ambitions to those things that are more personally fulfilling. Be willing to relax into the different pace, take a look at other, different possibilities to explore, and learn to regenerate the inner source of your energy. This should be great for regenerating Chi, the vital force within all of us that keeps us alive and healthy.
Everyone is re-evaluating what they know and how to communicate it. Mars retrograde in Gemini can help us re-work our Aquarian expression so that new futures can open up when Jupiter transits Gemini between May 2024 and June 2025. If offered the chance, find a roundabout way to assist a group project. This is a time to step back from unhelpful mindsets and impatience.
Claim your power to move at your own pace, executing your plan to achieve your long term higher interests in a disciplined and patient way. We’re all redirecting to find greater ways to contribute to our world and make a better life. What we’re learning are valuable tools to use in the future through how we learn to re-focus our potential in the Gemini arena of life.
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson