by Robert Wilkinson
On October 27/28, Jupiter retrogrades out of Aries and moves back into the dream zone at the end of Pisces! This has important implications for all of us.
Because it’s retrograde, we continue our review of Jupiter’s shadow zone between 29 Pisces and 9 Aries. We now leave our Jupiter in Aries dress rehearsal for early 2023 and move into phase two of our global dream where we say goodbye to many things and dream what is to be. Because Jupiter will be in the last two degrees of Pisces through December 20 and Saturn will occupy 19-26 Aquarius through January and Uranus will occupy 15-18 Taurus, we have two powerful aspects going on.
Major Aspects of Jupiter in November, December, and January
Jupiter is in a forming waning semisquare to Uranus through early January. This is internal friction at the closing phase of a long wave cycle which began when Jupiter conjuncted Uranus three times in 2010 at 1 and 3 Aries and then 29 Pisces, and a last time in Jan 2011 at 28 Pisces. The waning semisquare in any phase is where the old form begins to disintegrate after the formation of the seed at the waning septile which is “encoded” with spiritual purpose at the waning novile. So this semisquare is a major point bringing forms in play these past 12 years to dis-integration.
Jupiter making a frictional aspect to Uranus brings a type of “edginess” to the larger atmosphere. It is internally rebellious and expresses it in erratic outer ways. I see the challenge as not exploding sideways and within when we need to formulate how to express it appropriately in outer ways. Pisces is about harvests, closure, and passages; Aries is about renewal as an individual in a new world of natural self-expression in constant movement.
We are told by Marc E. Jones that a frictional aspect between these planets may involve adjusting our “personal standards to opportunities that will open up to you, or seeing clearly where your own advantage lies in a particular situation,” and not to allow temperament to mess things up. We are told this has “tremendous driving power” when we get oriented, and focus our intensity to our desired ends.
The second aspect Jupiter makes is a waxing novile to Saturn through mid-January. This is associated with the emergent Aquarian 20 and 200 year period immediately ahead of us. The visionary Aquarian pulse was set into motion by Mars conjunct Saturn, and then Jupiter conjunct Saturn in 2020, and reinforced by Venus conjunct Mars at 1 Aquarius in March 2022. Saturn’s continued transit through Aquarius is crystallizing the Jupiter in Aquarius promise set into life in 2021.
Jupiter in Pisces and Aries has brought us to the second and third steps in the unfolding Aquarian vision. The waxing novile in any cycle deals with “the birth of realization” as we hit a point where the wisdom that’s been gestating reveals itself in some way. Jupiter is now bringing us spiritual realizations related to whatever Saturn is crystallizing of the emergent Aquarian energy.
Basically, whatever Jupiter dreamed in early May when it was at the end of Pisces is now being revisited with realizations to be found in the closures since then. While things have “cooked” since May, maybe as pure potential, once Jupiter goes direct in November then all we have waited for, all that has gestated since the Spring will rapidly develop into the major changes in motion in 2023!
Jupiter in late Pisces Completes our Dream of the Future
Jupiter will be on the degree of “dreaming the future” through November 12, and then sit at 29 Pisces going direct on November 23 minutes after the New Moon at 2 Sagittarius. It remains at 29 Pisces until December 3 when it again transits 30 Pisces, helping us shape the dream of the future as we prepare to leap forward when Jupiter again enters Aries on December 20. If you want to know more about the power of 30 Pisces to help us shape the future, please check out my article on the Sun being at the 30th degree of Pisces. Because 30 Pisces is the end of the zodiacal cycle closing the 360 phases of experience, Rudhyar says it's where we visualize the ideal we would become, and over time we will see that ideal made manifest in our lives.
In his Astrological Mandala he notes that this is related to our self-transformational ability that we cultivate through pouring our feelings and will into a visualized "mental image" aka "thought form." This projects that energy pattern into time as a "formula" for future developments on the mental, emotional, and physical levels of existence. You'll find more via the link to the Solar article.
The last decan of Pisces is ruled by Scorpio with an additional dose of Mars, so it’s about the death of the past at the end of a cycle with a push into the future. Let go, forgive much, cultivate compassion, and realize the long dead past is but a memory of a perception, while the newly dead past had to happen to clean out the detritus of old cycles fulfilled. We first experienced this during the first 10 days of May. Now we get to finish the dream.
Because Jupiter rules Pisces, it now is back in its home, no longer ruled by Mars. This is probably good, since Mars is going retrograde, and Jupiter in Pisces is already retrograde! This makes Jupiter more prominent, and when the inner planets transit Sagittarius, Jupiter will be the final dispositor and backdrop to how those intense oppositions manifest, especially given Mercury in Sagittarius will rule Mars in Gemini retrograde. Many things will end, despite the probability of a lot of confusion, contradictory statements, deflections and general fracturing. Remember too that while Jupiter is in Pisces it has a heavy influence on our natal Jupiter and any planets we have in late Pisces, late Gemini, late Virgo, and late Sagittarius, so search for the roles you want to play in the future you’ve glimpsed since May, and keep the momentum in your own hands.
A retrograde is a review of material we’ve already experienced when a planet is direct. This gives us a different angle of understanding, offering us new approaches, or a return of some sort directly related to the period of March, April, and early May. Take a new look at what you believe is the future, whether promised or in the making. Take a new look at the larger cycles of endings and beginnings in play in your life, and see how your late Pisces sector has expanded dramatically between March and May. We’re again learning about what we want to perpetuate on an individual and spiritual level.
So say a temporary “see you later” to the new initiatives of Aries and get ready for the renewed empathic depth feelings of Pisces. There are many realizations to be had via Saturn, and internal agitation related to another phase of clearing out our mind, exploring our discontent to see what needs some light and “fresh air,” leading to a burst of spiritual power in forms expressing our genius and spontaneity in enjoyable ways which keep us on track. By December we’ll see how the old answers can’t solve our new questions, preparing us for the next stage of “character building” in January so we can move forward with confidence in 2023.
I published an article about Jupiter in Pisces in May 2021 which you may want to revisit, since it outlines how Jupiter behaves in that sign, and how it can best manifest. For your reconsideration, Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022 – A Year of Expanding Our Ability to Feel All There Is to Feel.
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson